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    25 July 2018, Volume 38 Issue 4
    Evaluation method of DEA cross efficiency based on improved three-parameter interval
    GUO Zixue, WANG Zengchao
    2018, 38(4):  337-345.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.001
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    In order to improve the accuracy of efficiency evaluation, based on the self-evaluation and peer-evaluation nature of cross-efficiency method and by referring to the idea of cross efficiency of interval DEA, the evaluation method of the three parameters interval cross efficiency is proposed by using data envelopment analysis. The paper, at first,explains the possibility and reasonability of CCR efficiency value as the upper limit of cross efficiency; then, constructs a model based on the same weight space and on maximizing the deviation for the weighting strategy to make sure the lower limit of cross-efficiency value; moreover,fully considers the relationship of competition and cooperation between decision-making units and establisbed the competitive and comperative cross-efficiency model and determines the optimist weights which maximize the total cross efficiency of cooperative companions and minimize it the competitive counterparts so as to gain the most possible value of interval cross-efficiency value based on different groups according to aforementioned relationship; finally, utilizes the triangular fuzzy number expectation value ranking method to sort - DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.001改进的三参数区间DEA交叉效率评价方法郭子雪1,2,王增超2(1.北京工商大学 首都流通业研究基地, 北京 100048;2.河北大学 管理学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为了提高效率评价的有效性,基于交叉效率方法的自互评本质,借鉴区间DEA交叉效率思想,提出了三参数区间交叉效率DEA评价方法.首先,阐述了传统CCR效率值作为区间交叉效率值上限的可能性和合理性;其次,基于相同的权重空间,以最大化偏移量为赋权策略构建模型,确定区间交叉效率值的下限;然后,充分考虑决策单元之间同时存在竞争与合作的关系,基于不同关系对各个决策单元进行分组,通过建立并求解竞合交叉效率模型,使得到的最优偏好权重既可以最大化合作者的总效率,又可以最小化竞争者的总效率,进而确定区间交叉效率值的重心值;最后,利用三角模糊数期望值排序方法对决策单元进行排序.文末的算例验证了方法有效性和优越性.关键词:交叉效率;三参数区间DEA交叉效率;竞合关系;三角模糊数中图分类号:C934 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)04-0337-09Evaluation method of DEA cross efficiency basedon improved three-parameter intervalGUO Zixue1,2, WANG Zengchao2(1.Research Center for Capital Commercial Industry, Beijing Technology and Business University,Beijing 100048, China;2.College of Management, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy of efficiency evaluation, based on the self-evaluation and peer-evaluation nature of cross-efficiency method and by referring to the idea of cross efficiency of interval DEA, the evaluation method of the three parameters interval cross efficiency is proposed by using data envelopment analysis. The paper, at first,explains the possibility and reasonability of CCR efficiency value as the upper limit of cross efficiency; then, constructs a model based on the same weight space and on maximizing the deviation for the weighting strategy to make sure the lower limit of cross-efficiency value; moreover,fully considers the relationship of competition and cooperation between decision-making units and establisbed the competitive and comperative cross-efficiency model and determines the optimist weights which maximize the total cross efficiency of cooperative companions and minimize it the competitive counterparts so as to gain the most possible value of interval cross-efficiency value based on different groups according to aforementioned relationship; finally, utilizes the triangular fuzzy number expectation value ranking method to sort - 收稿日期:2018-02-07 基金项目:国家社科基金资助项目(11BGL089);河北省教育厅人文社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(ZD201439);北京工商大学首都流通业研究基地开放课题研究基金资助项目(JD-KFKT-YB-2017-03) 第一作者:郭子雪(1964—),男,河北清河人,北京工商大学特聘研究员,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事决策理论与方法、物流与供应链管理方向研究.E-mail:guo_zx@163.com第4期郭子雪等:改进的三参数区间DEA交叉效率评价方法decision making units. The final example verifies the effectiveness and superiority of the method.
    Competence-oriented fuzzy project portfolio optimization
    LIU Ying, FENG Xueqin
    2018, 38(4):  346-355.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.002
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    Project portfolio selection is the core of project portfolio management and is crucial to achievement of the enterprise strategic objective. The unique development characteristic of innovative enterprise determines that employee competence is a key factor in project portfolio management activities. It is worth noting that in the evaluation of employee competence, the characterization of competence value is affected by a lot of uncertainties. To deal with the situation of competence distribution information partially known, the parametric interval-valued distribution is used to characterize the uncertain parameter in the problem, and a maximum credibility project portfolio selection model is proposed. Further, the analytic expressions about the portfolio income and human resource constraints are derived, and the equivalent parametric programming form of the original model is obtained. Finally, the validity of the proposed model and methodology is illustrated by an example.
    Experimental study on the relationship between concrete stress and ultrasonic velocity
    DU Erxia, ZHANG Junhong,YAN Yujie
    2018, 38(4):  356-361.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.003
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    Based on the ultrasonic nondestructive testing method,the natural maintained pumping concrete blocks of C20 and C30 is tested.Through the test of different ages and different points, the ultrasonic velocity and working stress are obtained. Then the Origin software is used to analyze the relationship between ultrasonic velocity and the concrete working stress.The result shows that linear function is reasonable in describing the relationship of ultrasonic velocity and working stress of concrete. Then a reference can be provided in testing the working stress of in-service concrete by nondestructive testing technology.
    Effect of boron doping and phosphorus doping on temperature- dependent fluorescence spectra of silicon substrate
    WANG Longlong, ZHOU Wenguang, ZHANG Lianshui, LI Xiaoli, ZHOU Chuan, SHI Yafang
    2018, 38(4):  362-367.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.004
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    Phosphorus-doped and boron-doped silicon wafers were obtained by in-situ doping on Si(110)substrates. In this paper, the fluorescence spectra of intrinsic, phosphorus-doped and boron-doped silicon wafers were measured. The effects of impurities on the properties of silicon wafers at different temperatures were investigated. There is only one characteristic peak in the fluorescence emission spectrum of the intrinsic silicon wafer. After doping, the impurity peak is on the left side of the main peak due to the splitting of the energy level. In both doping cases, the wavelength of the impurity peak increases with increasing temperature, while the wavelength of the main peak decreases with increasing temperature. As the temperature rises to 135 K, the impurity peaks disappear and gradually merge into the main peak, and - DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.004硼掺杂和磷掺杂对硅衬底的变温荧光光谱特性的影响王龙龙1,周文广1,张连水1,李晓莉1,2, 周川1, 史亚芳1(1.河北大学 物理科学与技术学院,河北省光电信息材料重点实验室,河北 保定 071002;2.中国科学院 半导体研究所,半导体超晶格国家重点实验室,北京 100038)摘 要:在Si(110)衬底上通过原位掺杂的方法可得到磷掺杂和硼掺杂硅片.测量了本征、磷掺杂和硼掺杂硅片的变温荧光光谱,研究了不同温度时杂质对硅片性质的影响.本征硅片的荧光发射光谱中只存在1个特征峰,进行掺杂后,由于能级发生分裂,在主峰左侧分裂出杂质峰.2种情况下均表现为杂质峰的波长随温度升高逐渐增加,而主峰的波长随温度升高逐渐减小.随着温度升高到135 K,杂质峰消失并逐渐并入到主峰中,而且它们的主峰波长在275 K时都与本征硅片的特征峰波长趋于一致.关键词:硅衬底;掺杂;变温;荧光光谱中图分类号: O562.3+2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)04-0362-06Effect of boron doping and phosphorus doping on temperature-dependent fluorescence spectra of silicon substrateWANG Longlong1, ZHOU Wenguang1, ZHANG Lianshui1, LI Xiaoli1,2, ZHOU Chuan1, SHI Yafang1(1.College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Superlattices, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100038, China )Abstract: Phosphorus-doped and boron-doped silicon wafers were obtained by in-situ doping on Si(110)substrates. In this paper, the fluorescence spectra of intrinsic, phosphorus-doped and boron-doped silicon wafers were measured. The effects of impurities on the properties of silicon wafers at different temperatures were investigated. There is only one characteristic peak in the fluorescence emission spectrum of the intrinsic silicon wafer. After doping, the impurity peak is on the left side of the main peak due to the splitting of the energy level. In both doping cases, the wavelength of the impurity peak increases with increasing temperature, while the wavelength of the main peak decreases with increasing temperature. As the temperature rises to 135 K, the impurity peaks disappear and gradually merge into the main peak, and - 收稿日期:2017-12-01 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(11504077);河北省自然科学基金青年科学基金资助项目(A2017201012);河北省教育厅自然科学重点资助项目(ZD2017007) 第一作者:王龙龙(1994—),男,陕西延安人,河北大学在读硕士研究生.E-mail:3361289613@qq.com 通信作者:李晓莉(1982—),女,河北南宫人,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事半导体光学方面研究.E-mail: xiaolixiaoli1999@126.com第4期王龙龙等:硼掺杂和磷掺杂对硅衬底的变温荧光光谱特性的影响the main peak wavelength in both doping cases coincides with the characteristic peak wavelength of the intrinsic wafer at 275 K.
    Preparation, characterization, and in vitro and in vivo evaluation of acetaminophen-PEG 6000 suppositories
    YANG Wenzhi, ZHANG Yi,LI Kaiyue,WU Tong,LI Haiying
    2018, 38(4):  368-374.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.005
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    In this paper, acetaminophen-PEG 6000 suppositories were prepared by solid dispersion technique. The FTIR and XRD spectra confirmed that the hydrogen bonds between drugs and matrix in solid dispersion formed and ensured the drug to be dispersed in the PEG matrix with an amorphous state, which could contribute to the rapid dissolution of the drug. The release behavior of the solid dispersion was studied in vitro. The weight ratio of drug and PEG 6000(1∶7)showed the best drug release profile among the solid dispersion samples and the drug release behaviour in vitro was close to zero order equation. Therefore, the weight ratio of drug and PEG 6000(1∶7)was chosen to prepare the acetaminophen suppositories using solid dispersion technique. Moreover, the acetaminophen suppositories and intramuscular injection dosage forms were evaluated in vivo by New Zealand rabbits experiment. The time-concentration curve of acetaminophen was determined.The pharmacokinetics showed that the ρmax reached to 169.1 μg/mL at 60 min, and the curve displayed obvious peak and valley when administrated by intramuscular injection. The pharmacokinetics of the suppositories group was obtained at 90 min and ρmax was 35.4 μg/mL,the blood drug concentration was stable and maintained continued release. There was a good correlation between - DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.005对乙酰氨基酚栓剂的制备、表征及兔体内外评价杨文智,章一,李凯悦,吴桐,李海鹰(河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:采用固体分散体技术,制备对乙酰氨基酚-聚乙二醇-6000(PEG 6000)基质栓剂.经FTIR和XRD验证,固体分散体中药物与基质形成分子间氢键,保证药物以无定型状态分散于基质,利于药物快速溶出.体外溶出实验显示,药基比(m(对乙酰氨基酚)∶m(PEG-6000))为1∶7时,固体分散体药物溶出较优,该比例的药物体外溶出接近零级方程,故选择此投料比自制药物栓剂.选用新西兰兔,分别给予对乙酰氨基酚栓剂和注射剂,测定药-时曲线,药代动力学表明:肌注组血药质量浓度60 min达峰值,ρmax为169.1 μg/mL,血药峰谷明显;栓剂组血药质量浓度90 min时达峰值,ρmax为35.4 μg/mL,血药质量浓度平稳并在6 h内持续释放.研究表明自制药物栓剂体内外释放呈良好的相关性,即可通过药物体外释放状况预测药物的体内吸收.关键词:对乙酰氨基酚;聚乙二醇-6000;固体分散体;栓剂中图分类号:O625 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)04-0368-07Preparation, characterization, and in vitro and in vivo evaluation ofacetaminophen-PEG 6000 suppositoriesYANG Wenzhi, ZHANG Yi,LI Kaiyue,WU Tong,LI Haiying(College of Pharmacy,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: In this paper, acetaminophen-PEG 6000 suppositories were prepared by solid dispersion technique. The FTIR and XRD spectra confirmed that the hydrogen bonds between drugs and matrix in solid dispersion formed and ensured the drug to be dispersed in the PEG matrix with an amorphous state, which could contribute to the rapid dissolution of the drug. The release behavior of the solid dispersion was studied in vitro. The weight ratio of drug and PEG 6000(1∶7)showed the best drug release profile among the solid dispersion samples and the drug release behaviour in vitro was close to zero order equation. Therefore, the weight ratio of drug and PEG 6000(1∶7)was chosen to prepare the acetaminophen suppositories using solid dispersion technique. Moreover, the acetaminophen suppositories and intramuscular injection dosage forms were evaluated in vivo by New Zealand rabbits experiment. The time-concentration curve of acetaminophen was determined.The pharmacokinetics showed that the ρmax reached to 169.1 μg/mL at 60 min, and the curve displayed obvious peak and valley when administrated by intramuscular injection. The pharmacokinetics of the suppositories group was obtained at 90 min and ρmax was 35.4 μg/mL,the blood drug concentration was stable and maintained continued release. There was a good correlation between - 收稿日期:2017-10-14 基金项目:河北省高等学校科学技术项目(ZD2016102);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2017201052,H2018201045);河北大学精品实验项目(2017-BZ-JPSY26);河北大学2016年实验室开放项目(sy201668) 第一作者:杨文智(1972—),男,内蒙古锡林浩特人,河北大学副教授,从事生物医用材料及药物缓控释制剂方面研究.E-mail:wenzhi_yang@sina.com第4期杨文智等:对乙酰氨基酚栓剂的制备、表征及兔体内外评价in vitro drug release and in vivo drug absorption using acetaminophen suppositories, and the drug release in vitro could well predict its absorption in vivo.
    Determination of fluorescent whitening agent in mask by micellar enhanced fluorescence spectrometry
    LIU Liyan, BAI Jie,HAN Wenya, WANG Yawen, WU Suhuan, HAN Yanmei,LIANG Cuixia
    2018, 38(4):  375-384.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.006
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    A simple, fast and sensitive analytical method was established for the determination of fluorescent whitening agent VBL in mask by micelle-sensitized fluorescence spectrometry. The detecting conditions were optimized. The wavelength of the excited and the emitted spectrum of VBL were 345 nm and 430 nm, respectively. The slit widths were 5nm, 5 nm. According to the spectroscopic properties of VBL and the sensitization principle of surfactant micelle, the factors that influence the fluorescence intensity of the system(such as the type of sensitizer, the concentration of sensitizer and the temperature)were investigated.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.006胶束增敏荧光法测定面膜中的荧光增白剂刘丽艳1,白洁1,2,韩文雅2,王亚文2,吴素焕1,韩艳梅1,梁翠霞2(1. 河北大学 医学综合实验中心,河北 保定 071000;2. 河北大学 公共卫生学院,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:建立简单、灵敏、快速的胶束增敏荧光法,对面膜中的荧光增白剂VBL进行定量检测.对检测条件进行选择,确定了最佳的检测条件:Ex=345 nm、Em=430 nm、Slit=5 nm,5 nm;根据荧光增白剂的光学性质、结合表面活性剂胶束增敏原理,对影响体系荧光强度的因素(增敏试剂种类、增敏剂浓度、温度等)进行了考察,确定的最佳增敏试剂为9.20×10-4 mol/L 的CTAB(即为临界胶束浓度),最佳实验条件为34 ℃;利用单因素分析结合正交设计对样品预处理条件(提取剂的种类、浓度、料液比,提取时间、温度等)进行了筛选,确定了荧光增白剂的最佳提取工艺:提取溶剂为体积分数90%乙醇,料液比1∶75(g∶mL),提取时间30 min,提取温度34 ℃.在最佳实验条件下,VBL+CTAB体系,在5.00×10-7~1.20×10-4 g/L内线性关系良好(r=0.995 8),检出限为1.91×10-7 g/L,平均回收率为101.64%~120.60%,相对标准偏差为1.41%~8.92%.本方法检测灵敏、重现性好、结果准确可靠,可用于面膜中荧光增白剂的定量检测,为中国相关监管机构对市场面膜的质量监测提供科学依据,对维护消费者身体健康有重要意义.关键词:荧光增白剂;胶束增敏;荧光分光光度法中图分类号:O657.39 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)04-0375-10Determination of fluorescent whitening agent in mask bymicellar enhanced fluorescence spectrometryLIU Liyan1, BAI Jie1,2,HAN Wenya2, WANG Yawen2, WU Suhuan1, HAN Yanmei1,LIANG Cuixia2(1.Medical Comprehensive Experimental Center, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China;2. College of Public Health, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China)Abstract: A simple, fast and sensitive analytical method was established for the determination of fluorescent whitening agent VBL in mask by micelle-sensitized fluorescence spectrometry. The detecting conditions were optimized. The wavelength of the excited and the emitted spectrum of VBL were 345 nm and 430 nm, respectively. The slit widths were 5nm, 5 nm. According to the spectroscopic properties of VBL and the sensitization principle of surfactant micelle, the factors that influence the fluorescence intensity of the system(such as the type of sensitizer, the concentration of sensitizer and the temperature)were investigated.- 收稿日期:2017-10-20 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21605035);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2014201162);保定市科学技术与发展指导计划项目(12ZF054);河北大学中西部提升综合实力专项资金资助项目(20150505);河北大学实验室开放基金资助项目(sy201672);河北大学医学部第一批教育教学改革研究课题项目(YXB01-F-05) 第一作者:刘丽艳(1984—),女,河北唐山人,河北大学实验师,主要从事荧光分析、生化分析、生物传感器等研究. E-mail:liyanliu. ok@163.com 通信作者:白洁(1980—),女,河北保定人,回族,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事荧光分析、生化分析、生物传感器等研究. E-mail:bj0427@126.com韩艳梅(1964—),女,河北保定人,河北大学教授,主要从事生理学方面研究.E-mail:hanyanmei6465@sina.com第4期刘丽艳等:胶束增敏荧光法测定面膜中的荧光增白剂According to the various factors, the optimal experimental conditions were that the sensitizer was CTAB,the concentration of CTAB was 9.20×10-4 mol/L(critical micelle concentrations, CMC)and the temperature was 34 ℃. Through single-factor and orthogonal experiments, the sample pretreatment methods for the VBL of the facial masks were optimized. The extraction solvent was 90% ethanol, the solid-liquid ratio was 1∶75(g∶mL), the extracting time was 30 min, and the extracting temperature was 34 ℃. The result showed that the fluorescence enhancement value of the CTAB was linearly proportional to the concentration of VBL in the range of 5.00×10-7~1.20×10-4 g/L.The limit of detection was found to be 1.91×10-7 g/L,the average recovery was 101.64%~120.60%, and the standard deviation was 1.41%~8.92%. This method is sensitive, reproducible and accurate, and suitable for quantitative detection of VBL in facial mask. The method can provide the scientific basis for the quality monitoring of the market mask in China’s relevant regulatory agencies, and is of great significance to the maintenance of consumer health.
    Preparation of functionalized biochar and application in eliminating organic in wastewater
    LIN Zhiping, ZHANG Xilian, JIN Liping, ZHAO Chong, ZHANG Shijing,QIAO Fengxia
    2018, 38(4):  385-391.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.007
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    In a conical flask, biochar was prepared by pyrolysised reaction method,with peanut shell as material and temperature at 300 ℃ for 4 h. The obtained biochar was further functionalized with sodium sulfide. The results indicated that the same biochar had different adsorption properties under different time and temperature conditions. The functionalized biochar with different functional groups showed different adsorption capacity to organic pollutant. Among them, the functionalized biochar contains S-hetero-atomic functional groups showed the strongest adsorption effect. The method improved the preparation of biochar, reduced the cost, simplified the process, and enhanced the adsorption capacity.
    A method of RNA extraction from pear tree tissue
    SHEN Shigang, GAO Yanxia,WANG Fengshan,ZHOU Yuyan,XIE Ying, FENG Li,HAO Guangfei
    2018, 38(4):  392-395.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.008
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    A method of RNA extraction is designed to solve the key problems of low yield, degradation and pollution in the pear tree RNA extraction process. Total RNA is obtained intacted with high purity and content by using this method, and be improved the data quality of the second generation sequencing is improved.
    Impacts of phoslock on sediment phosphorus release in Fuhe River
    WANG Junxia, ZHANG Yajuan,ZHANG Lei, WANG Yabin, LIU Cunqi
    2018, 38(4):  396-402.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.009
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    An experimental study on controlling the release of phosphorus from Fuhe river sediments using a new generation of phosphorus control agent SAE from US were conducted. The results showed that the concentrations of total phosphorus(TP), dissolved total phosphorus(DTP)and dissolved inorganic phosphorus(SRP)in overlying water of sediment decreased. With SAE added at 90 g/m2 and 180 g/m2, sediment phosphate release suppression efficiency reached 80%. Exchangeable phosphorus(Ex-P)and iron aluminum bound phosphorus(NaOH-P)were found to have the greatest potential of the phosphorus release. Calcium bound phoaphorus(HCl-P)content remained unchanged. When the phoslock SAE was added, the content of Ex-P and NaOH-P decreased, the content of HCl-P increased. Phoslock SAE changed the more easily released form of phosphorus into the more stable form. The risk of phosphorus released could be effectively reduced.
    Cloning and expression of β-1,4-endoglucanase gene of cellulose derading bacteria N2-10
    DI Congying, GUO Xiaojun, LIU Hongli,GUO Wei, ZHU Baocheng
    2018, 38(4):  403-409.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.010
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    To validate the mechanism of cellulose degradation by Bacillus subtilis N2-10, through homology comparison,the degenerate primers was designed and the β-1,4-endoglucanase gene of B. subtilis N2-10 was amplified. By useing bioinformatics tools in analyzing the sequences of genes and proteins and considering that the expression of the β-1,4-endoglucanase gene in E.coli, the result shows that, this gene is 1 500 bp, which could totally encodle 499 amino acids. This study also found that it had the typical structure of cellulose. SDS PAGE analysis found that the apparent molecular weight of the expression product was about 55 ku. Congo red staining analysis found that the expression product had the activity of cellulose.
    Screening and identification of an antagonistic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens against tobacco brown spot
    SI Shifei, SONG Lisha, REN Jing, LIU Renxiang, LI Zhong
    2018, 38(4):  410-415.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.011
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    82 bacterial strains were obtained from soil. By plate confrontation method and preliminary screening and double plate screening,strain B11 was screened to have the strongest inhibition against Alternaria alternata. The inhibitory zone of aseptic fermented liquid against A. alternata reached 26.55 mm. Physiological, biochemical and molecular identification of B11 strain were carried out. The physiological and biochemical characteristics of B11 strain were closest to that of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. 16S rRNA sequence analysis of strain B11 showed that B. amyloliquefaciens(NR-116022)clustering and strain B11 became a branch(99% similarity). So, it was identified as B.amyloliquefaciens. Further studies showed that B11 strain had some inhibitory effects on several plant pathogenic fungi.
    On hot topic detection by merging temporal and volatility
    LI Hancai,XU Jianmin,WU Shufang
    2018, 38(4):  416-422.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.012
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    Temporal and volatility are directly related to the hot degree of topic, namely, the more related stories the topic has in a certain time distance, and the larger fluctuation the topic is, the higher hot degree of this topic. Applying integration theory, methods of computing the density of related stories and the peak value are put forward based on temporal and volatility respectively. Finally, linear meditated method is used to merge them to compute the hot degree of a topic. Experiments are carried out on TDT4 corpus to testify the validity and rationality of our new method.
    Prediction of denitrification system inlet nitrogen oxide based on neural network online learning
    JIN Xiuzhang, ZHANG Shaokang
    2018, 38(4):  423-431.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.013
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    To solve the problem that Static soft sensing model of denitrification system inlet nitrogen oxides can notsatisfy the requirement of variable load,a soft sensor model based on neural network online learning was proposed.Finding the optimum solution of Static neural network by particle swarm optimization,combining prediction error with current prediction error to update weights,thresholds and learning rates online,which can satisfy the requirement of variable load,the model was verified with power plant actual data of power plant.Results show that neural network online learning model is high accuracy and good realtime,with strong generalization ability,which is able to predict the inlet nitrogen oxides,and provide a effective method for online measuremet and monitoring of inlet nitrogen oxides in NOx reduction control system.
    A cloud service platform design based on dynamic trust evaluation
    ZHANG Bin, LI Jimin, ZHANG Shouhua,CHEN Xuehai
    2018, 38(4):  432-436.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.014
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    The government data cloud service platform is based on dynamic trust assessment.It can effectively promote inter connection and business collaboration between various departments of the government.It avoid the generation of information island through a unified cloud service interface and data standard. It helps to promote the development and reuse of the governments large data. The category of dynamic trusted evaluation include the trusted state of the host in the cloud service security management, the credibility of the virtual machine, the security level of the cloud service, and the behavior records of the cloud users. The government cloud data center and the application of government cloud business are provided to the outside world. In the security management, TCM trusted service is built into the traditional cloud service to manage cloud services. Trust relationship is transferred from trusted root to cloud host and government data cloud service. The trust value of cloud user behavior evidence is measured by ANP behavior matrix, and cloud user is established as a security mechanism for dynamic trust evaluation, and a secure and credible cloud service is provided for government data.
    Switching tracking controller selection for robot manipulators with unknown shifting load
    WANG Xia,WANG Shan,TANG Yujun,HOU Kuo,DONG Jinguo
    2018, 38(4):  437-442.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.015
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    A controller selection mechanism is proposed to solve the tracking problem of robot manipulator when the load shifts unpredictably. A switched system is used to model the manipulator so that the shifting of loads can be captured by the switching signal. When the switching signal of the switched system is unavailable, we design a switching logic for the candidate controllers via constructing a supervisory variable. Asymptotic tracking is achieved when the load change is slow enough. The proposed method is verified by simulation.
    Avian community and group diversity of Baiyangdian Lake in summer
    WANG Yihong,WU Tingting,FAN Jungong,WANG Penghua,CHEN Xiangyang,HOU Jianhua
    2018, 38(4):  443-448.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.04.016
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    The avian species, resident type,distribution type,relative amount and rare species were investigated in summer in Baiyangdian Lake from 2016 to 2017. 66 species were documented,which belong to 14 orders and 31 families. Among these,34 species(60.90%)are summer migrants,20 species(38.44%)are residents,11 species(0.66%)are passage migrants and 1 species(0.01%)are winter migrants. The distribution mainly focused on three types,16 species(36.75%)of not easily categorized, 16 species(37.45%)of Palaearctic and 4 species(15.91%)of north type. And there are 3 dominant species(68.94%), 8 frequent species(23.22%), 20 rare species(6.78%), 35 seldom found species(1.07%). 2 dominant families belong to the not passeriformes, and 1 belongs to the passeriformes. G-F index of the not passeriformes is 0.642 and the passeriformes is 0.583. There are 1 Category Ⅱ Nationally Protected Species and 22 species with Hebei Provincial Protected status. 1 critically endangered and 2 near threatened species included in the red list published by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.