河北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2017, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 294-301.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.03.012

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  • 收稿日期:2016-12-06 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2017-05-25
  • 通讯作者: 康海燕(1971—),男,河北石家庄人,北京信息科技大学教授,博士,主要从事网络安全与隐私保护研究.E-mail:kanghaiyan@126.com
  • 作者简介:刘建昆(1990—),女,河北石家庄人,北京信息科技大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事物流信息安全方向研究. E-mail:1543627085@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Research on personalized privacy protection for express information

LIU Jiankun,KANG Haiyan   

  1. Department of Information Security, Beijing InformationScience and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China
  • Received:2016-12-06 Online:2017-05-25 Published:2017-05-25

摘要: 随着电子商务的高速发展,快递信息安全成为快递行业中面临的重要问题.目前,快递行业个人信息存在2种情况:一种是流通的快递单数据信息;另一种是快递数据库存储的数据信息(发布).针对后者的隐私信息泄露问题,提出了面向快递信息的个性化隐私保护方法.首先,在寄件时,客户选择敏感属性的敏感决策值;然后,快递企业根据敏感决策值计算敏感约束值;最后,根据敏感约束值对敏感属性进行概化处理.实验表明,相比于k-匿名方法,实现了个体选择隐私约束的权利,满足了个性化隐私保护需求,能够有效防止一致性攻击.

关键词: 快递信息, 隐私保护, k-匿名, 个性化

Abstract: With the rapid development of e-commerce,express information security has become an important issue.Currently,there are two kinds of personal information in the express industry,one stored in the express sheet,the other stored in the express database.The leakage problem of express database privacy information is discussed in the paper.This paper presents a method of personalized privacy protection for express information.First,in mailing,customers choose sensitive decision value.Then,according to the sensitive decision value express company calculates a sensitive constraint value.Finally,it generalizes the sensitive attribute based on the sensitive constraint values.Compared to the k-anonymous method,experiments here show that the method realizes the right of individuals to determine the privacy constraints,meet the needs of personalized privacy protection and effectively prevents the consistency of attacks.

Key words: express information, privacy protection, k-anonymity, personalized
