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    25 May 2018, Volume 38 Issue 3
    Application of particle swarm optimization in a class of nonlinear financial risk system
    LI Bo,TIAN Ruilan,ZHANG Weihua, LIU Guoxin
    2018, 38(3):  225-231.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.001
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    Maintaining stable operation of financial system and reducing financial risk is a focus studied by economical researchers. Based on the nonlinear chaos and bifurcation theory, this paper introduces the particle swarm optimization and discuss how to choose the optimal parameter ratio to ensure the smooth operation of the financial system and the maximum reduction of the total risk value of the system. The results show that the theory and methods selected in this paper can effectively find the optimal parameter ratio and have certain theoretical significance for the regulation of related institutions.
    Numerical simulations of the multi-pulse phenomena in atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier uniform discharges
    LIU Fucheng, WANG Xiaofei
    2018, 38(3):  232-238.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.002
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    In order to further understand the formation mechanism of the multiple current pulse phenomena in atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier uniform discharges, a one-dimensional extended fluid model has been established. Taking the effects of electron temperature on electron transport parameters into account, an additional electron energy balance equation has been introduced into the extended fluid model. It is demonstrated that discharges with multiple current pulses always operate in the Townsend mode. The early discharge provides lots of seed electrons for the subsequent discharge, resulting in the decreases of both breakdown voltage and current pulse in the successive discharges. As the driving frequency increases, the number of current pulses decreases but their magnitudes increase. As the driving voltage amplitude increases, both the number and magnitude of the current pulses increase. These simulation results are in good agreement with experimental results.
    Progress in phenol hydrogenation
    WEN Xin, DONG Jie, SHE Tiantian, BAI Guoyi
    2018, 38(3):  239-247.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.003
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    Cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone are important chemical raw materials, which are the key intermediates in the manufacture of nylon 6 and nylon 66. The hydrogenation of phenol to cyclohexanol or cyclohexanone has attracted much attention due to its low energy consumption, good atom economy and good selectivity. In this review, the hydrogenation mechanism of phenol is introduced, and the different kinds of metal catalysts in the hydrogenation of phenol are reviewed. Finally, the problems and development strategies in phenol hydrogenation are also discussed.
    Levels and sources apportionment of gaseous polybrominated diphenyl ethers in indoor air
    LIU Pengyan, XU Yunfeng, MA Aojuan, LI Zhansheng, HE Zenghao
    2018, 38(3):  248-253.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.004
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    Seven representative indoor air samples were collected using a medium volume sampler on a university campus. The species and concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs)were analyzed using GC-ECD and GC/MS. The results showed that 14 PBDEs were detected in the samples. Among the detected PBDEs, detection of BDE-17, BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153, BDE-190 were 100%. The total concentration of PBDEs(∑14PBDEs)ranged from 78.1 to 414.0 pg/m3 with the mean concentration of 266.6 pg/m3, and BDE-100 was the dominant congener. The indoor air pollutants were mainly Penta-BDE, followed by Octa-BDE commercial products. It indicated that PBDEs concentration variations were large in different rooms. The number of electrical equipment, the number of furniture and the year of decoration were important factors to affect the concentration variations of PBDEs.
    Adsorptive property of cationic dye crystal violet onto walnut shell
    TANG Ranxiao,LI Yan,FAN Shengnan,SHANG Honglin,WANG Chun,ZHAO Ying
    2018, 38(3):  254-261.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.005
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    In order to develop efficient and low-cost treatment technique for dye waste water and promote the resource utilization of walnut shell, the adsorption kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of the walnut shell for dyes in water were studied by static adsorption experiments. The results showed that the walnut shell particles contained negatively charge under pH 2-11. The electrostatic attractive force between the cationic dyes and the adsorbent could result in high adsorption capacity of walnut shell to cationic dyes. The adsorption thermodynamic characteristics could be better described by the Langmuir model, and the maximal adsorption capacity increased with increasing the temperature.The results of D-R model showed the adsorption was a chemical process. The kinetic data was fitted well to pseudo second-order model. The adsoption was mainly controlled by intraparticle diffusion but that was not the only rate-controlling step. ΔG<0,ΔH>0 and ΔS>0 indicated that the adsorption system was spontaneous and endothermic,thus the adsorption processes were favorable at higher temperature.
    Analysis of Baizi Yangxin pills and niuhuang jiedu pills by mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics
    LI Yankun,JIA Mingjing,WANG Han
    2018, 38(3):  262-267.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.006
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    The infrared spectrum has the advantages of high sensitivity,easy operation and strong specificity of bands.It is especially suitable for the rapid identification of Chinese herbal medicines.In this paper,ATR-MIR(attenuated total reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy)was used to measure Baizi Yangxin pills and Niuhuang Jiedu pills,and then the two drugs were identified by chemometrics.The results show that the mid-infrared spectroscopy combined with chemometrics can achieve rapid detection and identification of Chinese herbal medicines.
    Spatial distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin under Artemisia sphaerocephala along a dune in Saibei desert of North China
    HE Xueli,ZHANG Yajuan, ZHAO Lili, ZHANG Juan, XU Wei
    2018, 38(3):  268-277.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.007
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    The study was carried out in Zhenglanqi, Inner Mongolia. The soil samples in the rhizosphere of Artemisia sphaerocephala were collected from the three sites(the top-dune, mid-dune, and foot-dune)along one typical dune in August 2013, and divided into five depth intervals,0—10, 10—20, 20—30, 30—40 and 40—50 cm,respectively. The results indicated that A. sphaerocephala formed strong symbiotic relationship with AM(arbuscular mycorrhizal)fungi.AM fungal spore density and colonization rates were significantly affected by sampling sites and soil depths.The arbuscular colonization, the spore density and the content of glomalin at the bottom of the slope were significantly higher than those at the middle and top. The spore density gradually decreased with soil depths.The mean total infection of AM fungi was 82.8%, and the spore mean density was 2.86/g. The soil nutrients content were significantly different- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.007塞北梁地沙蒿根围AM真菌和球囊霉素空间分布特征贺学礼, 张亚娟, 赵丽莉, 张娟, 许伟(河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:以内蒙古青格勒图元上都的典型沙化梁地为研究样地,2013年8月于梁地阳面的底、坡和顶样地,分5个土层(0~10、10~20、20~30、30~40、40~50 cm)采集沙蒿根围土壤样品及根样,探讨沙蒿根围AM(arbuscular mycorrhizal)真菌在不同坡位上的空间分布特征及与土壤因子之间的关系,进一步分析风蚀水蚀的影响. 结果表明,AM真菌的定殖率和孢子密度与样地和采样深度密切相关,梁底显著高于梁坡和梁顶,随着土层加深,孢子密度显著降低.AM真菌总定殖率平均为82.8%,土壤孢子密度平均为2.86/g. 不同样地,随坡位变化,由梁底到梁顶土壤养分含量逐渐降低,梁底土壤有机碳、碱解氮、有效磷含量明显优于梁坡和梁顶;在不同样地间,随土层加深土壤养分含量也逐渐降低;梁底球囊霉素含量明显高于梁坡和梁顶,且随土层加深,球囊霉素含量显著降低. 沙蒿根围总球囊霉素在土壤中的平均质量分数为1.570 mg/g,在土壤有机碳中的质量分数为21.12%.相关性分析表明,孢子密度及AM真菌总定殖率与土壤湿度、有机碳、有效磷、碱解氮、球囊霉素、磷酸酶呈极显著正相关(P<0.01).关键词:AM真菌;土壤因子;球囊霉素;沙蒿;梁地中图分类号:Q948 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)03-0268-10Spatial distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin underArtemisia sphaerocephala along a dune in Saibei desert of North ChinaHE Xueli,ZHANG Yajuan, ZHAO Lili, ZHANG Juan, XU Wei(College of Life Sciences,Hebei University,Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: The study was carried out in Zhenglanqi, Inner Mongolia. The soil samples in the rhizosphere of Artemisia sphaerocephala were collected from the three sites(the top-dune, mid-dune, and foot-dune)along one typical dune in August 2013, and divided into five depth intervals,0—10, 10—20, 20—30, 30—40 and 40—50 cm,respectively. The results indicated that A. sphaerocephala formed strong symbiotic relationship with AM(arbuscular mycorrhizal)fungi.AM fungal spore density and colonization rates were significantly affected by sampling sites and soil depths.The arbuscular colonization, the spore density and the content of glomalin at the bottom of the slope were significantly higher than those at the middle and top. The spore density gradually decreased with soil depths.The mean total infection of AM fungi was 82.8%, and the spore mean density was 2.86/g. The soil nutrients content were significantly different- 收稿日期:2017-09-25 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31270460) 第一作者:贺学礼(1964—),男,陕西蒲城人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事生态学研究.E-mail:xuelh1256@126.com第3期贺学礼等:塞北梁地沙蒿根围AM真菌和球囊霉素空间分布特征among the three studied sites and different soil layers. The contents of soil organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the bottom of the slope were significantly higher than those at the middle and top. The soil nutrient contents significantly decreased with the depth of soil layer. The average contents of TG(total glomalin)were 1.570 mg / g accounting for 21.12% of the total soil organic carbon. The results of relativity analysis showed AM fungi total colonization and the spore density had significant positive relationship with soil moisture, SOC(soil organic carbon), available P, available N, EEG(easily extractable glomalin), TG, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase(all P<0.01).
    Effects of TNF-α on sodium channel in cortical neurons of rats
    ZHANG Weiwei, ZHANG Han, CAO Fang, MU Shumei, KANG Xianjiang
    2018, 38(3):  278-283.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.008
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    Primary cultured fetal rat cortical neurons and whole cell patch clamp technique were used for investigating the effect of TNF-α on Na+ currents of cultured cortical neurons. The neurons were treated for 6 and 24 hours respectively by TNF-α(10 and 50 ng/mL). The results showed the inhibition of 50 ng/mL TNF-α on voltage-gated Na+ currents in cortical neurons of rats, but has no effect on the activation properties and the inactivation properties of sodium channel.
    Pyrogallol autoxidation and its application to SOD activity assay
    JIA Hongyu, WANG Yasen, TIAN Xiaohui, ZHANG Wei, DU Jianfang, KANG Ming, LIU Jianrong
    2018, 38(3):  284-290.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.009
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    To verify the accuracy and feasibility of the pyrogallol autoxidation, the UV-Vis absorption spectra of autoxidation products of pyrogallol were scanned systematically in Tris-HCl and phosphate buffers for optimal wavelength determination. The inhibition modes of tcv Cu,Zn-SOD and Bovine Cu,Zn-SOD to pyrogallol autoxidation were characterized in the two buffers. The autoxidation products showed a quickly increased absorption at 320 nm in 30 s, and reached to the maxima in 30 min in a solution of 0.225 mmol/L pyrogallol in 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH8.2; a weak absorption at 440 nm was also observed 30 min after the reaction started; and the rate of autoxidation of pyrogallol was A320 0.139/min.The- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.009邻苯三酚自氧化法在SOD活性测定中的应用贾红玉1,王亚森1,田晓辉1,张伟1,杜建芳2,康明1,刘建荣2(1. 河北大学 生命科学学院, 河北省微生物多样性研究与应用实验室,河北 保定 071002;2. 河北大学 生物技术研究中心,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为了验证邻苯三酚自氧化法的准确性和实用性,对邻苯三酚在Tris-HCl和磷酸盐2种不同反应体系(缓冲液)中的自氧化产物进行UV-Vis吸收光谱扫描, 确定其最适吸收峰; 同时研究了tcv Cu,ZnSOD(简称tcvSOD)和Bovine Cu,Zn-SOD(简称Bovine SOD)分别在2种缓冲液中对邻苯三酚自氧化反应的抑制模式. 波长扫描显示, 终浓度为0.225 mmol/L的邻苯三酚在50 mmol/L Tris-HCl pH 8.2缓冲液中于320 nm处30 s出现明显吸收峰, 30 min吸收峰达到最高值; 30 min 后440 nm附近出现吸收峰; A320处的自氧化速率为0.139/min. 同样浓度邻苯三酚在0.2 mol/L pH8.0磷酸缓冲液中除了A320的自氧化速率稍高(A320 0.152/min)外, 其他性质与50 mmol/L Tris-HCl相同. tcvSOD和Bovine SOD在Tris-HCl缓冲液中对邻苯三酚自氧化反应的抑制作用较磷酸盐缓冲液为强.研究结果确认320 nm可作为检测邻苯三酚自氧化、SOD对其产生抑制及SOD活性间接测定的特定波长. 关键词:邻苯三酚; 自氧化; 铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(Cu,Zn-SOD); 波长扫描中图分类号:Q554 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)03-0284-07Pyrogallol autoxidation and its application to SOD activity assay JIA Hongyu1, WANG Yasen1, TIAN Xiaohui1, ZHANG Wei1, DU Jianfang2, KANG Ming1, LIU Jianrong2(1. Key Laboratory of Microbial Diversity Research and Application of Hebei Province, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;2. Biotechnology Center,Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract:To verify the accuracy and feasibility of the pyrogallol autoxidation, the UV-Vis absorption spectra of autoxidation products of pyrogallol were scanned systematically in Tris-HCl and phosphate buffers for optimal wavelength determination. The inhibition modes of tcv Cu,Zn-SOD and Bovine Cu,Zn-SOD to pyrogallol autoxidation were characterized in the two buffers. The autoxidation products showed a quickly increased absorption at 320 nm in 30 s, and reached to the maxima in 30 min in a solution of 0.225 mmol/L pyrogallol in 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH8.2; a weak absorption at 440 nm was also observed 30 min after the reaction started; and the rate of autoxidation of pyrogallol was A320 0.139/min.The- 收稿日期:2017-10-25 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31470192);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(C2016201180) 第一作者:贾红玉(1991—), 女, 河北邢台人, 河北大学在读硕士研究生. E-mail:jhy121818298@sina.com 通信作者:刘建荣(1963—), 女, 河北保定人,河北大学副研究员, 主要从事生化与分子生物学研究. E-mail:bioinfo5@hbu.edu.cn康明(1962—), 男, 河北昌黎人,河北大学教授,博士, 主要从事微生物代谢工程以及病毒宿主相互作用研究. E-mail:mingkang@hbu.edu.cn第3期贾红玉等:邻苯三酚自氧化法在SOD活性测定中的应用autoxidation mode of 0.225 mmol/L pyrogallol in 0.2 mol/L phosphate, pH8.0 was the same as that in 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl except the rate of autoxidation associated with phosphate buffer was a little higher(A320 0.152/min). Both the tcvSOD and Bovine SOD showed slightly stronger inhibition to pyrogallol autoxidation in Tris-HCl than that in phosphate buffer. It was validated that 320 nm is the optimal wavelength for measuring the rate of pyrogallol autoxidation, the inhibition of pyrogallol autoxidation, and the indirectly determination of SOD activity.
    Induction of callus from Glycyrrhiza inflata root and changes of soluble protein content
    MA Jian,LIANG Yuling,PAN Xiao,LIU Jing
    2018, 38(3):  291-298.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.010
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    The root of Glycyrrhiza inflata aseptic seedling was used as explant to induce callus in this study. Four types of callus were selected after several rounds of subculture and type I callus selected was treated by NaCl stress of different mass concentrations. The growth and the amounts of soluble proteins in the root callus during the period of induction, in the callus subcultured on different media and in typeⅠcallus treated with NaCl stress were measured. The results show that the callus could be induced using the root of 10 d aseptic seedling as explant. The highest induction rate of root callus was obtained by the addition of 1.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.2 mg/L 6-BA in MS medium. The highest soluble protein content of callus was 2.01 mg / g at initiation of the induction from the two ends of the root explants. Both the growth of- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.010甘草根愈伤组织诱导与可溶性蛋白含量变化马健1,梁玉玲1,2,潘笑1,刘静1(1.河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北省生物工程技术研究中心,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:利用胀果甘草无菌苗根作为外植体诱导愈伤组织,经过多次继代培养筛选出4种类型的愈伤组织,并以不同质量浓度的NaCl胁迫处理Ⅰ型愈伤组织.测定了在根愈伤组织诱导过程中,不同类型愈伤组织继代培养中和Ⅰ型愈伤组织在NaCl胁迫处理条件下的生长情况及可溶性蛋白含量的变化情况.结果显示,以苗龄10 d的无菌苗根为外植体可以诱导产生愈伤组织,以MS培养基附加1.0 mg/L 2,4-D和 0.2 mg/L 6-BA时,根愈伤组织的诱导率最高,继代培养生长状况良好为Ⅰ型愈伤组织;根外植体两端开始形成愈伤组织时可溶性蛋白含量最高,为2.01 mg/g;不同培养基上继代培养的根愈伤组织生长状态不同,可溶性蛋白含量也有不同,以Ⅰ型愈伤组织中可溶性蛋白含量最高;Ⅰ型愈伤组织在5 g/L NaCl胁迫下,继代培养21 d后,愈伤组织生长量明显提升,在14~21 d愈伤组织可溶性蛋白含量明显提高.本研究表明甘草愈伤组织对低质量浓度的盐胁迫有一定的适应性,使其可溶性蛋白含量升高,在可溶性蛋白含量剧烈变化期间,愈伤组织生长量明显提高.关键词:胀果甘草;根;愈伤组织;盐胁迫;可溶性蛋白中图分类号:Q943.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)03-0291-08Induction of callus from Glycyrrhiza inflata root andchanges of soluble protein contentMA Jian1,LIANG Yuling1,2,PAN Xiao1,LIU Jing1(1.College of Life Sciences,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2.Biological Engineering Technology Research Center of Hebei Province, Baoding 071002,China)Abstract:The root of Glycyrrhiza inflata aseptic seedling was used as explant to induce callus in this study. Four types of callus were selected after several rounds of subculture and type I callus selected was treated by NaCl stress of different mass concentrations. The growth and the amounts of soluble proteins in the root callus during the period of induction, in the callus subcultured on different media and in typeⅠcallus treated with NaCl stress were measured. The results show that the callus could be induced using the root of 10 d aseptic seedling as explant. The highest induction rate of root callus was obtained by the addition of 1.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and 0.2 mg/L 6-BA in MS medium. The highest soluble protein content of callus was 2.01 mg / g at initiation of the induction from the two ends of the root explants. Both the growth of- 收稿日期:2017-09-20 基金项目:河北大学自然科学研究计划项目(799207217054);河北省生物学重点学科资助项目 第一作者:马健(1991—),男,山东济南人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事植物基因与细胞工程研究.E-mail:1140299778@qq.com 通信作者:梁玉玲(1965—),女,河北定州人,河北大学教授,博士,主要从事植物基因与细胞工程研究.E-mail:yuling_liang@163.com第3期马健等:甘草根愈伤组织诱导与可溶性蛋白含量变化callus subcultured on different media and the contents of soluble proteins were found to be different with the greatest change found in type I callus. The growth of typeⅠcallus was improved significantly after subculture for 21 d under 5 g/L NaCl;and the soluble proteins of the callus in 14~21 d was dramatically increased. The present study shows that Glycyrrhiza inflata licorice root-induced callus has some adaptability to NaCl stress at the concentration of 5 g/L, and the biggest change of callus growth was accompanied by the significant variation of soluble proteins.
    Big data and big data machine learning
    ZHANG Sufang, ZHAI Junhai, WANG Cong, SHEN Chu, ZHAO Chunling
    2018, 38(3):  299-308.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.011
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    Big data era has arrived. The big data refers to the data which is usually characterized by the 5 features: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value. In recent years, big data research is the hottest research topic in the field of information processing, and has drawn great attention from industrial communities, academic communities and governments because big value can be found in big data. It is of great significance for companies or governments to make decisions using the knowledge found from big data. Big data introduces many challenges to traditional machine learning, which can be analyzed by the 5 features of- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.011大数据与大数据机器学习张素芳1, 翟俊海2, 王聪2, 沈矗2, 赵春玲2(1.中国气象局气象干部培训学院河北分院,河北 保定 071000;2.河北省机器学习与计算智能重点实验室,河北大学 数学与信息科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要 大数据时代已经到来,大数据是指具有海量(Volume)、多样(Variety)、时效(Velocity)、不精确(Veracity)和价值(Value)这5种特征的数据,大数据研究是近几年信息处理领域最热门的研究方向,已经引起了工业界、学术界乃至政府部门的高度关注.大数据之所以备受关注,是因为大数据里面蕴藏着巨大的价值.如何把蕴藏在大数据中的价值挖掘出来,为企业或政府部门提供决策支持具有重要的意义.大数据给传统的机器学习带来了许多挑战,这些挑战可以从大数据的5个特征或从5个不同的角度进行分析.本文首先介绍大数据的概念,并详细剖析大数据5种特征的内涵;然后在此基础上,重点分析大数据给机器学习带来的挑战及可能的解决方法.本文对从事大数据研究的人员,特别是从事大数据机器学习研究的人员具有较高的参考价值.关键词: 大数据;机器学习;云计算;决策支持中图分类号:TP181 文献标志码:A 【additional_page=336】文章编号:1000-1565(2018)03-0299-10Big data and big data machine learningZHANG Sufang1, ZHAI Junhai2, WANG Cong2, SHEN Chu2, ZHAO Chunling2(1.Hebei Branch of China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, China Meteorological Administration, Baoding 071000, China;2.Key Laboratory of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence of Hebei Province, College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: Big data era has arrived. The big data refers to the data which is usually characterized by the 5 features: volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value. In recent years, big data research is the hottest research topic in the field of information processing, and has drawn great attention from industrial communities, academic communities and governments because big value can be found in big data. It is of great significance for companies or governments to make decisions using the knowledge found from big data. Big data introduces many challenges to traditional machine learning, which can be analyzed by the 5 features of- 收稿日期:2017-12-23 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71371063);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2017201026);河北大学自然科学研究计划项目(799207217071);河北大学研究生创新资助项目(hbu2018ss47);河北大学大学生创新训练项目(2017071) 第一作者:张素芳(1966—),女,河北蠡县人,中国气象局气象干部培训学院河北分院副教授,主要从事机器学习方向研究.E-mail: mczsf@126.com 通信作者:翟俊海(1964—),男,河北易县人,河北大学教授,博士,主要从事机器学习和数据挖掘方向研究.E-mail:mczjh@126.com第3期张素芳等:大数据与大数据机器学习big data or from 5 different views.This paper firstly introduces the concept of big data,and carefully analyzes the connotations of the 5 features, and then mainly focuses on analyzing the challenges and the possible solutions. This paper can be very helpful to researchers in related fields, especially for the ones engaging in the study of big data machine learning.
    SAR image iterative denoising algorithm based on non-local adaptive dictionary
    PANG Jiao,ZHANG Shiqi,LIU Shuaiqi
    2018, 38(3):  309-314.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.012
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    In order to make better use of the information carried by SAR images, the suppression of speckle noise has become one of the hot topic around the world. Combining sparse representation theory and non local self similarity theory of images, a SAR image iterative denoising algorithm based on non-local block matching and adaptive dictionary K-SVD is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the results were matched using non local block matching algorithm of the previous iteration in each iteration, then each group of similar block adaptive dictionary update, and image block replacement dictionary is used to improve the efficiency of dictionary training, and finally the effect of SAR image denoising is achieved by K-SVD iteration. The results show that the algorithm has better denoising ability, and can better preserve the details- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.012基于非局部自适应字典的SAR图像迭代去噪算法庞姣1,2,张世琪3,刘帅奇1,2(1.河北大学 电子信息工程学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北省机器视觉工程技术研究中心,河北 保定 071002;3. 北京理工大学 信息与电子学院,北京 100081)摘 要:为了更好地利用SAR图像携带的信息,相干斑噪声的抑制成为各国学者研究的热点之一. 结合稀疏表示理论和图像的非局部自相似理论,提出了一种基于非局部块匹配与自适应字典的K-singular value decomposition(K-SVD)的synthetic aperture radar(SAR)图像迭代去噪算法. 首先,在每次迭代中,利用非局部块匹配算法对上一次迭代的结果进行匹配分组,然后对每组相似块进行自适应字典更新,并用图像块替换字典原子来提高字典训练的效率,最后通过K-SVD的迭代实现SAR图像的去噪效果. 实验结果表明,该算法具有更好的去噪能力,能更好地保持图像的细节和纹理等有用信息. 关键词:SAR图像去噪;相似块匹配;K-SVD;迭代去噪中图分类号:TN95 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)03-0309-06SAR image iterative denoising algorithm based on non-local adaptive dictionary PANG Jiao1,2,ZHANG Shiqi3,LIU Shuaiqi1,2(1. College of Electronic and Informational Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;2. Machine Vision Engineering Research Center of Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, China;3.School of Information and Electronics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)Abstract: In order to make better use of the information carried by SAR images, the suppression of speckle noise has become one of the hot topic around the world. Combining sparse representation theory and non local self similarity theory of images, a SAR image iterative denoising algorithm based on non-local block matching and adaptive dictionary K-SVD is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the results were matched using non local block matching algorithm of the previous iteration in each iteration, then each group of similar block adaptive dictionary update, and image block replacement dictionary is used to improve the efficiency of dictionary training, and finally the effect of SAR image denoising is achieved by K-SVD iteration. The results show that the algorithm has better denoising ability, and can better preserve the details- 收稿日期:2017-11-04 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(61572063;61401308);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2016201187;F2016201142);河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(QN2016085);河北大学实验室开放项目(sy201608) 第一作者:庞姣(1979—),女,河北保定人,河北大学实验师,主要从事数字通信、信息处理、图像处理方面研究. E-mail:965961776@qq.com 通信作者:刘帅奇(1986—),男,河北石家庄人,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事数字多维信号处理、图像处理研究. E-mail:shdkj-1918@163.com第3期庞姣等:基于非局部自适应字典的SAR图像迭代去噪算法and texture information of the image.
    Application of improved k-means differential privacy protection in location privacy protection
    QI Xiaona,WANG Jia, XU Dongsheng, ZHANG Yujing,GUO Jia,LIU Yang
    2018, 38(3):  315-320.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.013
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    In view of the poor availability of k-means differential privacy clustering results, the k-means algorithm is improved on the basis of the characteristics of the data acquisition of LBS. Proved by simulation experiment, The new k-means clustering method proposed in this paper had a certain degree of improvement in the anonymity of clustering results than the ordinary differential privacy k-means clustering method in terms of LBS privacy protection.
    A color image super resolution approach based on alpha channel
    ZHAO Hong, WEI Yonggang,YANG Gang
    2018, 38(3):  321-326.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.014
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    There is a close correlation between the three channels of a color image. The existing edge preserving super-resolution method for grayscale image can not be extended directly to RGB space, because it is easy to break the relevance and cause color artifacts. A new method of color image super resolution based on alpha channel is proposed to solve this problem. Firstly, the image is segmented by region, and the foreground, background and alpha channel of each region are extracted. Then, the alpha channel, foreground and background images are super-resoluted respectively. Finally, the high resolution image is synthesized again. The alpha channel is used to coordinate the edge information of three channels. The experimental results show that the method can keep the color edge of the image better and has better visual effects.
    Cloud computing application performance relationship model based on information resources sharing
    LIU Xingjian, WEI Xuguang, KANG Kai
    2018, 38(3):  327-336.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.03.015
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    This study focuses on the research perspective of the lack of information resource sharing in the research results of cloud computing application performance, establishes a relationship model between information resource sharing and cloud computing application performance with exploratory case study based on grounded theory. Researcher draw the path about information resource sharing in cloud computing application performance after verifying the theoretical model using 162 valid sample survey data. Information resource sharing has a significant positive impact on efficiency mechanisms; IT strategy alignment plays a mediating role in the mechanism of information resource sharing and affects efficiency; the regulatory effect of IT strategy alignment on information resource sharing and cloud computing application performance is fully mediated by efficiency mechanisms.