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    25 September 2024, Volume 44 Issue 5
    Prediction of pavement BPN value based on RIOHTrack full-scale test track
    WU Jiangfeng, WANG Xudong, GUAN Wei, XIAO Qian
    2024, 44(5):  449-458.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.001
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    The pavement skid resistance performance index is one of the important indexes to ensure driving safety. Based on the test data of RIOHTrack full-scale test track, this paper selects 357 sets of test data of four structures as input variables, including STR2, STR4, STR9 and STR16. The three influence factors of temperature at pavement surface, equivalent single axle load times(ESALs)and pavement abrasion frequency as input variables, while the british pendulum number(BPN)was taken as output variable. The visualized and implicit prediction model of BPN value are constructed by using group data as samples. The 300 groups of data is taken as training samples, while the 57 groups of data is taken as the verifying samples. Based on the assumption that temperature has a certain influence range on the skid resistance performance of asphalt pavement, the visualized prediction model of BPN value is constructed. The correlation coefficient(R2)of this model is 0.625, while the average relative error is 10.227%. At the- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.001足尺试验环道路面摆值变化趋势预测吴将丰,王旭东,关伟,肖倩(交通运输部公路科学研究院 基础研究创新中心,北京 100088)摘 要:路面抗滑性能是路面使用性能的重要指标之一,是行车安全性的重要保障.依托RIOHTrack足尺试验环道的检测数据,选用足尺试验环道STR2、STR4、STR9和STR16 4种结构的357组路面抗滑性能检测数据,采用路面温度、累计标准轴载作用次数和路面磨耗次数3个主要影响因素作为自变量,路面摆值(BPN)指标作为因变量,选用300组检测数据作为训练样本,其余57组数据作为验证样本,构建了BPN的显示化和隐式化预测模型.基于温度对沥青路面抗滑性能具备一定影响范围的假定,构建了路面摆值的显示化预测模型,其模型的相关系数(R2)为0.625,模型预测平均相对误差为10.227%.同时,采用不同的隐含层神经元和训练函数,构建了BP神经网络预测模型(隐式化预测模型),模型的BPN预测值和真实值基本吻合,变化趋势一致,平均相对误差为4.484%.研究提高了路面抗滑性能指标预测的有效性和准确性,不同预测模型具备不同的应用前景,为路面抗滑性能的预测分析提供了参考和依据.关键词:路面抗滑性能;BP神经网络;足尺试验环道;预测模型中图分类号:U416.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0449-10Prediction of pavement BPN value based on RIOHTrack full-scale test trackWU Jiangfeng, WANG Xudong, GUAN Wei, XIAO Qian(Fundamental Research Innovation Center, Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100088, China)Abstract: The pavement skid resistance performance index is one of the important indexes to ensure driving safety. Based on the test data of RIOHTrack full-scale test track, this paper selects 357 sets of test data of four structures as input variables, including STR2, STR4, STR9 and STR16. The three influence factors of temperature at pavement surface, equivalent single axle load times(ESALs)and pavement abrasion frequency as input variables, while the british pendulum number(BPN)was taken as output variable. The visualized and implicit prediction model of BPN value are constructed by using group data as samples. The 300 groups of data is taken as training samples, while the 57 groups of data is taken as the verifying samples. Based on the assumption that temperature has a certain influence range on the skid resistance performance of asphalt pavement, the visualized prediction model of BPN value is constructed. The correlation coefficient(R2)of this model is 0.625, while the average relative error is 10.227%. At the- 收稿日期:2023-10-20;修回日期:2023-11-21 基金项目:科技基础资源调查专项资助项目(2022FY101400);交通运输部公路科学研究院交通强国试点攻关项目(QG2021-1-1) 第一作者:吴将丰(1988—),男,交通运输部公路科学研究所助理研究员,主要从事沥青路面长期服役性能研究.E-mail:jiangfeng.wu@rioh.cn 通信作者:王旭东(1968—),男,交通运输部公路科学研究所研究员,主要从事长寿命沥青路面结构与材料设计与建造技术的研究.E-mail:xd.wang@rioh.cn 第5期吴将丰等:足尺试验环道路面摆值变化趋势预测河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷same time, different hidden layer neurons and training functions are adopted to construct BP neural network prediction model of BPN value. The predicted BPN value is basically consistent with the test value while the average relative error is 4.484%. Different prediction models have different application prospects. It improves the effectiveness and accuracy of pavement skid resistance performance index prediction, which provides reference for pavement skid resistance performance detection and analysis.
    Finite element model of asphalt pavement based on RIOHTrack full-scale test track
    LI Qian, CHEN Yuelin, LIU Xu, XING Yueran
    2024, 44(5):  459-466.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.002
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    The development of finite element technology makes it possible to elaborate the simulation calculation of pavement structure, but there is no unified conclusion on how to establish the finite element model in accordance with the reality by software. Based on this, the finite element models of three typical asphalt pavement structures on full-scale test track were established by using the large general finite element software ABAQUS, and the influences of model size, boundary conditions, load forms, mesh division and other parameters on the mechanical response results of pavement were studied. The theoretical values obtained by BISAR software were compared with the results by ABAQUS. The reasonable finite element modeling method and parameters are determined to provide modeling basis for the subsequent in-depth finite element analysis of asphalt pavement structure.
    Effect of discharge parameters on the characteristics of hollow cathode discharge in oxygen
    GUAN Jingbo, QIAO Yinyin, ZHAO Lifen, HE Shoujie
    2024, 44(5):  467-476.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.003
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    In order to explore the effect of discharge parameters on the discharge characteristics of hollow cathode in oxygen, the hollow cathode discharge in oxygen is simulated by using a fluid model. The discharge process contains 11 particles and 48 reactions. The effects of pressure and voltage on discharge characteristics such as electric potential, electric field, average electron energy, and particle density are investigated. The results show that pressure and voltage have important effects on plasma parameters in discharge. With the increase of pressure, the area of the negative glow region expands, the radial electric field in the cathode sheath increases, the peak average electron energy in the cathode sheath decreases, the hollow cathode effect weakens, the peak density of electrons,O+2 ions,active particles O,O2(a1Δg),O(1D)increases. The change of three active particles in the negative glow region exhibit different trends of change with pressure. The proportion of electrons in negative particles increases with increasing of pressure. As the voltage increases, the negative glow region gradually separates, the electric field intensity- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.003放电参数对氧气空心阴极放电特性的影响管静博,乔音音,赵立芬,何寿杰(河北大学 物理科学与技术学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为了探究放电参数对氧气环境下空心阴极放电特性的影响,本文采用流体模型对氧气环境下的空心阴极放电进行了模拟研究.放电过程中包含11种粒子和48种反应,分析了气压、电压对电势、电场强度、平均电子能量、粒子密度等放电特性的影响.研究表明,气压和电压对放电中的等离子体参量具有重要影响.随着气压的升高,负辉区面积增大,阴极位降区径向电场强度增强,阴极位降区电子平均能量峰值降低,空心阴极效应减弱;电子和O+2离子密度峰值升高,电子在负粒子中所占比重增加;活性粒子O、O2(a1Δg)和O(1D)密度峰值升高,负辉区内3种活性粒子随气压变化规律不同.随着电压的升高,阴极所对应负辉区逐渐分离,阴极位降区电场强度和电子能量增长,电子和O+2 离子密度峰值以及电子在负粒子中所占比重逐步升高,密度峰值逐渐分离,空心阴极效应减弱;放电区间的活性粒子密度升高.结果同时表明电压对空心阴极效应的影响要弱于气压的影响.关键词:空心阴极放电;氧气放电;数值模拟;气压和电压中图分类号:O531 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0467-10Effect of discharge parameters on the characteristics of hollow cathode discharge in oxygenGUAN Jingbo, QIAO Yinyin, ZHAO Lifen, HE Shoujie(College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In order to explore the effect of discharge parameters on the discharge characteristics of hollow cathode in oxygen, the hollow cathode discharge in oxygen is simulated by using a fluid model. The discharge process contains 11 particles and 48 reactions. The effects of pressure and voltage on discharge characteristics such as electric potential, electric field, average electron energy, and particle density are investigated. The results show that pressure and voltage have important effects on plasma parameters in discharge. With the increase of pressure, the area of the negative glow region expands, the radial electric field in the cathode sheath increases, the peak average electron energy in the cathode sheath decreases, the hollow cathode effect weakens, the peak density of electrons,O+2 ions,active particles O,O2(a1Δg),O(1D)increases. The change of three active particles in the negative glow region exhibit different trends of change with pressure. The proportion of electrons in negative particles increases with increasing of pressure. As the voltage increases, the negative glow region gradually separates, the electric field intensity- 收稿日期:2023-07-18;修回日期:2023-09-19 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U23A20678);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2021201037;E2022201057); 河北大学大学生创新创业训练项目(2023122) 第一作者:管静博(1999—),男,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事空心阴极放电方向研究.E-mail:2023244295@qq.com 通信作者:何寿杰(1979—),男,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事气体放电方向研究.E-mail:heshouj@hbu.edu.cn第5期管静博等:放电参数对氧气空心阴极放电特性的影响河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷and electron energy in the cathode sheath increases. The peak density of electrons and O+2 ions, the proportion of electrons in negative particles gradually increases, the density peak gradually separates, the hollow cathode effect weakens. The active particles also increase with pressure. The results also indicate that the influence of voltage on the hollow cathode effect is weaker than that of pressure.
    Fabrication of the c-axis inclined BiCuTeO thin films and its application in pulsed light detection
    LIU Shuoyun, LUO Yipeng, ZHANG Xiao, YAN Guoying
    2024, 44(5):  477-482.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.004
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    BiCuTeO has garnered significant attention as a promising P-type thermoelectric material in recent years. In this study, c-axis inclined BiCuTeO thin films were prepared on LaAlO3 single crystal substrates using the pulsed laser deposition technique. The influence of deposition temperature on the crystal structure and surface topography was studied, and the light induced transverse thermoelectric effect of the films was investigated. The film grown at 380 ℃ exhibited superior crystal quality. Upon the irradiation of a 308 nm pulsed laser, voltage signals with a sensitivity of 9.5 V/mJ and a rise time of 68 ns were detected. Importantly, this sensitivity surpasses that of BiCuSeO and several other materials studied in terms of transverse thermoelectric effect, thereby highlighting the substantial potential of this film for high-sensitivity and fast-response pulsed light detection applications.
    Effects of brain peptides on 5-hydroxytryptamine system and intestinal flora in PCPA induced sleep disorder mice
    HUANG Xinran, WANG Linna, DAI Jiaqi, SONG Nannan, ZHOU Chengyan
    2024, 44(5):  483-494.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.005
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    This work studied the impact of brain peptide(BP)on sleep and intestinal microbiota in mice, and analyzed the relationship between intestinal microbiota and sleep through changes in neurotransmitter content and oxidative stress levels in mice. The insomnia model was established by peritoneal injection of p-chlorophenylalanine(PCPA), which was administered via continuous gavage for 7 days. The sedative and hypnotic effects of brain peptides on insomniac mice were analyzed by using a pentobarbital sodium sleep coordination test, tail suspension test(TST),light and dark box test(LDB), along with measurements of- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.005脑多肽对PCPA诱导的睡眠障碍小鼠5-羟色胺系统和肠道菌群的影响黄欣然,王琳娜,代佳琪,宋楠楠,周程艳(河北大学 药学院,河北省药物质量分析控制重点实验室,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为探究脑多肽对昆明小鼠睡眠和肠道菌群的影响,通过小鼠神经递质含量和氧化应激水平的变化,分析肠道菌群与睡眠之间的联系.腹腔注射对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)建立睡眠障碍模型,连续灌胃给药7 d,通过戊巴比妥钠睡眠协同实验、悬尾和明暗箱实验以及小鼠神经递质和氧化应激水平的变化,分析脑多肽对睡眠障碍小鼠镇静催眠功能的影响;苏木精-伊红染色法(H&E)和糖原染色法(AB-PAS)观察小鼠海马及结肠组织病理变化;收集粪便,进行16S rRNA基因测序,分析小鼠肠道菌群丰度的变化.结果表明:脑多肽高、低剂量组小鼠睡眠时间显著增加,睡眠潜伏期显著缩短,MDA含量显著降低,5-HT、GABA、MT含量、GSH-Px和SOD酶活均显著升高(P<0.05);小鼠海马CA1区神经元细胞排列整齐,胞核固缩深染现象改善,结肠组织中炎症细胞浸润减少;脑多肽高剂量组拟杆菌门丰度显著升高,乳杆菌属、双歧杆菌属丰度显著升高(P<0.05),拟杆菌属丰度与GSH-Px的变化趋势呈显著正相关,乳杆菌属丰度与5-HT、MT、SOD的变化趋势呈显著正相关(P<0.05).脑多肽通过调节肠道菌群正向调节血清内神经递质和脑组织氧化应激水平,有效治疗PCPA诱导的小鼠睡眠障碍症状,随着剂量增加治疗效果明显提高.关键词:脑多肽;5-羟色胺;肠道菌群;氧化应激;睡眠障碍中图分类号:R917 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0483-12Effects of brain peptides on 5-hydroxytryptamine system and intestinal flora in PCPA induced sleep disorder miceHUANG Xinran, WANG Linna, DAI Jiaqi, SONG Nannan, ZHOU Chengyan(Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Quality Control of Hebei Province, College of Pharmacy Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: This work studied the impact of brain peptide(BP)on sleep and intestinal microbiota in mice, and analyzed the relationship between intestinal microbiota and sleep through changes in neurotransmitter content and oxidative stress levels in mice. The insomnia model was established by peritoneal injection of p-chlorophenylalanine(PCPA), which was administered via continuous gavage for 7 days. The sedative and hypnotic effects of brain peptides on insomniac mice were analyzed by using a pentobarbital sodium sleep coordination test, tail suspension test(TST),light and dark box test(LDB), along with measurements of- 收稿日期:2024-04-04;修回日期:2024-05-18 基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2020201291);贵州医科大学省部共建药用植物功效与利用国家重点实验室资助项目(FAMP202006K) 第一作者:黄欣然(2003—),女,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事睡眠疾病菌群相关研究以及药物分析方向研究.E-mail:huang18132083386@163.com 通信作者:周程艳(1976—),女,河北大学副教授,主要从事代谢组学、菌群、脂质组学以及相关药理作用机制研究.E-mail:xuefanone@163.com 第5期黄欣然等:脑多肽对PCPA诱导的睡眠障碍小鼠5-羟色胺系统和肠道菌群的影响河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷neurotransmitter levels and oxidative stress markers. Hematoxylin-eosin staining(H&E)and glycogen staining(AB-PAS)were used to observe histopathological changes in the hippocampus and colon of mice. The stool was collected and 16S rRNA gene was sequenced to analyze the changes of intestinal flora abundance in mice. Compared with the model group, the sleep latency of mice in the high-dose and low-dose brain polypeptide groups was significantly shortened, and the sleep time was significantly increased. MDA content decreased significantly, 5-HT, GABA and MT content, the enzyme activity of GSH-Px and SOD increased significantly in high-dose brain polypeptide group(P<0.05). The neuronal cells in CA1 region of hippocampus of mice were arranged neatly, the phenomenon of nuclear shrinkage and deep staining was improved, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells in colon tissue was reduced. 16S rRNA results showed that compared with the model group, the abundance of Bacteroidetes was significantly increased in the high-dose BP group at the phylum level, and the abundance of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium at the genus level was significantly increased(P<0.05). Pearson correlation analysis showed that the abundances of Bacteroides was positively correlated with the trends of GSH-Px, and the abundances of Lactobacillus was positively correlated with the trend of 5-HT, MT and SOD(P<0.05). Brain polypeptide can effectively treat PCPA induced insomnia in mice by regulating intestinal flora and positively regulating serum neurotransmitter and brain tissue oxidative stress level, and the therapeutic effect is better with the increase of dose.
    High performance liquid chromatography analysis of lorazepam in milk
    ZHENG Jiayan, LI Yiqing, FENG Yao, HAN Xiaoli, WANG Tingxin, LIU Zhenghao
    2024, 44(5):  495-503.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.006
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    In order to establish detection of lorazepam in milk, high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method was used, The conditims are: dissolved in 0.2% formic acid, centrifugal extraction of lorazepam residual in acetonitrile solution, repeat 3 times, C18 solid phase extraction column, eluent after nitrogen blow dry with volume fraction of 50% methanol aqueous solution dissolve, 0.22 mu m filter membrane filtration. An Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18 column(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm)was used as the analytical column with methanol: water(V/V)=68∶32 as the mobile phase. The detection was carried out at 230 nm with a UV detector.The results showed that: the linear range of lorazepam was 40~500 μg/mL, the regression equation was y=4.047x-36.11, the correlation coefficient was 0.999, the limit of detection was 0.927 μg/mL, the limit of quantification was 3.097 μg/mL, and the additive levels in milk were 70, 180, 300 μg/mL, respectively.The recoveries ranged from 81.27% to 97.58% with relative standard deviations(RSD)of 1.1%, intra-day and inter-day RSD of 1.2% to 2.6%. The method is sensitive, accurate, simple and quick, and suitable for the determination and analysis of lorazepam in milk.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.006牛奶中劳拉西泮的高效液相色谱分析郑佳妍,李昳晴,冯瑶,韩晓利,王庭欣,刘峥颢(河北大学 质量技术监督学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为了建立检测牛奶中劳拉西泮的高效液相色谱分析方法,用体积分数0.2%甲酸-乙腈溶液离心提取样品中劳拉西泮残留(重复3次),C18固相萃取柱净化,洗脱液经氮气吹干后用体积分数50%甲醇水溶液溶解,0.22 μm滤膜过滤,供高效液相色谱测定.采用安捷伦ZORBAX SB-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm)为分析柱,V(甲醇)∶V(水)=68∶32为流动相,紫外检测器在230 nm波长处检测.结果表明:劳拉西泮在40~500 μg/mL内线性关系良好,回归方程为y=4.047x-36.11,相关系数为0.999,检出限为0.927 μg/mL,定量限为3.097 μg/mL,牛奶中添加质量浓度分别为70、180、300 μg/mL,添加回收率为81.27%~97.58%,相对标准偏差为1.1%,日内、日间相对标准偏差为1.2%~2.6%.该方法灵敏度高,准确度好,简便,快捷,适用于牛奶中劳拉西泮的检测分析.关键词:劳拉西泮;牛奶;高效液相色谱法;外标法中图分类号:O627 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0495-09High performance liquid chromatography analysis of lorazepam in milk ZHENG Jiayan, LI Yiqing, FENG Yao, HAN Xiaoli, WANG Tingxin, LIU Zhenghao(College of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In order to establish detection of lorazepam in milk, high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method was used, The conditims are: dissolved in 0.2% formic acid, centrifugal extraction of lorazepam residual in acetonitrile solution, repeat 3 times, C18 solid phase extraction column, eluent after nitrogen blow dry with volume fraction of 50% methanol aqueous solution dissolve, 0.22 mu m filter membrane filtration. An Agilent ZORBAX SB-C18 column(4.6 mm×150 mm,5 μm)was used as the analytical column with methanol: water(V/V)=68∶32 as the mobile phase. The detection was carried out at 230 nm with a UV detector.The results showed that: the linear range of lorazepam was 40~500 μg/mL, the regression equation was y=4.047x-36.11, the correlation coefficient was 0.999, the limit of detection was 0.927 μg/mL, the limit of quantification was 3.097 μg/mL, and the additive levels in milk were 70, 180, 300 μg/mL, respectively.The recoveries ranged from 81.27% to 97.58% with relative standard deviations(RSD)of 1.1%, intra-day and inter-day RSD of 1.2% to 2.6%. The method is sensitive, accurate, simple and quick, and suitable for the determination and analysis of lorazepam in milk.- 收稿日期:2024-06-05;修回日期:2024-06-25 基金项目:河北省重点研发计划项目(18275502D) 第一作者:郑佳妍(1997—),女,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事食品安全快速检测技术研究. E-mail:574166857@qq.com 通信作者:王庭欣(1965—),女,河北大学教授,主要从事食品安全快速检测技术研究.E-mail:tingxingwang@126.com刘峥颢(1973—),女,河北大学副教授,主要从事食品安全及标准化研究.E-mail:sgl1997@126.com 第5期郑佳妍等:牛奶中劳拉西泮的高效液相色谱分析河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷
    A thiol fluorescent probe containing SNAP-tagTM substrate
    LIN Lixia, GUO Chunqing, WANG Libin, ZHAO Zibiao, XIONG Kangming
    2024, 44(5):  504-512.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.007
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    A coumarin-based probe coumarin-alkene ketone-benzylaminoguanine(CAKBG)containing both α, β-unsaturated ketone and SNAP-tagTM substrate was synthesized. By testing the UV-Vis absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra of the probe CAKBG, the results show that the probe CAKBG has a longer absorption wavelength in polar solvents( such as glycerol, ethylene glycol, water, DMSO), and the probe CAKBG is not sensitive to the pH change of the solutions. In addition, spectral experiments show that both Cys and Hcy can cause a blue shift in the maximum absorption wavelength of the probe CAKBG, and when the excitation wavelength is 405 nm, both Cys and Hcy can cause the fluorescence emission peak of the probe CAKBG at 487 nm to be significantly enhanced. Cell imaging results show that the thiol fluorescent probe CAKBG containing SNAP-tagTM substrate can image Cys and Hcy in living cells. The above results indicate that SNAP-TagTM protein labeling technology is expected to be widely- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.007一种含SNAP-tagTM底物的硫醇荧光探针林利霞1,郭春青1,王利斌1,赵子彪1,熊康明2,3(1.山西警察学院 治安系,山西 太原 030401;2.山西白求恩医院 纳米成像与载药制剂山西省重点实验室,山西 太原 030032;3.中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 分离分析化学重点实验室,辽宁 大连 116023)摘 要:合成了一种同时含α, β-不饱和酮活性位点和SNAP-tagTM底物的香豆素母体探针香豆素-烯酮-苯甲氨基鸟嘌呤(CAKBG).通过测试探针CAKBG的紫外-可见吸收光谱和荧光发射光谱,发现探针CAKBG在极性溶剂(例如, 甘油、乙二醇、水、DMSO)中有更长的吸收波长,且探针CAKBG对溶液的pH变化不敏感.此外,光谱实验发现生物硫醇Cys和Hcy均能引起探针CAKBG的最大吸收波长发生蓝移,且当激发波长为405 nm时,Cys和Hcy均能导致探针CAKBG在487 nm处的荧光发射峰明显增强.细胞成像结果表明,含有SNAP-tagTM底物的硫醇荧光探针CAKBG在活细胞中可以对Cys、Hcy进行荧光成像.综上,SNAP-TagTM蛋白标签技术有望今后在硫醇荧光探针的细胞成像中得到推广应用.关键词:α, β-不饱和酮;SNAP-TagTM底物;硫醇荧光探针;细胞成像中图分类号:O622.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0504-09A thiol fluorescent probe containing SNAP-tagTM substrateLIN Lixia1, GUO Chunqing1, WANG Libin1, ZHAO Zibiao1, XIONG Kangming2,3(1. Department of Security, Shanxi Police College, Taiyuan 030401, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Nano-imaging and Drugloaded Preparation of Shanxi Province, Shanxi Bethune Hospital, Taiyuan 030032, China; 3. CAS Key Laboratory of Separation Science for Analytical Chemistry, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian 116023, China)Abstract: A coumarin-based probe coumarin-alkene ketone-benzylaminoguanine(CAKBG)containing both α, β-unsaturated ketone and SNAP-tagTM substrate was synthesized. By testing the UV-Vis absorption spectra and fluorescence emission spectra of the probe CAKBG, the results show that the probe CAKBG has a longer absorption wavelength in polar solvents( such as glycerol, ethylene glycol, water, DMSO), and the probe CAKBG is not sensitive to the pH change of the solutions. In addition, spectral experiments show that both Cys and Hcy can cause a blue shift in the maximum absorption wavelength of the probe CAKBG, and when the excitation wavelength is 405 nm, both Cys and Hcy can cause the fluorescence emission peak of the probe CAKBG at 487 nm to be significantly enhanced. Cell imaging results show that the thiol fluorescent probe CAKBG containing SNAP-tagTM substrate can image Cys and Hcy in living cells. The above results indicate that SNAP-TagTM protein labeling technology is expected to be widely- 收稿日期:2023-06-15;修回日期:2023-09-12 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(22008232);山西省基础研究计划青年科学研究项目(202203021212512) 第一作者:林利霞(1991—),女,山西警察学院讲师,博士,主要从事有机小分子的光谱性能研究. E-mail:1552774577@qq.com 通信作者:熊康明(1990—),男,山西白求恩医院副研究员,博士,主要从事荧光探针的传感识别研究. E-mail:1187994460@qq.com 第5期林利霞等:一种含SNAP-tagTM底物的硫醇荧光探针河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷used in cell imaging of thiol fluorescent probes in the future.
    Preparation process of PLA/PPC/CS composite materials
    ZHAO Zihan, MENG Lingyu, LI Xiangrui, LI Chunfeng, LIU Mingli
    2024, 44(5):  513-520.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.008
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    To improve the toughness of the PLA/corn stalk composite, the introduction of polypropylene carbonate(PPC)was used. The PLA/PPC/corn stalk(PLA/PPC/CS)composite was prepared using a combination of melt extrusion and hot pressing. A single factor experiment was designed with hot pressing time, hot pressing pressure, and hot pressing temperature as variables, and the impact, bending, and tensile properties of the PLA/PPC/CS composite as evaluation indicators.The results showed that the hot pressing time, hot pressing pressure, and hot pressing temperature had significant effects on the mechanical properties of PLA/PPC/CS composites.The final optimized hot pressing process is: hot pressing time is 10 min, hot pressing pressure is 7.5 MPa, and hot pressing temperature is 190 ℃.
    Optical fiber sensing and location of cable partial discharge based on polarization control algorithm
    LIU Zhiheng,YANG Sen,CHEN Qian,HAO Lei,LIU Zhibin,MENG Xiaokai
    2024, 44(5):  521-534.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.009
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    In order to improve the reliability and positioning accuracy of optical fiber detection of partial discharge signals in long distance high-voltage cables, the problems of polarization attenuation and phase drift in distributed optical fiber sensing systems and overcome, the model of optical fiber sensing detection system connected with polarization controller is built. An improved polarization control algorithm(Adamax)is proposed based on the analysis of the ultrasonic characteristics of cable partial discharge. By adjusting the driving voltage of the polarization controller to reduce polarization attenuation, the attenuation rate, noise amplitude, control accuracy and other parameters of the algorithm are simulated based on MATLAB. The results show that the average iterative steps of the improved algorithm are reduced by about 35% compared with Adam algorithm, and the control convergence accuracy can reach 10-4. - DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.009基于偏振控制算法的电缆局部放电光纤传感定位刘志恒1,2,杨森1,陈前1,郝雷1,刘志宾1,孟晓凯3(1.河北大学 电子信息工程学院,河北 保定 071002;2.天津大学 光电信息技术教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;3.国网山西省电力公司电力科学研究院,山西 太原 032100)摘 要:为提高长距离高压电缆局部放电信号光纤检测的可靠性和定位精度,解决分布式光纤传感系统中的偏振衰弱和相位漂移问题,搭建接入偏振控制器的光纤传感检测系统模型对电缆局部放电超声特性进行分析,提出了一种基于改进偏振控制的自适应矩估计最大值优化算法(adaptive moment estimation max, Adamax).通过调整偏振控制器的驱动电压以减小偏振衰弱,基于MATLAB对算法的衰减率、噪声幅度、控制精度等参数进行仿真计算,结果表明改进算法比Adam算法平均迭代步数降低了约35%,控制收敛精度可达到10-4级.在15 km高压电缆系统进行了光纤传感局部放电定位检测实验,结果表明改进的偏振控制算法定位精度为±12 m.验证了分布式光纤传感系统中偏振控制器和改进算法的可靠性和定位精度,为基于大数据的高压输电设备绝缘状态监测提供技术支撑.关键词:光纤传感系统;偏振衰弱;改进Adamax算法;高压电缆;定位精度中图分类号:TM855 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0521-14Optical fiber sensing and location of cable partial discharge based on polarization control algorithmLIU Zhiheng1,2,YANG Sen1,CHEN Qian1,HAO Lei1,LIU Zhibin1,MENG Xiaokai3(1.College of Electronic Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Opto-electronic Information Technology, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 3. State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Research Institute, Taiyuan 032100, China)Abstract: In order to improve the reliability and positioning accuracy of optical fiber detection of partial discharge signals in long distance high-voltage cables, the problems of polarization attenuation and phase drift in distributed optical fiber sensing systems and overcome, the model of optical fiber sensing detection system connected with polarization controller is built. An improved polarization control algorithm(Adamax)is proposed based on the analysis of the ultrasonic characteristics of cable partial discharge. By adjusting the driving voltage of the polarization controller to reduce polarization attenuation, the attenuation rate, noise amplitude, control accuracy and other parameters of the algorithm are simulated based on MATLAB. The results show that the average iterative steps of the improved algorithm are reduced by about 35% compared with Adam algorithm, and the control convergence accuracy can reach 10-4. - 收稿日期:2023-03-08;修回日期:2023-10-23 基金项目:中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(236Z4411G);河北省高层次人才资助项目(B2020005004);教育部产学研协同育人项目(220606517133928;22090423222205) 第一作者:刘志恒(1984—),男,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事智能高压电器绝缘检测、先进光纤检测技术等研究.E-mail: liuzhiheng17@126.com 通信作者:郝雷(1978—),男,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事智能高压电器绝缘检测、智能制造与工业大数据技术研究.E-mail: 13066687@qq.com 第5期刘志恒等:基于偏振控制算法的电缆局部放电光纤传感定位河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷The experiment of optical fiber sensing partial discharge location and detection is carried out in a 15 km high-voltage cable system. The results show that the location accuracy of the improved polarization control algorithm is within ± 12 m. The reliability and positioning accuracy of polarization controller and improved algorithm in distributed optical fiber sensing system are verified, which provides technical support for insulation condition monitoring of high-voltage transmission equipment based on big data.
    Assisted diagnosis system for depression based on eye-movement virtual scenes
    ZHAO Wuji, YANG Jianli, YANG Xiaoru, ZHANG Shuo
    2024, 44(5):  535-540.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.010
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    Eye movement, as a behavioral assessment method, plays an increasingly important role in the assisted diagnosis of mental disorders. An eye-movement virtual reality system for assisted diagnosis of depression was developed by combining eye-tracking technology and the eye-movement behavioral mechanism of depression. The system integrated three virtual game scenarios capable of assessing attentional, memory, and spatial navigation abilities in depressed patients, and was capable of recording subjects eye movement data in real time. Accurate assessment of multiple abilities of depressed patients was achieved by feature extraction and analysis of eye data, which in turn enabled assisted diagnosis of depression. The effectiveness of the system in aiding diagnosis of depression was demonstrated through the- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.010基于眼动虚拟场景的抑郁症辅助诊断系统赵无忌1,2,杨建利1,杨晓茹3,张烁4(1. 河北大学 电子信息工程学院,河北省数字医疗工程重点实验室,河北 保定 071002;2. 北京师范大学 心理学部, 北京 100875;3.保定市生产力促进中心, 河北 保定 071000; 4. 河北大学附属医院 人事处,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:眼动作为一种行为学评估方式,在精神类疾病的辅助诊断中起到越来越重要的作用.结合眼动追踪技术以及抑郁症的眼动行为学机理,开发了一款适用于抑郁症辅助诊断的眼动虚拟现实系统.系统中集成了能够对抑郁症患者注意能力、记忆能力和空间导航能力进行评估的3种虚拟游戏场景,并能够实时记录被试者的眼动数据.通过眼动特征提取与分析实现了抑郁症患者多种能力的准确评估,进而实现抑郁症的辅助诊断.通过20名抑郁症患者和20名健康被试者的验证,证明了该系统在抑郁症辅助诊断方面的有效性.该项研究将有助于推进抑郁症的数字化诊疗方式发展.关键词:眼动;抑郁症;虚拟现实;辅助诊断中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0535-06Assisted diagnosis system for depression based on eye-movement virtual scenesZHAO Wuji1,2, YANG Jianli1, YANG Xiaoru3, ZHANG Shuo4(1. Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering of Hebei Province, School of Electronic Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China;2. Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China;3. Productivity Promotion Center of Baoding, Baoding 071000,China;4. Human Resources Department, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000,China)Abstract: Eye movement, as a behavioral assessment method, plays an increasingly important role in the assisted diagnosis of mental disorders. An eye-movement virtual reality system for assisted diagnosis of depression was developed by combining eye-tracking technology and the eye-movement behavioral mechanism of depression. The system integrated three virtual game scenarios capable of assessing attentional, memory, and spatial navigation abilities in depressed patients, and was capable of recording subjects eye movement data in real time. Accurate assessment of multiple abilities of depressed patients was achieved by feature extraction and analysis of eye data, which in turn enabled assisted diagnosis of depression. The effectiveness of the system in aiding diagnosis of depression was demonstrated through the- 收稿日期:2023-01-07;修回日期:2023-03-08 基金项目:河北大学自然科学多学科交叉研究计划资助项目(DXK202205) 第一作者:赵无忌(1997—),男,北京师范大学在读博士研究生,主要从事虚拟现实、信号处理方向研究.E-mail:starry995@163.com 通信作者:张烁(1988—),女,河北大学附属医院经济师,主要从事数据统计、智能分析方向研究.E-mail: Zhangshuolele@126.com 第5期赵无忌等:基于眼动虚拟场景的抑郁症辅助诊断系统河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷validation of 20 depressed patients and 20 healthy subjects. The study will help to advance the development of a digital approach to the treatment of depression.
    Phase separation flow measurement of plug flow based on ensemble learning and information fusion
    WEN Jiaqi,YANG Xuning,LI Jinshuo, DING Zhenjun, DONG Fang
    2024, 44(5):  541-550.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.011
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    Plug flow is a typical flow pattern in gas-liquid two-phase flow, and accurate measurement of plug flow is conducive to real-time monitoring and optimizing process of production process, ensuring safe and economical operation of the system. Based on the improved Venturi tube with long throat diameter, an intelligent multi-sensor system for horizontal gas-liquid flow is designed, which integrates near infrared(NIR)and acoustic emission(AE)technology. AE sensor and NIR sensor were used to detect the gas-liquid phase interaction and disturbance information, and empirical mode decomposition(EMD)was used to extract the characteristic variables of gas volume fraction. The integrated learning algorithm was used- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.011基于集成学习和信息融合的段塞流分相流量测量温佳祺1,2,杨叙宁1,2,李金硕1,丁振君1,3,董芳1,3(1.河北大学 质量技术监督学院,河北 保定 071002;2.零碳能源建筑与计量技术教育部工程研究中心,河北 保定 071002;3.计量仪器与系统国家地方联合工程研究中心,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:段塞流是气液两相流中典型流型,准确测量其分相流量有利于实时监控生产过程,优化工艺控制,确保系统在安全、经济的工况下运行.本文在改进长喉文丘里管的基础上,设计了一种集近红外(NIR)、声发射(AE)技术于一体的水平气液流量智能多传感系统.利用AE传感器和NIR传感器检测气液两相的流动噪声信息和截面信息,采用经验模态分解法(EMD)提取气体体积分数的特征变量.通过集成学习算法进行特征级融合,融合后的段塞流体积含气率预测模型平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)为4.11%,92.45%的预测结果偏差在±10%以内.在Collins模型的基础上,提出了基于梯度提升决策树(GBDT)的段塞流质量流量预测模型,其MAPE值为0.96%,全部预测结果的偏差在±20%以内.本研究为气液两相流段塞流参数混合不分离测量提供了一种新方法,为气液两相流动机理研究奠定了基础.关键词:气液两相流;数据融合;段塞流;多传感器;集成学习算法中图分类号:TH814 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2024)05-0541-10Phase separation flow measurement of plug flow based on ensemble learning and information fusionWEN Jiaqi1,2,YANG Xuning1,2,LI Jinshuo1, DING Zhenjun1,3, DONG Fang1,3(1. School of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. Engineering Research Center of Zero-carbon Energy Bulidings and Measurement Techniques,Ministry of Education,Baoding 071002,China;3. National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Measuring Instruments and Systems, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: Plug flow is a typical flow pattern in gas-liquid two-phase flow, and accurate measurement of plug flow is conducive to real-time monitoring and optimizing process of production process, ensuring safe and economical operation of the system. Based on the improved Venturi tube with long throat diameter, an intelligent multi-sensor system for horizontal gas-liquid flow is designed, which integrates near infrared(NIR)and acoustic emission(AE)technology. AE sensor and NIR sensor were used to detect the gas-liquid phase interaction and disturbance information, and empirical mode decomposition(EMD)was used to extract the characteristic variables of gas volume fraction. The integrated learning algorithm was used- 收稿日期:2024-03-06;修回日期:2024-05-02 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(62173122);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2022201034) 第一作者:温佳祺(2000—),女,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事多相流理论及参数检测技术研究.E-mail:benben93657@163.com 通信作者:董芳(1980—),女,河北大学讲师,主要从事多相流参数检测及信息处理技术研究.E-mail:dongfang1023@163.com第5期温佳祺等:基于集成学习和信息融合的段塞流分相流量测量河北大学学报(自然科学版) 第44卷for feature-level fusion. The mean absolute percentage error(MAPE)of the fused plug flow volume gas content prediction model was 4.11%, and the deviation of 92.45% of the predicted results was within ±10%. On the basis of Collins model, a mass flow prediction model of plug flow based on gradient lifting decision tree(GBDT)is proposed. The MAPE value of GBDT is 0.96%, and the deviation of all prediction results is within ±20%. This study provides a new method for measuring the parameters of gas-liquid two-phase plug flow, which provides a research basis for sensing mechanism and measurement of multiphase flow.
    Recommendation algorithm considering complementation, substitution relation and sequence pattern of goods
    REN Zhibo,RONG Xiuling,SONG Xinxin
    2024, 44(5):  551-560.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2024.05.012
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    In the real purchasing scenario of users, shopping is not only based on interests, but also on current and future needs. However, most of the existing recommendation methods focus on mining users recent interests, and rarely study users potential needs from the relationship between products. In order to improve the accuracy of the recommendation algorithm and enrich the types of recommendation, this paper integrates the characteristics of commodity complementary substitution relationship and purchase sequence pattern into the recommendation algorithm, and proposes a recommendation algorithm that considers the commodity complementary substitution relationship and purchase sequence pattern to study the potential needs of users. The algorithm is verified on Amazon public data set Grocery. Compared with the relevant algorithms, the results show that the proposed algorithm is effectively improved in hits Ratio HR(hits ratio)and normalized discounted cumulative gain(NDCG).