河北大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 690-697.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.009

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  • 发布日期:2021-12-08
  • 通讯作者: 刘新军(1989—)
  • 作者简介:王淑娟(1971—),女,河北石家庄人,河北省生态环境监测中心高级工程师,主要从事环境监测研究.
    E-mail: 37879343@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics and source apportionment of VOCs in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone in summer

WANG Shujuan1, LIU Xinjun1, ZHOU Bing1, WANG Peng1, MA Xuelin2, SU Wenkang2   

  1. 1. Hebei Province Ecology Environmental Monitoring Center, Shijiazhuang 050037, China; 2.Hebei Provincial Academy of Ecological Environmental Science, Shijiazhuang 050037, China
  • Published:2021-12-08

摘要: 对2019年夏季臭氧高峰期石家庄市高新区进行环境大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)罐采样及组分分析,开展VOCs污染特征、臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和来源解析研究.结果表明,观测期间VOCs体积分数为51.52×10-9,占比最高的为OVOCs,其次为烷烃、卤代烃,烯炔烃和芳香烃占比较小.首要物种以醛酮类和低碳烷烃为主.观测期间各类VOCs均有明显的周末效应,人类活动对VOCs排放有重要的影响.各类VOCs中,臭氧生成潜势最大的为OVOCs,占58%,烯炔烃占16%,芳香烃和烷烃分别占14%、11%.臭氧生成潜势最大组分为甲醛.利用正交矩阵因子法(PMF)源解析模型对VOCs来源进行解析,机动车尾气排放、区域背景源贡献均为24%,生物质燃烧贡献18%,溶剂使用贡献17%,工业排放源贡献9%,植物排放贡献8%.

关键词: 挥发性有机物, 源解析, 正交矩阵分析法, 石家庄

Abstract: Ambient volatile organic compounds(VOCs)samples were collected in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone during the summer of 2019. VOCs characteristics,the ozone formation potential(OFP)and source apportionment were analysed. The results showed that,the average concentration of VOCs in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone was 51.52×10-9 during the observation period. The highest proportion was OVOCs,followed by alkanes,halogenated hydrocarbons,olefinic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. The highest species are OVOCs and light alkanes. The weekend effect on the VOCs concentrations shows that VOCs concentrations are generally higher in the weekdays than in the weekends at the sampling site,suggesting that human activities have important impacts on the VOCs emissions in Shijiazhuang. OVOCs contribute largest OFP,which accounting for 58%. The highest species of OFP was formaldehyde. Finally,five potential sources of VOCs were quantified by positive matrix factorization(PMF)model,including traffic emissions(24%),regional background source(24%),usage of solvents(18%),solvent usage(17%),industrial emissions(9%)and plant emission(8%).

Key words: VOCs, source apportionment, PMF, Shijiazhuang
