河北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2001, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (1): 80-84.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2001.01.020

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陆马蜂Polistes rothneyi grahmi Vecht 的筑巢行为与习性


  1. 河北大学 生命科学学院
  • 出版日期:2001-02-25 发布日期:2001-02-25
  • 基金资助:

Behaviour and Habit of Building Nest of Polistes rothneyi grahmi Vecht

YANG Xiao-feng,REN Guo-Dong   

  • Online:2001-02-25 Published:2001-02-25

摘要: 首次报道了陆马蜂(Polistes rothneyi grahmi Vecht)的蜂巢选址、建造过程、生态学适应性等重要生物 学特性,并对其筑巢行为进行了初步揭示.陆马蜂对建巢位置具 有一定的选择性,一般在蔽风、蔽光的树木上或窗檐下营巢;蜂巢以最初建造的4个巢室作 为中心,分别沿其连接处添加巢室,逐圈累积而成;蜂巢的形态结构是马蜂在长期生存竞争 中,与环境相适应,与筑巢、产卵、幼虫成长、化蛹等生命活动相协调,全面、整体进化的 结果:1)马蜂营巢的目的在于繁育后代,所以营巢过程要受繁育后代需要的影响,即产 卵、孵化、幼虫成长、化蛹过程的各种条件所需是巢室数量、巢室大小等的决定因素;2) 蜂巢的圆形,钹状构造及卵在巢中的附着位置体现了马蜂为增加生存机会而形成的对环境 的适应性.

关键词: 胡蜂科, 陆马蜂, 筑巢行为, 习性

Abstract: The Polistes rothneyi grahmi Vecht is reported about its biological characters in building nest for the first time,including aspects of locating,constructing,ec ological adaptation,nest-building behavior,etc. The Polistes rothneyi is selec tive in the location of its nest, trees and eaves sheltered from the wind and su nlight are the common selections; taking the first four cabinets as basis and co re, the Polistes rothneyi places new cabinets round and round, every cabinet is at the junction of other two cabinets; the shape and construction of the nest of Polistes rothneyi are resulted in the long struggle of survival, adapting to th e natural environment and coordinating with their living activities such as buil ding nests, laying eggs, growing of larvals, pupating, etc.:1) The building of the nest is for the sake of reproduction, so the need in reproduction has great effect on it, that is, the conditions in laying eggs, growing of larvals and pu pating determine the number and size of cabinets;2) The round-shaped, cymbal-li ke structure and the location of eggs in nests reflect the adaptation of surviva l.
