河北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 612-622.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.05.018

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  • 收稿日期:2021-01-15 出版日期:2021-09-25 发布日期:2021-09-28
  • 通讯作者: 孙洪吉(1987—)
  • 作者简介:刘秀玲(1977—),女,河北沧州人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事医工交叉领域的智能建模方法与控制研究.
    E-mail: liuxiuling121@hotmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of spike and LFP phase-locking distribution in rhesus monkeys with reach-grasp movement

LIU Xiuling1,2, GUO Tianxiang1,2, WANG Jie1,2, SUN Hongji3, XIONG Peng1,2   

  1. 1. College of Electronic Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering of Hebei Province, Baoding 071002, China; 3.Institute of Military Cognition and Brain Sciences, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 100850, China
  • Received:2021-01-15 Online:2021-09-25 Published:2021-09-28

摘要: 神经元动作电位(spike)的发放和局部场电位(local field potential,LFP)之间的锁相关系是重要的神经编码信息,但是目前的研究在连续运动过程中对锁相相位分布特征的分析仍比较缺乏.利用猕猴伸展抓握运动范式下的spike和LFP delta节律的锁相特性,分别在不同运动阶段,不同事件前后100 ms内,以及连续时间窗3种时间尺度下对M1、S1、PPC脑区的锁相相位分布变化进行了分析,实验发现在猕猴的连续运动中的不同阶段,spike和LFP的锁相相位分布具有不同的相位分布特点和相位分布峰值位置;对关键的事件TargetOn、CenterRelease、TargetHit发生前后各100 ms内的锁相相位分布进行分析,结果发现事件发生前后100 ms内的锁相相位分布具有显著差异性,锁相相位的峰值位置跟随时间增大;使用连续时间窗对运动中的锁相相位分布进行分析,结果表明锁相的相位分布在跟随时间变化,这种变化在CenterRelease事件发生前后更加剧烈,对相邻时间窗的均值差异分析表明伸手阶段内的锁相相位分布变化最为剧烈.对连续运动中不同的时间阶段锁相相位分布变化的分析所发现的规律,可以为解析大脑对运动过程中神经信息编码提供新的思路.

关键词: 峰电位, 局部场电位, delta节律, 锁相

Abstract: The phase-locking relationship between spike firing and local field potential(LFP)is an important neural coding information. However, the analysis of phase-locking distribution characteristics during continuous motion is still lacking.In this study, we used the phase-locking characteristics of spike and LFP delta rhythm in macaques with single-hand reach-to-grasping paradigm to analyze the phase-locking phase distribution in M1, S1 and PPC brain regions at different movement stages, at 100 ms before and after different events, and at continuous time bins.It was found that the phase-locking distribution of Spike and LFP had different phase distribution characteristics and peak position during different stages of continuous movement.In this paper, we analyzed the phase-locking phase distribution in the time bin of 100 ms before and after the occurrence of the key events TargetOn, CenterRelease and TargetHit. The results showed that the phase-locking distribution in the time bin of 100 ms before and after the occurrence of the event was significantly different, and the peak location of phase-locking increased with time.The continuous time bin was used to analyze the phase-locking phase distribution in motion, and the results showed that the phase-locking phase distribution changed with time, and this change became more dramatic before and after the CenterRelease event. Analysis of the mean difference of adjacent time bins showed that the phase-locking phase distribution changed most dramatically in the reaching stage.The regularity of the phase distribution of phase locking at different periods of time in continuous motion can provide a new way to interpret the neural information encoding in the process of motion.

Key words: spikes, local field potential, delta rhythm, phase-locking
