Plant diversity analysis and spatial structure characteristics of Nanyue mountain Forest Park in Jianghan Plain
- WEI Pujie,SUN Bing,HU Shengke, ZHU Sijia,Fei Yongjun,HU Die
2019, 39(6):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2019.06.012
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Fifteen typical sample plots of Nanyue mountain Forest Park were investigated in the field. The plant diversity and spatial structure characteristics were analyzed by using the diversity indices such as important value, Patrick index, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, Pielou index and the spatial structure parameters such as mingling, neighborhood comparison, angular scale and opening degree. The Nanyue- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2019.06.012江汉平原南岳山森林公园植物多样性分析与空间结构特征魏普杰1,孙兵1,胡胜科1,朱思甲2,费永俊1,胡蝶1(1.长江大学 楠木种质资源评价与创新中心,湖北 荆州 434025;2.桂林理工大学 旅游与风景园林学院,广西 桂林 541004)摘 要:对南岳山森林公园15块典型样地进行了野外实地调查,运用重要值、Patrick指数、Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou指数等多样性指数和混交度、大小比数、角尺度、开敞度等林分空间结构参数,分析其植物多样性与空间结构特征.南岳山森林公园植物较丰富,样地共出现32种乔木植物,隶属于28属19科;乔木层中的构树Broussonetia papyrifera、青冈栎Cyclobalanopsis glauca在整个调查区占有明显优势,其重要值大于7.00%.在不同样地的各林层间的Patrick指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均为乔木层>灌木层>草本层,Simpson指数为草本层>灌木层>乔木层,Pielou指数为灌木层>乔木层>草本层;样地林分平均混交度为0.606 2,属中度混交范围,样地林分平均大小比数为0.461 3,属中庸等级,样地林分平均角尺度为0.537 2,属随机分布,聚集程度较低,样地林分的平均开敞度为0.168 7,林木生长空间处于严重不足状态.江汉平原南岳山森林公园的植物多样性较丰富,林木生长空间处于严重不足状态,应该采取补植、间伐相结合的措施,使森林公园生态效益能够可持续发展,通过分析其植物多样性以及空间结构特征,对以后公园的林分空间改造、植物绿化配置以及公园再造设计提供科学依据.关键词:植物多样性;空间结构特征;森林公园;南岳山中图分类号:S718.54 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2019)06-0643-09Plant diversity analysis and spatial structure characteristics of Nanyue mountain Forest Park in Jianghan PlainWEI Pujie1,SUN Bing1,HU Shengke1, ZHU Sijia2,Fei Yongjun1,HU Die1(1.Evaluation and Innovation Center of Nanmu Germplasm Resources, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China;2.College of Tourism and Landscape Architecture, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004,China)Abstract: Fifteen typical sample plots of Nanyue mountain Forest Park were investigated in the field. The plant diversity and spatial structure characteristics were analyzed by using the diversity indices such as important value, Patrick index, Simpson index, Shannon-Wiener index, Pielou index and the spatial structure parameters such as mingling, neighborhood comparison, angular scale and opening degree. The Nanyue- 收稿日期:2019-03-19 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31270740);湖北省教育厅科学技术研究项目(Q20181314);湖北省自然科学基金资助项目(2017CFB390);湖北省教育厅指导性项目(B20154444) 第一作者:魏普杰(1994—),男,湖北襄阳人,长江大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事观赏园艺研究. E-mail:1902113155@qq.com 通信作者:费永俊(1965—),男,湖北荆州人,长江大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事园林植物种质资源评价与研究. E-mail:fyj2010@163.com胡蝶(1985—),女,湖北荆州人,长江大学讲师,博士,主要从事系统与进化植物学研究. E-mail:hudie.16@163. com第6期魏普杰等:江汉平原南岳山森林公园植物多样性分析与空间结构特征mountain Forest Park was rich in plants. There were 32 species of arbor plants in the plot, belonging to 28 genera and 19 families. Broussonetia papyrifera and Cyclobalanopsis glauca in the arbor layer had obvious advantages in the whole investigation area, and their important value was greater than 7.00%. The Patrick index and Shannon-Wiener index between different forest layers in different plots was arbor layer>shrub layer>herb layer, Simpson index was herb layer>shrub layer>arbor layer, and Pielou index was shrub layer>arbor Layer>herb layer; the average mingling of the forest stand in plot was 0.606 2, which belonged to the range of moderate mingling. The average neighborhood comparison of the forest stand in plot was 0.461 3, which belonged to the median grade. The average angular scale of the forest stand in plot was 0.537 2, which was a random distribution with low degree of aggregation, the average opening degree of the sample stand in plot was 0.168 7, and the growth space of the forest was seriously insufficient. The plant diversity of Nanyue mountain Forest Park in Jianghan Plain was abundant, and the growth space of trees was seriously insufficient. The measures of combining replanting and thinning should be taken to make the ecological benefits of forest park sustainable. The analysis of plant diversity and spatial structure characteristics provided scientific basis for forest spatial transformation, plant greening configuration and park reconstruction design in the future.