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    25 July 2017, Volume 37 Issue 4
    Predictive method of emergency supplies demand based on multiple fuzzy linear regression model
    GUO Zixue, HAN Rui,QI Meiran
    2017, 37(4):  337-342.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.001
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    In order to improve the prediction accuracy, based on the characteristics of emergency supplies demand prediction, the symmetric triangle fuzzy numbers were introduced in this paper to describe fuzzy feature of effect factors of emergency demand.The emergency supplies demand prediction method based on multiple fuzzy linear regression model was proposed, the parameter estimation method of the proposed model was presented.Finally, a numerical example shows that the method is valid.The results show that the disaster level, the affected population and the damage area are important factors influencing the emergency supplies demand prediction.To deal with the uncertainty attribute in the process of predicting emergency demands, using the symmetric triangular fuzzy number to represent the fuzzy attributes can improve the accuracy of emergency supplies demand prediction.
    Global existence and blow up problem for a parabolic equations cross coupled terms
    XUE Yingzhen
    2017, 37(4):  343-348.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.002一类交叉耦合抛物方程组解的整体存在及爆破
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    In order to better describe the heat transfer process of three kinds of mixed substances, or the reaction of the reactants in the three chemical reactions,a class of three variable cross coupling with non parabolic equations of the whole existence of local source and non local boundary flow and the finite time blow up problem with breaking method for the solution of the first commonly used feature value structure are studied, and the structure of the equations of the upper and lower solutions by using the method of ordinary differential equation reference, comparison theorem, the proof obtained by local source power function and exponential function of parabolic equations and the sufficient conditions for global existence of solutions blow up in finite time degradation of non local sources of cross coupling, provide better support for the theory of heat transfer and chemical reaction problem.
    Finite element analysis of static bending fatigue life of the off-road vehicle transmission gear
    WANG Shuo,TIAN Jinyue,HE Shaohua
    2017, 37(4):  349-354.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.003
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    A finite element analysis software-ANSYS has been used to analyze the static strength of a helical gear pair of the off-road Vehicle transmission,which is based on the theoretical calculation of the transmission gear strength.Whether the strength of the transmission gear of meets the requirements could be verified by the finite element calculation of the static bending stress of the transmission gear.Combining FE-SAFE software to complete the analysis of gear fatigue life,and the fatigue life figure could obtaioed using ANSYS.Results show that the gear bending fatigue meets the requirements.
    Fabrication and thermoelectric properties of the SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3 /Au nanocomposite thin films
    GUO Shuang,FU Nian,WU Xiaolin, WANG Jianglong, WANG Shufang
    2017, 37(4):  355-359.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.004SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3/Au纳米复合薄膜的制备及热电性能
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    In this work, SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3/Au nanocomposite thin films were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition(PLD)method, and the effect of Au nanoparticles content on the thermoelectric properties of the films were investigated.With the increase of Au nanoparticles content, the electrical resistivity of the films increases due to the decreased carrier concentration and mobility.The absolute value of Seebeck coefficient of the films is also found to increase with the Au nanoparticles content, which is mainly caused by the increased carrier concentration and the carrier energy filtering effect of the interface barrier between Au and SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3.The film sample with Au nanoparticles content of 0.94% has the best power factor, indicating that the incorporation of a small amount of Au nanoparticles can improve the thermoelectric performance of SrTi0.8Nb0.2O3 thin films.
    Decay mechanism of the erbium-doped silicon-rich silicon oxide electroluminescence device
    ZHANG Huiyu, ZHAO Jing, GUO Qiang,LIU Haixu, DING Wenge
    2017, 37(4):  360-363.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.005掺铒富硅氧化硅发光器件电致发光衰减机制
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    The metal insulator semicsnductor light emitting diod(MIS-LED)with the erbium-doped silicom-rich silicom oxide was fabricated by radio frequency co-sputtering combined with post-annealing technique.The luminescence and electrical properties of the device were characterized by electroluminescence(EL)spectra and current-voltage measurement.Carrier transport and charge trapping mechanisms of the LEDs with different excess silicon content were investigated.Excitation and quenching mechanisms of the electroluminescence from erbium ions in the device were also studied and explained.The results indicated that, with the excess silicon in the MIS-LEDs, the conduction of carriers transform from Fowler-Nordheim tunneling to hopping conduction and the quenching of the EL can be attributed to the energy reduction of the injected electrons and the lowered excitation efficiency of the erbium ions.In addition, the Auger effect induced by charge trapping would also account for the nonradiative recombination processes.
    Zinc promoted alkylation of olefins with hydrogen
    WAN Xiaolong, CHEN Yanchi, SUN Yuren, QIAN Qun
    2017, 37(4):  364-368.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.006锌促进的烯烃氢烷基化反应
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    The construction of the quaternary carbon center has been a difficult and hot issue in organic synthesis.In particular, the synthesis of quaternary carbon center by the formation of the intermolecular C(sp3)—C(sp3)bond with cheap tert-alkyl bromides is rarely reported.Recently, our group reported that nickel-catalyzed reductive coupling of aryl bromides with tertiary alkyl halides.Based on this, we proposed that using cheap reductive metal as a free radical initiator, mediated the formation of tertiary carbon free radicals from tert-alkyl bromides, and then the free radical captured by olefin to build C(sp3)—C(sp3)bond quaternary carbon center efficiently.Herein, we report the application of this strategy in constructing quaternary carbon center by Zn powder mediated reductive coupling reaction.
    Optimization of ultrasound extraction technology with acid of emodin from herba dianthi by response surface methodology
    YANG Xiaoyu, LI Cheng, MA Siyue, LI Jianheng
    2017, 37(4):  369-377.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.007Box-Behnken法优化加酸超声
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    Response surface methodology was used to optimize the optimal ultrasound extraction technology of emodin from herba dianthi.With the amount of extraction of emodin as an indicator, single-factor test was used to investigate the effect of ethanol volume fraction, solid-liquid ratio, ultrasound time, temperature, mass fraction of hydrochloric acid and dosage on the amount of extraction of emodin.The results were combined with Box-Benhken design of design-expert software and response surface analysis to optimize the technology parameters for extraction process of herba dianthi, and compare with extraction technology of emodin from Polygonum cuspidatum in the Pharmacopoeia.Obtain the optimal ultrasound extraction technology under the following conditions: liquid- solid ratio was 61, 40 ℃,30 min, hydrochloric acid mass fraction 8%, 1 mL.Ultrasound extraction technology of emodin by response surface methodology is time-saving, stable, and the amount of extraction is higher than condensation reflux method.It’s provide theoretical basis for quality evaluation of Dianthus superbus.
    Preparation and microstructure control of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays
    QIU Mande, HAN Qingjiao, CUI Yanlong, NIU Miao, YANG Pan
    2017, 37(4):  378-385.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.008锐钛型TiO2纳米管阵列的制备及微结构调控
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    In this paper, TiO2 nanotube arrays were prepared by anodic oxidation method in HF aqueous solution.The influencing of the parameters for the phase composition and miscrostructure of titania nanotube arrays on the titanium surface were systematicdly studied, such as oxidation voltage, oxidation time, electrolyte concentration, pH value and annealing temperature.The main and secondary factors of the preparation of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays with regularity, uniformity and microstructure were discussed.The results show that: the oxidation voltage and pH value are the determining factors for the formation and regularity of TiO2 nanotube arrays.Smaller pH value is beneficial to the preparation of TiO2 nanotube arrays in a short time, but TiO2 nanotubes tend to fall off the surface of the substrate, which affects the integrity and uniformity of the nanotube arrays.When the oxidation voltage is 15~25 V and the pH value is 4~6, the regulation of microstructure of TiO2 nanotube arrays can be realized.The length, diameter and wall thickness of TiO2 nanotube are mainly affected by the oxidation time and electrolyte concentration.If the range is proper, the microstructure can be controlled by tiny changes.The- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.008锐钛型TiO2纳米管阵列的制备及微结构调控仇满德,韩庆娇,崔炎龙,牛苗,杨盼(河北大学 化学与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:采用阳极氧化法,系统考察了HF体系中氧化电压、氧化时间、质量分数、pH值和退火温度等对钛基表面二氧化钛纳米管阵列形成过程中物相和微观形貌的影响,探讨了制备规整性、均一性及微结构可控的二氧化钛纳米管阵列的主要和次要因素.研究结果表明:氧化电压、pH值是决定TiO2纳米管阵列是否形成与规整性的决定因素.较小的pH值虽然有利于在较短的时间内制备TiO2纳米管阵列,但容易导致基体表面TiO2纳米管脱落,影响纳米管阵列的完整性和均一性.氧化电压在15~25 V,pH值为4~6内可以实现TiO2纳米管阵列的微结构调控.氧化时间、电解液浓度主要影响TiO2纳米管的管长、管径、管壁厚度, 只要在合适的范围内可以通过微小的改变,实现微结构的调控.退火温度决定了TiO2的晶相转变,不同的退火温度对TiO2纳米管的管径、管壁、规整性、均一性影响较小,过快的升温和较高的温度不利于锐钛型TiO2纳米管的形成,可以实现在较低温度下的晶相转化.关键词:阳极氧化法;二氧化钛纳米管;制备;微结构调控中图分类号:O614 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2017)04-0378-08Preparation and microstructure control oftitanium dioxide nanotube arraysQIU Mande, HAN Qingjiao, CUI Yanlong, NIU Miao, YANG Pan(College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In this paper, TiO2 nanotube arrays were prepared by anodic oxidation method in HF aqueous solution.The influencing of the parameters for the phase composition and miscrostructure of titania nanotube arrays on the titanium surface were systematicdly studied, such as oxidation voltage, oxidation time, electrolyte concentration, pH value and annealing temperature.The main and secondary factors of the preparation of titanium dioxide nanotube arrays with regularity, uniformity and microstructure were discussed.The results show that: the oxidation voltage and pH value are the determining factors for the formation and regularity of TiO2 nanotube arrays.Smaller pH value is beneficial to the preparation of TiO2 nanotube arrays in a short time, but TiO2 nanotubes tend to fall off the surface of the substrate, which affects the integrity and uniformity of the nanotube arrays.When the oxidation voltage is 15~25 V and the pH value is 4~6, the regulation of microstructure of TiO2 nanotube arrays can be realized.The length, diameter and wall thickness of TiO2 nanotube are mainly affected by the oxidation time and electrolyte concentration.If the range is proper, the microstructure can be controlled by tiny changes.The- 收稿日期:2016-12-21 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21376060);河北省科技厅支撑计划资助项目(10276732) 第一作者:仇满德(1964—),男,河北石家庄人,河北大学副教授,主要从事功能材料的制备及微分析研究.E-mail:hbuqmd@sina.cn第4期仇满德等:锐钛型TiO2纳米管阵列的制备及微结构调控annealing temperature determines the crystal phase transition of TiO2.Different annealing temperature has little effect on the diameter, wall, regularity and uniformity of TiO2 nanotubes.Rapid heatins and high temperature were not beneficial to the formation of anatase TiO2 nanotubes.The transition of crystal phase can be realized at a lower temperature.
    Ultrasonic assisted synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives in water
    YIN Xiaogang,WU Xiaoyun,WANG Ye,CHEN Zhiming,CHEN Zhuo
    2017, 37(4):  386-392.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.009
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    Using the aromatic aldehydes,ethyl acetoacetate(acetylacetonate)and ammonium bicarbonate as raw materials,under ultrasonic condition,montmorillonite/Lewis acid catalysis the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives was performed.The effects of the reaction temperature,reaction time,solvent,catalyst and nitrogen source were investigated by single factor screening.Reaction was found to proceed smoothly in aqueous solution at a reaction temperature of 80 ℃,and ultrasonic time 15min.The molar ratio of aromatic aldehyde,ethyl acetoacetate and bicarbonate ammonium molar ratio of 1.2∶2.0∶1.0.Catalyst is immobilized aluminum chloride catalyst in an amount of 10%(molar ratio of aldehyde).Under optimal conditions,the synthesis of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives yield up to 93.7%.With the catalyst recycled three times,the production yield was still up to 85.9%.The product was characterized by IR,NMR,melting point.Compared with the conventional synthesis method,ultrasonic method is simple,high yield,rapid,showing potential applications.
    In vitro study on antimicrobial activity of new water-soluble porphyrin photosensitizers
    ZHAO Zhanjuan,GENG Wenyi,FAN Ziyu,HONG Ge,LIU Tianjun
    2017, 37(4):  393-399.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.010新型水溶性卟啉类光敏剂的体外抗菌作用
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    The aim of this study is to investigate the photodynamic antibacterial activity of new porphyrin-based photosensitizers, and provide the experimental basis for the application of photodynamic antibacterial in clinic.Three strains were cultured in vitro MRSA, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively,and the uptake of five compounds(PA1—PA5)by three bacteria was tested.The light reaction and dark reaction concentration curves of the PA1—PA5 against three bacteria were determined by colony counting method, and laser confocal microscopy was used to detect bacterial phagocytosis of photosensitizers.All of the five porphyrins had relatively slow photobleaching rate and strong singlet-state generation ability.The results of laser confocal microscopy also showed that the three types of bacteria- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.010新型水溶性卟啉类光敏剂的体外抗菌作用赵占娟1,耿文一2,樊紫瑜1,洪阁3,刘天军3(1.河北大学 医学院,河北 保定 071002;2.暨南大学 医学院, 广东 广州 510632;3.中国医学科学院 生物医学工程研究所,天津市生物医学材料重点实验室,天津 300192)摘 要:为了探讨新型卟啉类光敏剂光动力体外灭菌的活性,体外培养了抗药性金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)、大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)3种菌株,分别检测3种细菌对5种卟啉化合物(PA1—PA5)的吸收量,菌落计数法检测PA1—PA5对3种细菌的光反应、暗反应浓度曲线;激光共聚焦显微镜检测细菌吞噬光敏剂的情况.结果发现,5种卟啉类化合物均具有较缓慢的光漂白率和较强的单线态氧产生能力.激光共聚焦显微镜的检测结果也表明,3类菌株可以选择性地吸收化合物PA1—PA5.相比于其他4种光敏剂,PA1表现出明显的杀菌性能,当PA1浓度增加为31.25 μmol/L时,光照PA1对3种细菌的灭活率达100%.PA1对3种细菌的光动力灭菌效果最好,未来具有良好的使用前景.关键词:光动力抗菌化学疗法;创伤感染;光敏剂;卟啉衍生物中图分类号:O43;Q631;R641 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2017)04-0393-07In vitro study on antimicrobial activity of newwater-soluble porphyrin photosensitizersZHAO Zhanjuan1,GENG Wenyi2,FAN Ziyu1,HONG Ge3,LIU Tianjun3(1.Medical College, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2.Medical College, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;3.Key Laboratory of Biomedical Mater of Tianjin,Institute of BiomedicalEngineering, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Tianjin 300192,China)Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the photodynamic antibacterial activity of new porphyrin-based photosensitizers, and provide the experimental basis for the application of photodynamic antibacterial in clinic.Three strains were cultured in vitro MRSA, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively,and the uptake of five compounds(PA1—PA5)by three bacteria was tested.The light reaction and dark reaction concentration curves of the PA1—PA5 against three bacteria were determined by colony counting method, and laser confocal microscopy was used to detect bacterial phagocytosis of photosensitizers.All of the five porphyrins had relatively slow photobleaching rate and strong singlet-state generation ability.The results of laser confocal microscopy also showed that the three types of bacteria- 收稿日期:2016-09-02 基金项目:河北大学医学学科建设项目(2015A2001);中西部高校综合实力提升工程专项经费;天津市生物医学材料重点实验室开放性课题 第一作者:赵占娟(1974—),女,河北博野人,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事激光医学研究.E-mail: zhaozhanjuanv@163.com 通信作者:刘天军(1965—),男,河南辉县人,中国医学科学院生物医学工程研究所研究员,博士生导师,主要从事分子设计方面的研究.E-mail:liutianjun@hotmail.com第4期赵占娟等:新型水溶性卟啉类光敏剂的体外抗菌作用were selective for the uptake of PA1—PA5.PA1 showed significant bactericidal properties compared to the other four photosensitizers.With irradiation PA1 on three bacteria,the inactivation rate was 100%,when the concentration was increased to 31.25 μmol/L.PA1 as a new type of antibacterial photosensitizer shows a broad prospect as it shows the best effect on photodynamic sterilization of three bacteria.
    Composition of the intestinal bacteria and their cellulase characterization in Cathaica fasciola
    CHANG Yanping, TIAN Qifan, GUO Xin, LI Yanqin, YAN Leilei, LI Chunqing
    2017, 37(4):  400-404.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.011蜗牛肠道细菌及其纤维素酶性质
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    In order to explore the functional microorganism, the intestinal culturable microflora in Cathaica fasciola were screened and cultured by several kinds of culture media, and the cellulase activity of the isolated bacteria and the characteristics of the crude cellulase that produced by strain S6 was studied.The results showed that the largest number of intestinal bacteria was up to 3.3×104 CFU/mL in LB medium.Congo red staining showed that all the 7 dominant bacteria had the ability to secrete cellulase.The strain S6 had highest CMCase and FPase values of 5.96 and 2.84 U/mL, respectively.The CMCase characterization revealed that, the optimum reaction temperature was 35 ℃, the cellulose kept its high activity from 55 ℃to 75 ℃.The crude enzyme still had 60% of the highest obvious activation function at pH 8.0.Mg2+、Na+、K+and Ca2+ had enhancing effect, and Zn2+、Cu2+ and Mn2+ had inhibitory action.To research the composition of the snail intestinal bacteria and separate high-yield cellulase strains is a new way for the cellulose biodegradation into renewable energy.
    A dynamic and comprehensive quantitative scoring method of vulnerability severity
    GAO Ni, HE Yiyue, CHANG Yanshuo, WANG Mengyang
    2017, 37(4):  405-410.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.012脆弱性严重性动态综合量化评估方法
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    The vulnerability severity evaluation is rarely considered the dynamic indicator with changing time in the CVSS method, so the paper proposes a method of dynamic vulnerability severity assessment(DVSA).The code exploitability and the patch remediation level of dynamical indexes are introduced based on the CVSS score.Three vulnerability indexes, such as the safety influence attribute, the static vulnerability exploitability attribute and the dynamic vulnerability exploitability attribute, are selected and quantified.The vulnerability severity is evaluated with values from 0 to 10 by using the DVSA method, which can divide vulnerability severity rank into three levels: high, moderate and low.Experimental results showed that this method can more precisely distinguish the difference between vulnerabilities, and improve the diversity and accuracy of the vulnerability severity evaluation.
    Face recognition based on BOW and SURF local features
    LIU Cuixiang, LI Min, ZHANG Fenglin
    2017, 37(4):  411-418.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.013基于词包模型和SURF局部特征的人脸识别
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    To overcome the limitations of traditional face recognition methods for real-time, a face recognition method which based on speed up robust features and bag-of-word model was proposed.Image after preprocessing, we used SURF to extract key points of images and corresponding feature descriptors automatically.Further, bag-of word model was used to code the descriptors into visual words as local features of the face.Finally, K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm was adopted to recognize the human faces.The proposed method is validated with both CMU-PIE dataset and dataset collected in the laboratory.It can achieve 97.5% and 99.3% recognition rates on these two datasets, respectively.In average, it took less than 0.108 s for feature extraction and less than 0.017 s for matching.The results indicate that the proposed method not only precise moreover fast, and had better stability and effectiveness.
    Model and simulation for hybrid electric vehicle based on bond graph
    WANG Tao, WANG Kai, LIN Chiufeng, CHUANG Tsunghsien,LI Zhiyuan
    2017, 37(4):  419-425.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.014基于键合图的混合动力汽车建模与仿真
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    In this paper, the hybrid system is studied based on an inverse differential gear power coupling mechanism, which combines the motor’s good performance at the low speed and low noise with the engine’s good performance at high-speed and energy supply chain integrity.According to power and speed demanded under different driving conditions, energy management modes of the hybrid system are planned.Hybrid cooperation power output mode is focused in this paper.The vehicle dynamics model of hybrid cooperation mode is built by power bond graph theory and its dynamic equations are derived.Then Matab is applied for programming and simulation.The simulation results show that the hybrid power system with an inverse differential gear power coupling mechanism is able to meet the need of the rear wheel output power and enhances the vehicle dynamic and reduces fuel consumption and pollution emissions, by- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.014基于键合图的混合动力汽车建模与仿真王涛1,王凯2,林秋丰3,庄宗宪3,李志远1(1.河北大学 质量技术监督学院,河北 保定 071000; 2.河北工程大学 机械与装备工程学院,河北 邯郸 056000; 3.屏东科技大学 车辆工程系,台湾 屏东 000912)摘 要:针对一套应用逆向差速器作为动力耦合机构的混合动力系统进行了研究,该系统结合了电机低速性能佳、低噪音的优点与发动机高速性能佳、能源供应链完整的特点,依据车辆在不同行驶工况下的功率需求以及驾驶员的不同车速需求,规划了混合动力系统的能量管理模式.本文重点分析了混动模式下的运动情形,采用功率键合图方法进行建模并推导其系统动态方程式,应用Matab进行仿真.仿真结果显示:依据BSFC将发动机设置在最佳经济转速内运行,控制HEV各动力组件的动态参数在高效率范围内运行,逆向差速器动力耦合机构满足车辆后轮需求功率,可实现低污染、低能耗的目标;应用功率键合图方法可准确地模拟车辆在NEDC2000行车模式下发动机、电机/发电机的性能变化曲线,该方法在混合动力驱动系统中多能量耦合的动态建模具有一定的优势.关键词:逆向差速器;混合车辆动力系统;键合图;建模;仿真中图分类号:U461 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2017)04-0419-07Model and simulation for hybrid electric vehicle based on bond graphWANG Tao1, WANG Kai2, LIN Chiufeng3, CHUANG Tsunghsien3,LI Zhiyuan1(1.School of Quality Technology Supervisor, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China; 2.College ofMechanical and Equipment Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan 056000, China; 3.Schoolof Engineering, Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung 000912, China)Abstract: In this paper, the hybrid system is studied based on an inverse differential gear power coupling mechanism, which combines the motor’s good performance at the low speed and low noise with the engine’s good performance at high-speed and energy supply chain integrity.According to power and speed demanded under different driving conditions, energy management modes of the hybrid system are planned.Hybrid cooperation power output mode is focused in this paper.The vehicle dynamics model of hybrid cooperation mode is built by power bond graph theory and its dynamic equations are derived.Then Matab is applied for programming and simulation.The simulation results show that the hybrid power system with an inverse differential gear power coupling mechanism is able to meet the need of the rear wheel output power and enhances the vehicle dynamic and reduces fuel consumption and pollution emissions, by- 收稿日期:2016-05-16 基金项目:河北省科技支撑计划资助项目(13214412);河北省教育厅高等学校青年基金项目(E2011206);河北省人社厅留学人员科技活动重点项目(2012121603);河北大学青年教师基金项目(2010208;2011-42). 第一作者:王涛(1982—),男,山东泰安人,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事新能源汽车关键技术研究.E-mail: taowangustbntu@sohu.com 通信作者:林秋丰(1964—),男,台湾屏东人,“国立”屏东科技大学教授,博士,主要从事混合动力汽车技术研究.E-mail: chiufeng@mail.npust.edu.tw第4期王涛等:基于键合图的混合动力汽车建模与仿真fixing the engine in the current operating points to continue to run efficiently and controlling the dynamic parameters of the components of the entire hybrid system.Power bond graph method can accurately simulate the change performance curved lines of the vehicle engine and the motor/generator in NEDC2000 driving mode.Therefore, this method has a certain advantages for dynamic modeling of multiple energy coupling of the hybrid drive system.
    Analysis of the effectiveness of machine learning model in predicting the risk of inmates
    MA Guofu,WANG Zixian,MA Shengli
    2017, 37(4):  426-433.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.015机器学习模型在预测服刑人员
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    By analyzing the current situation of risk assessment of inmate at home and abroad, we find that the adaptability and accuracy of the traditional risk assessment tool of inmate based on the scale is being in creasingly challenged.However,the machine learning model driven by the data and parameter can be self learning,so as to continuously improve the applicability and accuracy of the model.Firstly, the paper introduces the four common machine learning models of LR, CART, CHAID and MLPNN; then,using the 2004 survey of inmates in state and federal correctional facilities(SISFCF)as the data source, the four models were evaluated by the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, AUC and other evaluating indicators;finally, the predictive ability of the four models are compared.
    Procreative growth for Coprinus comatus based on Typha crumbs
    WANG Qian, QI Yuege, FU Jingxuan
    2017, 37(4):  434-439.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.016香蒲基质下鸡腿菇的生殖生长条件
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    In order to expand of Typha resource utilization and solve the problem of ecological environment pollution.Through Coprinus comatus cultivation with Typha, Typha resources get the development and exploitation.Through the study of the composition of Typha sawdust, and the screening of the suitable varieties of Coprinus comatus in the Typha sawdust cultivation medium, it is concluded that Coprinus comatus No.1 is the optimum variety.The cultivation medium was optimized.The results show that the optimum cultivation formula of Coprinus comatus No.1: Typha sawdust 63%, corn cob 20%, bran 15%, lime 2%.The biological efficiency is 93.02%.
    Investigation and analysis of seed plants resources in Baiyangdian wetland
    ZHENG Zhixin, CHEN Xue, LUO Xuejing, ZHANG Fengjuan
    2017, 37(4):  440-448.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2017.04.017白洋淀湿地种子植物资源调查分析
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    In order to effectively protect and utilize the seed plant resources in Baiyangdian wetland,a comprehensive investigation of seed plant species was conducted in this everglade from 2013 to 2015.Plant species, distribution and diversity were investigated.The results showed that there are 371 species of seed plants belonging to 223 genera and 72 families, among which 369 angiosperm species belonged to 221 genera and 71 families, and 2 gymnosperm species belonged to 2 genera and 1 family.Along with the rapid development of social economy and increasing human activities, the biodiversity was facing more and more serious threats.Aquatic plant species and community biomass significantly decreased.There were only 39 species found and 9 species lost compared with the records in 1990s.There were also 23 exotic species accounting for 6.20% of the total seed plant species and 16 native wild species under special provincial protection in Hebei, among which one was Class-Ⅱ state-protected.Generally speaking, Baiyangdian mainly consisted of temperate, widespread and tropical areal-types, which was a typical representative of the flora in the northern area of China.