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    25 May 2021, Volume 41 Issue 3
    Bifurcation analysis and examples in the trace-determinant plane
    CAO Nanbin, ZHANG Yafei, LIU Xia
    2021, 41(3):  225-230.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.001
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    Based on the classification of planar linear systems by the trace-determinant, this paper presents illustrative examples corresponding to various bifurcations in the trace-determinant plane.
    Numerical simulation of bend-twist coupling properties of laminate plates
    ZHANG Ying, AN Liqiang, WANG Zhangqi
    2021, 41(3):  231-237.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.002
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    In order to analyze the effect of bend twist coupling(BTC)of large wind turbine blade, the blade was simplified to a symmetric un-uniform laminate plates, the influence of coupling area on bend-twist coupling effect was studied by numerical analysis method. By introducing symmetric off-axis orientations in different locations of the five plates, the static deformations to perform the coupling feature were analyzed under the concentrated force. A new method was proposed in this paper to quantitatively describe the bending-torsional coupling performance of laminates using modal assurance criterior(MAC). The results show that coupling effect of laminates coupled in the central region were significant at low-order vibrations, while the coupling effect of laminates coupled near the end was more obvious at higher-order modes.
    Photovoltaic power generation prediction of rail transit based on improved support vector machine
    HUANG Yuansheng, TIAN Lixia, SUN Shize, DENG Jiajia, ZHAO Hengfeng
    2021, 41(3):  238-244.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.003
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    Rail transit system is a big power consumer. Connecting photovoltaic power generation system to rail transit system can not only reduce the operation cost of transportation system, but also realize energy saving and environmental protection. However, due to the randomness and uncertainty of photovoltaic power generation, the direct access of photovoltaic power generation to rail transit power supply system will bring a certain impact on rail transit power supply system. Accurate photovoltaic power generation prediction is an efective way to reduce the impact of photovoltaic grid connection. Firstly, the adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to improve the optimization ability of the particles in the training of the historical data of photovoltaic power generation, and then the optimized parameters are substituted into the least squares support vector machine to predict the photovoltaic power generation load, which effectively ensures the accuracy of the prediction, and thus improves the stability of the photovoltaic power generation when connected to the rail transit power supply system.
    Location determination of hydrogen refueling station based on equilibrium condition
    TIAN Lixia, HUANG Yuansheng, ZHAO Hengfeng, SUN Shize, DENG Jiajia
    2021, 41(3):  245-250.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.004
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    Nowadays, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are developing, but there is a lack of hydrogen refueling stations. In order to solve the problem of location and volume of hydrogen refueling station invested by investors, the multi-agent equilibrium optimization method is adopted. Then, the location and volume determination of hydrogen refueling station with multi investors under the constraint of market equilibrium is studied. In the process of research, in order to meet the long-term balanced development of hydrogen filling service, all investors make investment decisions by fully analyzing the possible investment behavior of other investors and the preference of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle drivers.
    Discharge characteristics of a planar argon plasma plume generated by a quadri-electrode discharge device
    SONG Caihong, WU Jiacun, WU Kaiyue, JIA Pengying, RAN Junxia, YANG Lijun
    2021, 41(3):  251-257.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.005
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    A diffuse argon plume at atmospheric pressure is generated downstream of a longitudinal slit jet equipped with a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD)in a quadri-electrode configuration. Results indicate that both the plume length and the spectral line intensities increase with the increase in the peak voltage. Waveforms of applied voltage and discharge current indicate that discharges can appear in both the rising and falling edges of the applied voltage. By fast photography, it is found that there is a clear difference for discharges with different polarities. The positive discharge is composed of non-uniform branching filaments. As a comparison, it is fairly uniform for the negative discharge. In fact, the positive discharge and the negative one correspond to a cathode-directed streamer and an anode-directed streamer, respectively. The mechanism of branching filaments and dispersion background are discussed in the paper. These results are thought to be of great significance for the deep understanding of the large-scale plasma plume generation and the streamer dynamics.
    Effects of electrode curvature on the nonlinear behaviors of dielectric barrier discharge in cylindrical geometry
    ZHOU Zhixiang, GUO Xue, LIU Fucheng, WANG Xiaofei
    2021, 41(3):  258-264.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.006
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    The effects of electrode curvature on nonlinear behaviors of coaxial dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure have been investigated numerically by using a self-consistent 1D fluid model. It is demonstrated that the discharge exhibits different nonlinear behaviors for different electrode curvature. A traditional single-period discharge keeps its stability in a narrow range of electrode curvature. On the contrary, it will transit into a double-period discharge through period-doubling bifurcation. Meanwhile, the transition time is inversely proportional to the deviation level from the bifurcation point. The memory effect of space charge created in the previous discharge is responsible for this transition. As the electrode radius increases, the discharge first transits into a chaotic state through a series of period-doubling bifurcations, and then into another single-period discharge mode with opposite symmetry.
    Mangiferin reduces stress induced depressive-like behavior and exerts a neuroprotective effect by inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome
    ZHANG Lei, ZHAO Guofa, LI Nan, QIAO Xiaoqiang, JIA Youchao
    2021, 41(3):  265-272.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.007
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    The therapeutic effect of mangiferin on chronic unpredictability mild stress depression in rats and its mechanism were studied. Rats were randomly given unpredictable stimuli for 6 consecutive weeks to prepare a depression model. The test group was given mangiferin(MGF, 20, 40, 80 mg/kg)one time through gastric perfusion from week 4 to week 6, while the intragastric administration of fluoxetine(Flu, 10 mg/kg, qd)from week4 to week6 was used as a positive control. At the end of the experiment, biochemical analysis, histopathological examination, and expression of inflammasome related proteins were performed on the serum and brain of the rats.The expression of related inflammatory factor protein in serum of rats was detected. MGF had a significant alleviating effect on the rat behavior of CUMS-induced- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.007芒果苷通过作用于NLRP3炎症小体发挥抗抑郁和神经保护作用张蕾1,2,赵国发1,2,李楠1,2,乔晓强3,贾友超1,2(1.河北大学附属医院 肿瘤内科 河北省肿瘤放化疗机制与规程研究重点实验室,河北 保定 071002;2.河北大学 医学院,河北 保定 071000;3.河北大学 药学院 河北省药物质量分析控制重点实验室,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:研究了芒果苷对慢性不可预测性轻度应激抑郁症大鼠的治疗作用以及作用机制.大鼠随机给予不可预测性刺激,连续6周,制备抑郁症模型.实验组在第4至第6周给予芒果苷(MGF,20、40、80 mg/kg)灌胃治疗,氟西汀(Flu,10 mg/kg)灌胃作为阳性对照.实验结束时对大鼠大脑进行生化分析、组织病理学检查以及炎症小体相关蛋白表达,检测大鼠血清中相关炎症因子蛋白的表达.实验表明MGF对慢性不可预测的轻度应激(CUMS)诱导的大鼠抑郁症行为有明显的改善作用;MGF可以抑制CUMS大鼠NLRP3、Caspase-1和ASC蛋白以及mRNA的表达水平;抑制CUMS大鼠血清中相关炎症因子的蛋白表达水平;MGF同时可以降低NLRP3炎症小体的表达水平,缓解CUMS引起的大脑病理损害,对CUMS大鼠引起的脑损伤起到保护作用.关键词:抑郁症;炎症小体;芒果苷;氟西汀中图分类号:R9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)03-0265-08Mangiferin reduces stress induced depressive-like behavior and exerts a neuroprotective effect by inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasomeZHANG Lei1,2, ZHAO Guofa1,2, LI Nan1,2, QIAO Xiaoqiang3, JIA Youchao1,2(1.Hebei Key Laboratory of Cancer Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy,Department of Medical Oncology,Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2.Medical College,Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China;3.Key Laboratory of Public Health Safety of Hebei Province,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: The therapeutic effect of mangiferin on chronic unpredictability mild stress depression in rats and its mechanism were studied. Rats were randomly given unpredictable stimuli for 6 consecutive weeks to prepare a depression model. The test group was given mangiferin(MGF, 20, 40, 80 mg/kg)one time through gastric perfusion from week 4 to week 6, while the intragastric administration of fluoxetine(Flu, 10 mg/kg, qd)from week4 to week6 was used as a positive control. At the end of the experiment, biochemical analysis, histopathological examination, and expression of inflammasome related proteins were performed on the serum and brain of the rats.The expression of related inflammatory factor protein in serum of rats was detected. MGF had a significant alleviating effect on the rat behavior of CUMS-induced- 收稿日期:2020-11-20 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(21675039);河北大学优秀青年科研创新团队项目(605020521007) 第一作者:张蕾(1995—),女,安徽宿州人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事外泌体研究.E-mail:945344068@qq.com 通信作者:贾友超(1981—),男,满族,河北保定人,河北大学附属医院副教授,博士,主要从事肿瘤基础研究.E-mail: youchaojia@163.com第3期张蕾等:芒果苷通过作用于NLRP3炎症小体发挥抗抑郁和神经保护作用depression model. MGF can inhibit the expression of protein and mRNA in NLRP3, Caspase-1 and ASC in rats induced by CUMS.The expression of inflammatory factors in the serum of rats was significantly reduced. MGF also reduced the pathological damage of the brain caused by CUMS. MGF can relieve CUMS-induced depression behavior in rats, and at the same time can reduce the expression level of NLRP3 inflammasomes, and play a protective effect on brain damage caused by CUMS rats.
    Influence factors of formaldehyde concentration in indoor air of newly decorated rooms and removal efficiency by deformaldehyder
    DU Lijie, YU Boqu
    2021, 41(3):  273-277.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.008
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    The excessive use of construction and decoration materials seriously leads to the formaldehyde concentration exceeding the indoor air quality standard. To investigate the relationship between the formaldehyde concentration, which was tested by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, and environmental factors, the study was focused on some newly decorated indoor spaces such as residences. hospital rooms and laboratories, and explored the effect of temperature, relative humiditiy, the space type and ventilation on formaldehyde concentration in indoor air. At the same time, some commercial deformaldehyder were tested by compared the formaldehyde concentration before and after spaying regarding to the removal rate. The results showed that: 1)temperature and relative humidity were significantly positively correlated with the formaldehyde volatilization rate(R2>0.900); 2)furniture and- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.008新装修室内空气中甲醛浓度的影响因素及甲醛清除剂去除效果杜立杰,于泊蕖(河北大学 化学与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:建筑材料和装修材料的过度使用导致了室内空气中的甲醛浓度超标,为了探究甲醛浓度与环境因素之间的关系.本文以新装修住宅、校医院、实验室等为研究对象,采用紫外分光光度法对室内甲醛浓度进行检测,探究了温度、相对湿度、房间类型、通风对室内甲醛浓度的影响.同时,做了市售甲醛清除剂喷洒前后甲醛浓度的对比实验.研究结果表明:1)温度和相对湿度与装修材料中的甲醛挥发速度呈显著正相关(R2>0.900);2)木质家具和胶黏剂是室内甲醛的两大来源;3)通风对各房间(化学楼419、化学楼119、地下实验室、校医院、住宅卧室)空气中的甲醛去除率分别为11.0%、7.4%、7.0%、16.0%、35.0%;4)FC空气触媒甲醛清除剂对不同房间(阳台、厨房、次卧、主卧、客厅)空气中甲醛去除率分别为30.8%、7.6%、36.7%、40.0%、28.0%.由此可见,升高室内的湿度和温度有利于材料中甲醛的释放;甲醛清除剂净化室内甲醛的效果略高于通风.关键词:室内空气;甲醛污染;检测分析中图分类号:X506 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)03-0273-05Influence factors of formaldehyde concentration in indoor air of newly decorated rooms and removal efficiency by deformaldehyderDU Lijie, YU Boqu(College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: The excessive use of construction and decoration materials seriously leads to the formaldehyde concentration exceeding the indoor air quality standard. To investigate the relationship between the formaldehyde concentration, which was tested by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer, and environmental factors, the study was focused on some newly decorated indoor spaces such as residences. hospital rooms and laboratories, and explored the effect of temperature, relative humiditiy, the space type and ventilation on formaldehyde concentration in indoor air. At the same time, some commercial deformaldehyder were tested by compared the formaldehyde concentration before and after spaying regarding to the removal rate. The results showed that: 1)temperature and relative humidity were significantly positively correlated with the formaldehyde volatilization rate(R2>0.900); 2)furniture and- 收稿日期:2020-10-28 基金项目:河北大学自然科学多学科交叉研究计划资助项目(DXK201911) 第一作者:杜立杰(1994—),男,河北邯郸人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事大气污染治理研究.E-mail:dulijie_0921@163.com 通信作者:于泊蕖(1972—),女,河北蠡县人,河北大学副教授,主要从事大气污染治理研究.E-mail:501381106@qq.com第3期杜立杰等:新装修室内空气中甲醛浓度的影响因素及甲醛清除剂去除效果adhesive are the two major sources of formaldehyde in indoor air; 3)formaldehyde removal rate of each room(chemical building 419 and 119,underground laboratory,school hospital,residential bedroom)by ventilation was 11%, 7.4%, 7%, 16% and 35% respectively; 4)formaldehyde removal rate of eachroom(balcony,kitchen,secondary bedroom,master bedroom,living room)by FC air catalyst was 30.8%, 7.6%, 36.7%, 40% and 28%, respectively. In conclusion, increasing indoor humidity and temperature is beneficial for to the release of formaldehyde in materials. Formaldehyde scavenger can purify formaldehyde in indoor air with slightly higher effect than ventilation.
    Preparation of repaglinide dropping pills and in vitro and in vivo evaluations
    WANG Miaomiao, ZHANG Yi, WU Tong, LI Haiying, YANG Wenzhi
    2021, 41(3):  278-284.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.009
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    Repaglinide(RPG)is a non-sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic agent with the advantages of rapid onset and small side effects,but the development of new dosage forms was limited by its poorly solubility. In this paper, the Repaglinide-Arginine complex(RPG-Arg)powder were prepared by ion pair solid dispersion technology. RPG dropping pills and RPG-Arg complex dropping pills were prepared by utilizing PEG-4000 and PEG-6000 as the matrix, respectively. Taking the dissolution time of dropping pills,differences in pellet weight, and drug dissolution as the evaluated indexes,the formulation of the dropping pills was screened and the optimal ratio of PEG-4000 and PEG-6000 was found to be 4∶1(g/g). Both dropping pills were characterized by FTIR and DSC. DSC results proved that the RPG was in an amorphous- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.009瑞格列奈滴丸制备及体内外评价王苗苗1,章一1,吴桐2,李海鹰2,杨文智2(1.保定市第一中心医院 药剂科,河北 保定 071000;2.河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:瑞格列奈是非磺酰脲类口服降糖药,具备起效迅速和副反应小的优点,但其在水中溶解度小,限制了其新剂型开发.本文采用离子对固体分散技术,获得瑞格列奈-精氨酸复合物(RPG-Arg)冻干粉.以聚乙二醇(PEG)为基质,分别制备瑞格列奈和RPG-Arg复合物滴丸.以滴丸溶散时间、丸质量差异和药物溶出为考察指标,筛选出滴丸基质配比为m(PEG-4000)∶m(PEG-6000)=4∶1.利用差示扫描(DSC)和红外光谱(FTIR)表征自制滴丸.DSC结果表明,药物以无定形态分散于基质中;FTIR结果显示,滴丸中药物、精氨酸和基质间存在氢键作用,利于药物在滴丸基质中均匀分散.RPG-Arg复合物滴丸的体外释药较原药滴丸快.大鼠分别口服10 mg/kg的自制2种滴丸,复合物滴丸达峰浓度(ρmax)为原料药滴丸的2倍,且获得1.9倍的相对生物利用度.故RPG-Arg复合物滴丸能够改善难溶瑞格列奈溶解度并提高其生物利用度,可为瑞格列奈滴丸开发提供实验数据支持.关键词:瑞格列奈;瑞格列奈-精氨酸复合物;滴丸;生物利用度中图分类号:O625 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)03-0278-07Preparation of repaglinide dropping pills and in vitro and in vivo evaluationsWANG Miaomiao1, ZHANG Yi1, WU Tong2, LI Haiying2, YANG Wenzhi2(1.Department of Pharmacy, the First Central Hospital of Baoding,Baoding 071000,China; 2.College of Pharmacy, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: Repaglinide(RPG)is a non-sulfonylurea oral hypoglycemic agent with the advantages of rapid onset and small side effects,but the development of new dosage forms was limited by its poorly solubility. In this paper, the Repaglinide-Arginine complex(RPG-Arg)powder were prepared by ion pair solid dispersion technology. RPG dropping pills and RPG-Arg complex dropping pills were prepared by utilizing PEG-4000 and PEG-6000 as the matrix, respectively. Taking the dissolution time of dropping pills,differences in pellet weight, and drug dissolution as the evaluated indexes,the formulation of the dropping pills was screened and the optimal ratio of PEG-4000 and PEG-6000 was found to be 4∶1(g/g). Both dropping pills were characterized by FTIR and DSC. DSC results proved that the RPG was in an amorphous- 收稿日期:2020-08-10 基金项目:河北省高等学校科学技术项目(ZD2018054);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2018201045) 第一作者:王苗苗(1987—),女,河北保定人,保定市第一中心医院主管药师,主要从事药物制剂方面的研究.E-mail:524050452@qq.com 通信作者:杨文智(1972—),男,内蒙古锡林浩特人,河北大学副教授,主要从事药物缓控释制剂方面研究.E-mail:wenzhi_yang@sina.com第3期王苗苗等:瑞格列奈滴丸制备及体内外评价state, and FTIR results showed there was hydrogen bonding between RPG, Arg and PEG matrix in their dropping pills, which was beneficial for to the uniform dispersion of the drug. The release rate of the RPG-Arg dropping pills were faster than that of the RPG dropping pills. Compared to RPG dropping pills after oral administration at an equivalent dose of 10 mg/kg in rat, the maximum plasma concentration(ρmax)of the RPG-Arg complex dropping pills was up to twofold, and the relative bio-availability value reached to 1.9. Therefore, RPG-Arg complex dropping pills can be utilized to improve the solubility and bioavailability of RPG, which can provide basic experimental data for the development of new formulations of RPG.
    Taxonomic notes on the genus Metoecus Dejean,1834 from China (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae)
    PAN Zhao, WEI Jiashuo, REN Guodong
    2021, 41(3):  285-289.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.010
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    The genus Metoecus Dejean, 1834, belonging to the family Ripiphoridae from China is taxonomically revised: Metoecus javanus(Pic, 1913), collected from Sichuan, is newly recorded from China and supplementarily described; a catalogue and a key to the Chinese Metoecus species and the other two unidentified species are carried out; adult habitus and pronotal photographs are also provided.
    Investigation of Cladocera and Copepoda in Baiyangdian and analysis of water environmental factors
    SUN Xiaoqiong, CUI Tiefeng, FANG Nan, WANG Yinkai, WANG Hongwei
    2021, 41(3):  290-296.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.011
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    In order to investigate the community composition and distribution of Cladocera and Copepoda and to study the related influences of water environment, Cladocera and Copepoda and the factors of water environment in Baiyangdian were investigated in August 2018. Based on the technology of DNA barcoding, the species of Cladocera and Copepoda were identified, and the phylogenetic trees were built and their genetic distance were established. And 3 families 5 genera 8 species of Cladocera and 4 families 9 genera 14 species of Copepoda were investigated.Canonical correlation analysis(CCA)was used to analyze the relationship of Cladocera and Copepoda and water environment. The results showed that Zn content was the main factor for the difference of the regional distributions between Cladocera and Copepoda. The number and community composition of Cladocera species were negatively correlated with P content. The growth of each species was affected by different environmental factors, and the same environmental factor also had different effects on the distributions of different species.
    Regulation mechanism of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside on insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway to delay the senescence of rat leydig cells
    LI Shaohua, JIANG Liping, NIU Jiayao, Wang Le, NIU Siyun, QI Feng
    2021, 41(3):  297-303.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.012
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    A model of rat testicular leydig cell senescence was established by free radical injury. Flow cytometry was used to detect the changes of cell cycle in each group. Detection of mRNA and protein expression levels of key genes of insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway in leydig cells by RT-qPCR, immunofluorescence and Western blot. The results show that compared with the normal group, the proportion of β-galactosidase positive cells in the aging group was more than 60%(P<0.05), and the proportion of G1 phase increased significantly, while that of S phase decreased significantly(P<0.05); Changes in the expression of key genes of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway:the expression levels of IRS1,IGF-1, IRS2 and INSR in the aging group were significantly lower than those in the normal group(P<- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.012二苯乙烯苷调控胰岛素/IGF-1信号通路延缓大鼠睾丸间质细胞衰老的作用机制李少华1,姜丽萍2,牛佳瑶2,王乐2,牛嗣云2,齐峰3(1.河北大学附属医院 新生儿科,河北 保定 071000;2.河北大学 基础医学院,河北 保定 071000;3.保定市第一医院 呼吸科,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:采用自由基损伤的方法建立大鼠睾丸间质细胞衰老模型,用流式细胞术检测各组细胞周期的变化;应用RT-qPCR、免疫荧光和Western blot技术检测睾丸间质细胞胰岛素/ IGF-1信号传导通路关键基因的表达水平.结果显示:与正常组相比,衰老组β-半乳糖苷酶阳性细胞率可达60%以上(P<0.05),G1 期所占比重明显增加,S期所占比重明显减少(P<0.05).胰岛素/ IGF-1信号传导通路关键基因表达变化: IRS1、IGF-1、IRS2、INSR在衰老组的表达水平明显低于正常组(P<0.05),IGFBP3在衰老组的mRNA表达水平明显高于正常组(P<0.05),二苯乙烯苷可逆转上述现象,上调IGF-1、INSR、IRS1、IRS2表达,下调IGFBP3的mRNA表达.结果表明二苯乙烯苷通过调控胰岛素/ IGF-1信号传导通路延缓睾丸间质细胞衰老.关键词:二苯乙烯苷;睾丸间质细胞;延缓衰老;胰岛素/ IGF-1信号传导通路;大鼠中图分类号:Q291 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)03-0297-07Regulation mechanism of tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside on insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway to delay the senescence of rat leydig cells LI Shaohua1, JIANG Liping2, NIU Jiayao2, Wang Le2, NIU Siyun2, QI Feng3(1.Department of Neonatology, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China; 2.Basic Medical College, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China;3.Respiratory Department, Baoding First Hospital, Baoding 071000, China)Abstract: A model of rat testicular leydig cell senescence was established by free radical injury. Flow cytometry was used to detect the changes of cell cycle in each group. Detection of mRNA and protein expression levels of key genes of insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway in leydig cells by RT-qPCR, immunofluorescence and Western blot. The results show that compared with the normal group, the proportion of β-galactosidase positive cells in the aging group was more than 60%(P<0.05), and the proportion of G1 phase increased significantly, while that of S phase decreased significantly(P<0.05); Changes in the expression of key genes of the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway:the expression levels of IRS1,IGF-1, IRS2 and INSR in the aging group were significantly lower than those in the normal group(P<- 收稿日期:2020-05-27 第一作者:李少华(1980—),女,河北定州人,河北大学附属医院主管护师,主要从事生殖衰老方向研究.E-mail:xiaolizhu2007@163.com 通信作者:牛嗣云(1967—),女,河北承德人,河北大学教授,博士,主要从事生殖衰老方向研究.E-mail:nsy1688@163.com齐峰(1966—),男,河北保定人,保定市第一医院主任医师,博士,主要从事内科相关研究.E-mail:1393270999@163.com第3期李少华等:二苯乙烯苷调控胰岛素/IGF-1信号通路延缓大鼠睾丸间质细胞衰老的作用机制0.05), and the mRNA expression levels of IGFBP3 in the aging group were significantly higher than those in the normal group(P<0.05).The above phenomena can be reversed by tetrahydroxystilbene glucoside, the expressions of IGF-1, INSR, IRS1 and IRS2 are up-regulated, and the mRNA expression of IGFBP3 is down-regulated. In this study, it was found that the senescence of testicular leydig cells was delayed by the tetrahydroxystilbene through regulating the insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway.
    Enzymatic stability of Cu,Zn-SOD encoded by chlorovirus PBCV-1
    LIU Jianrong, JIA Hongyu, CHEN Huihui, LIU Xiaofei, KANG Ming
    2021, 41(3):  304-310.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.013
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    A truncated copper, zinc superoxide dismutase encoded by the type species PBCV-1 of chloroviruses, tcvSOD, was cloned to an Escherichia coli expression vector pET23a(+)and expressed as soluble recombinant protein in Rosetta(DE3)under the induction of isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside(IPTG). This protein could inhibit the auto-oxidation of pyrogallol strongly, and the maximal inhibition of 97% could be achieved when 0.2 μg/mL enzyme was supplemented to the reaction system. The specific activity of tcvSOD generated from above experiments was 16 050 U/mg. Thermostability and tolerance of the protein to sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)were related to its concentration. The activity of tcvSOD remained unchanged or lost slightly under the treatment of 90 °C for 30 min or 2%-10% of SDS when the final concentration was 1 μg/mL, but reduced much quicker when that were 0.05 and 0.1 μg/mL instead.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.013小球藻病毒PBCV-1编码的Cu,Zn-SOD酶学稳定性刘建荣1,贾红玉2,陈慧慧2,刘晓飞2,康明2(1.河北大学 生物工程技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002;2.河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:将小球藻病毒模式株PBCV-1编码的Cu,Zn-SOD截短突变体tcvSOD克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pET23a(+)后,经IPTG诱导在大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3)菌株中表达得到了可溶性tcvSOD重组蛋白.该蛋白具有典型的SOD活性,能强烈抑制邻苯三酚的自氧化作用,最高抑制率为97%,反应体系中酶蛋白终质量浓度为0.2 μg/mL时达到最大抑制,由此计算出其比活力为16 050 U/mg.tcvSOD的热稳定性和对蛋白变性剂SDS胁迫的反应与酶蛋白在反应体系中的质量浓度有关.终质量浓度为1 μg/mL时tcvSOD可以耐90 ℃、30 min以及质量分数2%~10%的SDS处理而活性保持不变或略有丧失,终质量浓度为0.05和0.1 μg/mL时则对上述处理非常敏感. 0.05、0.1、1 μg/mL 3种质量浓度的tcvSOD对反应体系中pH4~12的变化,以及2~10 mol/L尿素和1~4 mol/L盐酸胍胁迫处理,酶活性保持恒定.实验结果表明tcvSOD具有较强热稳定性和pH稳定性,对常见蛋白变性剂也有良好抗性,有进一步开发利用的潜能.关键词:铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(Cu,Zn-SOD);小球藻病毒;热稳定性;pH稳定性;蛋白变性剂抗性 中图分类号:Q502 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)03-0304-07Enzymatic stability of Cu,Zn-SOD encoded by chlorovirus PBCV-1LIU Jianrong1, JIA Hongyu2, CHEN Huihui2, LIU Xiaofei2, KANG Ming2(1.Innovation Center for Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;2.College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: A truncated copper, zinc superoxide dismutase encoded by the type species PBCV-1 of chloroviruses, tcvSOD, was cloned to an Escherichia coli expression vector pET23a(+)and expressed as soluble recombinant protein in Rosetta(DE3)under the induction of isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside(IPTG). This protein could inhibit the auto-oxidation of pyrogallol strongly, and the maximal inhibition of 97% could be achieved when 0.2 μg/mL enzyme was supplemented to the reaction system. The specific activity of tcvSOD generated from above experiments was 16 050 U/mg. Thermostability and tolerance of the protein to sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS)were related to its concentration. The activity of tcvSOD remained unchanged or lost slightly under the treatment of 90 °C for 30 min or 2%-10% of SDS when the final concentration was 1 μg/mL, but reduced much quicker when that were 0.05 and 0.1 μg/mL instead.- 收稿日期:2020-09-11 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31470192); 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(C2016201180) 第一作者:刘建荣(1963—), 女, 河北保定人, 河北大学副研究员,主要从事生化与分子生物学研究.E-mail: bioinfo5@hbu.edu.cn 通信作者:康明(1962—), 男, 河北昌黎人, 河北大学教授, 博士, 主要从事微生物代谢工程以及病毒宿主相互作用研究.E-mail: mingkang@hbu.edu.cn第3期刘建荣等:小球藻病毒PBCV-1编码的Cu,Zn-SOD酶学稳定性In contrary to the thermostability and tolerance to SDS, tcvSOD was very robust to the treatments of wide ranges of pH, urea and guanidine chloride. The results shown in this paper indicated that tcvSOD has high thermostability and pH-stability, and is tolerant to several protein denaturants in wide ranges, and has the potential to be further explored for application as well.
    Cross-view gait recognition based on gait sequence
    LI Kai, CAO Kefan, SHEN Haoning
    2021, 41(3):  311-320.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.014
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    In order to improve the accuracy of cross-view gait recognition and fully extract the temporal information in gait, we proposed a cross-view gait recognition model based on gait image sequence. The model combines encoder and triplet-loss to extract the features from gait sequences. Meanwhile, using a generator and discriminators, molel optimizes the encoder according the discriminant loss so that extracts the temporal information in gait. In order to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experimental studies on CASIA-B and OU-MVLP datasets. Moreover, we also compare with other state-of-arts methods which are based on convolutional neural network and gait energy image.
    Indoor finerprint localization algorithm based on deep belif network
    QIN Yiwen, FENG Zhihong, SU Nan, MA Ding, LI Xiaofei
    2021, 41(3):  321-328.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.015
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    WLAN-based fingerprint recognition technology measures Received Signal Strength(RSS)from different APs at a given location of each fingerprint to construct the fingerprint. However, due to changes in the environment, fingerprint collection needs to be updated regularly to improve accuracy. Therefore, in order to reduce the workload of fingerprint identification, the deep belief network algorithm is applied to the unlabelled RSS measurements, to generate probability model to represent the level of the different hidden layer implied characteristics, to extract the hidden features of fingerprint through preliminary training and tuning phase, and to keep the positioning accuracy under the premise of reducing tag fingerprints as much as possible. Experimental results show that this algorithm improves the positioning accuracy by 1.876m when only 15% of the fingerprint is used.
    3D positioning and optimal filtering method based on UWB
    LI Nan,LIANG Bing
    2021, 41(3):  329-336.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.03.016
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    In order to improve the accuracy of indoor positioning, this paper studies the ultra wideband(UWB)based three-dimensional positioning and optimal filtering method suitable for indoor positioning. The three-dimensional positioning model is established based on UWB. The characteristics of three-dimensional positioning data is analyzed using Kalman filter, smoothing filter, median filter and curve fitting algorithm in terms of time required, environmental requirements, cost performance and accuracy. The experimental results show that. compared with smooth filter, median filter and curve fitting algorithm, Kalman filter is more suitable for 3D positioning in indoor environment.