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    25 July 2021, Volume 41 Issue 4
    Graph decomposition of graphs with seven vertices and seven edges
    YUAN Landang,YANG Libao,GU Liyan,BAI Zhanli
    2021, 41(4):  337-341.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.001
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    G-decomposition of λKv into graphs with seven vertices and seven edges were discussed. First, we gave a recursive structure by holy graph decomposition, and then constructed the graph decompositions wanted in recursive structure using difference method. Finally, we determined the existence spectrum of graph decomposition.
    Morphology of Taylor cone in electrostatic atomization with dual-cavity electrodes
    CHEN Xudong,DU Yunpeng,LI Qing,HE Shoujie,JI Xiaoxiao,ZHANG Xiaojun
    2021, 41(4):  342-348.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.002
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    Taylor cone shape of double cavity electrode was studied by cavity needle-plate discharge device, and the factors affecting atomization effect were analyzed.The parameters of Taylor cone shape, cone length and cone angle at different voltages and separation angles were studied by processing the images taken by high speed camera with saftware.The results show that the discharge inhibition of double cavity can be weakened by bending processing between discharge inhibition. Under the same length, compared with that of single cavity electrode,the atomization effect and Taylor cone of double cavity electrodes is better. And regarding to the separation angle of double cavity electrode, when the separation angle is 60°, the atomizing effect is the best.Therefore, when the separation angle of the double-cavity electrode is 60°, it can be used as the optimal electrode.The best Taylor cone shape is obtained when the voltage is 25 kV.
    Research progress of electrical transport properties of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials
    WANG Qing,LIU Ziyang,ZHAO Shasha,LI Zhiliang
    2021, 41(4):  349-361.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.003
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    Bi2Te3-based compound is one of the representative materials in the field of thermoelectric(TE), which are widely used in waste heat power generation, solid-state refrigeration, temperature detection etc. Bi2Te3-based materials have complex band structures.It is expected that the TE performance of Bi2Te3-based materials can be optimized by strong spin orbit and band inversion.By analyzing and comparing the band structure calculation datas and some experimental results of Bi2Te3-based materials in recent years, the characteristics of the band structure of Bi2Te3, N-type Bi2Te3-xSex and P-type Bi2-xSbxTe3materials, and the key factors affecting the band structure and the electrical transport performance are summarized. The conclusions will provide a theoretical support for improving the TE performance of Bi2Te3-based materials.
    Influencing factors of ammonia production during Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO reduction by Shewanella sp. RQs-106
    GAO Jiaxin,LU Da,ZHANG Yu,ZHOU Jiti
    2021, 41(4):  362-370.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.004
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    The factors of ammonia production process of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO reduction by Shewanella sp. RQs-106 were investigated, and the suitable operating conditions were determined. The results showed that sodium acetate and sodium citrate could not be used as electron donors of strain RQs-106, but the most suitable electron donor was sodium lactate, by which ammonia yield could reach 99% within 36 h. The Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO degradation rate and ammonia production rate were affected by high or low C/N rate, and the optimal C/N mass rate was 20. Excessively high concentration of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO would inhibit the activity of the strain, which lead to the limitation in the degradation of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO. Therefore, the concentration of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO should be controlled at 1 mmol/L in this experiment. Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO could not be reduced by strain RQs-106 when the initial pH was 5.0-6.0, and Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO could be reduced to ammonia when the initial pH increased to 7.2-9.0. However,- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.004Shewanella sp. RQs-106还原Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO产氨过程影响因素高嘉欣1,路达2,张玉1,周集体1(1. 大连理工大学 环境学院,辽宁 大连 116024;2. 河北大学 化学与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:考察了菌株Shewanella sp. RQs-106还原Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO产氨过程的影响因素,在此基础上确定了适宜操作条件. 结果表明,乙酸钠和柠檬酸钠不能作为菌株RQs-106的电子供体,较适宜的电子供体为乳酸钠,在36 h内产氨率可达到99%. C/N质量比值过高或过低都会对菌株的Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO降解率和产氨率产生影响,最适宜的C/N质量比值为20. Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO浓度过高会抑制菌株活性,导致Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO难以被降解,本实验条件下宜控制Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO浓度为1 mmol/L. 当初始pH为5.0~6.0时,菌株RQs-106不能还原Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO,当初始pH值升高到7.2~9.0时,可将Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO还原为氨氮,但碱性过大对菌株RQs-106活性有抑制,较适宜的pH值为8.0. 菌株可在20~35 ℃内还原Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO并产氨,最适温度为30 ℃.关键词:Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO;异化硝酸盐还原为氨(DNRA);希瓦氏菌中图分类号:X172 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0362-09Influencing factors of ammonia production during Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO reduction by Shewanella sp. RQs-106GAO Jiaxin1,LU Da2,ZHANG Yu1,ZHOU Jiti1(1.School of Environmental Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China; 2.College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: The factors of ammonia production process of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO reduction by Shewanella sp. RQs-106 were investigated, and the suitable operating conditions were determined. The results showed that sodium acetate and sodium citrate could not be used as electron donors of strain RQs-106, but the most suitable electron donor was sodium lactate, by which ammonia yield could reach 99% within 36 h. The Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO degradation rate and ammonia production rate were affected by high or low C/N rate, and the optimal C/N mass rate was 20. Excessively high concentration of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO would inhibit the activity of the strain, which lead to the limitation in the degradation of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO. Therefore, the concentration of Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO should be controlled at 1 mmol/L in this experiment. Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO could not be reduced by strain RQs-106 when the initial pH was 5.0-6.0, and Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO could be reduced to ammonia when the initial pH increased to 7.2-9.0. However,- 收稿日期:2021-04-02 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51578106) 第一作者:高嘉欣(1996—),女,满族,辽宁抚顺人,大连理工大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事环境微生物研究.E-mail;hahagaojx@163.com 通信作者:张玉(1973—),男,河北石家庄人,大连理工大学副教授,主要从事环境微生物研究.E-mail:zhangyu@dlut.edu.cn第4期高嘉欣等:Shewanella sp. RQs-106还原Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO产氨过程影响因素the activity of strain RQs-106 was inhibited by excessive alkalinity, and the suitable pH value was 8.0, in the temperature range of 20-35 ℃, Fe(Ⅱ)EDTA-NO could be reduced by strain RQs-106 to produce ammonia, and the optimum temperature was 30 ℃.
    Quality of standard decoction of Chinese herbal polygonatum odoratum pieces containing polysaccharide composition
    BI Xiaohe,LYU Huifang,NI Fengyan,ZHANG Jun, LIU Yan, LI Jianheng
    2021, 41(4):  371-377.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.005
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    Taking Yuzhu decoction pieces as an exemplary research object, the quality standard of the standard decoction containing polysaccharides was established, which provided reference for the preparation of the formulation particles of Polygonatum and other polysaccharide-containing medicinal materials and the establishment of quality standards. Prepare 12 batches of Yuzhu decoction standard decoction according to the parameters in the “Management Rules for Chinese Medicine Decoction Room in Medical Institutions”, calculate the transfer rate of polysaccharide(D-anhydrous glucose)and the yield of ointment, and establish the quality standard of a standard soup of Yuzhu decoction pieces. The transfer rate of polysaccharides in the standard decoction of 12 batches of samples was 10.9%-31.7%, the extraction- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.005含多糖类中药玉竹饮片标准汤剂质量研究毕霄鹤1,2,3,吕慧芳2,4,倪凤燕2,4,章军2,刘艳2,李建恒1(1. 河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002;2. 中国中医科学院 中药研究所,中药鉴定与安全性检测评估重点实验室,北京 100700;3.河北中石油中心医院 药学部,河北 廊坊 065000;4.江西中医药大学 药学院,江西 南昌 330004)摘 要:以玉竹饮片为示范性研究对象,建立含多糖药材的标准汤剂质量标准,为玉竹及其他含多糖药材的配方颗粒的制备及其质量标准的建立提供参考.参照《医疗机构中药煎药室管理规范》中的有关规定,细化参数,制备得到12批玉竹标准汤剂,计算其出膏率及多糖转移率,建立相关标准汤剂的质量标准.12批样品的标准汤剂中多糖的转移率为10.9%~31.7%,出膏率为45.4%~70.1%,pH值为4.5~5.3;建立玉竹标准汤剂指纹图谱,标定5个共有峰,且相似度均大于0.9.该研究所建立的多糖质量评价方法精密度高,重复性好,特征指纹图谱相似度高,可用于玉竹饮片及其他含多糖药材的标准汤剂的质量评价.关键词:玉竹;标准汤剂;质量标准;指纹图谱;多糖中图分类号:R282 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0371-07Quality of standard decoction of Chinese herbal polygonatum odoratum pieces containing polysaccharide compositionBI Xiaohe1,2,3,LYU Huifang2,4,NI Fengyan2,4,ZHANG Jun2, LIU Yan2, LI Jianheng1(1.College of Pharmacy,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2. Key Laboratory of Beijing for Identification and Safety Evaluation of Chinese Medicine,Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;3.Department of Pharmacy,Hebei Petrochina Central Hospital,Langfang 065000,China;4. College of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330004,China)Abstract: Taking Yuzhu decoction pieces as an exemplary research object, the quality standard of the standard decoction containing polysaccharides was established, which provided reference for the preparation of the formulation particles of Polygonatum and other polysaccharide-containing medicinal materials and the establishment of quality standards. Prepare 12 batches of Yuzhu decoction standard decoction according to the parameters in the “Management Rules for Chinese Medicine Decoction Room in Medical Institutions”, calculate the transfer rate of polysaccharide(D-anhydrous glucose)and the yield of ointment, and establish the quality standard of a standard soup of Yuzhu decoction pieces. The transfer rate of polysaccharides in the standard decoction of 12 batches of samples was 10.9%-31.7%, the extraction- 收稿日期:2020-06-20 基金项目:国家中药标准项目(ZYBZH-Y-JY-27);北京市科委“十病十药”研发专项(Z171100001717029);中国中医科学院“十三五”重点领域研究专项(ZZ10-007) 第一作者:毕霄鹤(1993—),女,河北廊坊人,河北大学硕士研究生,主要从事药物分析研究.E-mail:793753353@qq.com 通信作者:李建恒(1964—),男,河北徐水人,河北大学教授,主要从事中药药理学、药效学、毒理学方面研究.E-mail:lijianheng@hbu.cn第4期毕霄鹤等:含多糖类中药玉竹饮片标准汤剂质量研究rate was 45.4%-70.1%, and the pH was 4.5-5.3. The fingerprint of Polygonatum pieces biden Decoction was established and 5 common peaks were calibrated. And the similarity is greater than 0.9. The quality evaluation method of polysaccharides established by this research has high precision and good repeatability, and the characteristic fingerprint has high similarity. It can be used for the quality evaluation of polygonatum pieces decoction and other polysaccharides containing polysaccharides.
    Preparation technology of aluminum hydroxide micropowder by two-stage seed separation
    LIU Yanling,WEI Yanli
    2021, 41(4):  378-383.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.006
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    In order to study the application of aluminum sulfate extracted by gangue acid method and the fine production of aluminum hydroxide, the preparation technology of aluminum hydroxide micropowder was explored using two-stage seed separation method. The active seeds could be obtained by the reaction of aluminum sulfate extracted by gangue acid method and diluted sodium aluminate solution refined by Bayer method. Subsequently, alumina micropowders were prepared by the decomposition of first and second stage seeds in sodium aluminate solution with active seed. Various factors affected on the decomposition rate and particle size of aluminum hydroxide micropowder were investigated including the pH value of the seed pulp, decomposition temperature, seed ratio, decomposition time, αkof sodium aluminate solution and sodium concentration of aluminate solution. And the results showed that the as-prepared aluminium hydroxide powder exhibited whiteness above 99%, Fe2O3 and SiO2 content less than 0.006% and 0.05%, respectively, oil absorption value less than 0.70 mL/g and the average particle size in the range of 0.5-0.6 μm.
    Synthesis and properties of a novel blue luminescent material based on quinoline and coumarin units
    WANG Xiaoju,ZHOU Sirong,WANG Yunxia
    2021, 41(4):  384-389.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.007
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    A blue luminescent material named QCC that contains quinoline and coomarin units was synthesized. The photophysical property of QCC was investigated by the UV-vis absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, which indicates that QCC can emit blue light. With the increase of polarity of solvents, the emission wavelength of DCC shows an obvious red-shift. Besides, we investigated the interactions between QCC and electron donor N, N'-dimethylaniline(DMA), electron acceptor(DMTP)using fluorescence quenching technique, which demonstrates that QCC has excellent electron transfer property. At the same time, the interactions of QCC with C70 and CNTs were also investigated to confirm the above property, respectively. The electrochemical property and energy levels of QCC were calculated by Gaussian 09 software, and the results basically conform with the data measured by cyclic voltammetry method.Thermal stability study reveals that QCC has good thermal stability with thermal decomposition temperature(td)of 270 ℃. These results indicate the QCC has the potential in the construction and application of blue organic light emitting diodes(OLEDs).
    First discovered of the genus Pseudendeste Lawrence in mainland China(Coleoptera: Zopheridae: Gempylodini)
    LI Wenjing,PAN Zhao,REN Guodong
    2021, 41(4):  390-392.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.008
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    A newly recorded species Pseudendestes namdaphaensis Pal, 1984 of the genus Pseudendestes from mainland China is reported. The species is known to be distributed in Yunnan, China, and northern India. The morphological description and illustration of the species are presented. Difference among this and other Pseudendestes species are compared. Key to the Chinese Pseudendestes species is offered.
    Response of Trichoderma strains in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants on drought stress
    YANG Jingya,ZHANG Kaixun,ZHANG Dongdong,ZHAO Lili, HE Xueli
    2021, 41(4):  393-405.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.009
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    In order to explore the response of drought stress in Trichoderma isolated from the root zone of medicinal plants, seven Trichoderma strains were isolated from the medicinal materials planting base in Anguo, Hebei province, China. The two methods of solid culture and liquid culture were used in this experiment. And PEG-6000 at different mass concentrations(0, 60, 120, 180, 240 g/L)were used to simulate drought stress to study the growth and physiological response of Trichoderma spp. in arid environment. The results showed that the biomass of Trichoderma strains varied under different drought conditions; only the biomass of T. atroviride and T. lixii were higher than that of the control group when the PEG-6000 mass concentration was 60 g/L. While the biomass of T. longibrachiatum was higher than- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.009药用植物根区木霉菌对干旱胁迫的响应杨静雅,张开逊,张东东,赵丽莉,贺学礼(河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为探究药用植物根区土壤木霉菌对干旱胁迫的响应,选取了河北安国中药材种植基地分离的7种木霉菌,采用固体培养和液体培养2种方式,通过不同质量浓度PEG-6000(0、60、120、180、240 g/L)模拟干旱胁迫,研究干旱环境对木霉菌生长及生理响应.结果表明,不同干旱程度下,木霉菌种间生物量存在差异.对于Trichoderma atroviride和T. lixii,其生物量仅在PEG-6000质量浓度60 g/L时高于对照组,而T. longibrachiatum生物量除PEG-6000质量浓度120 g/L外,其他PEG-6000质量浓度下生物量均高于对照组.随干旱程度增强,木霉菌可溶性蛋白含量总体呈升高趋势,而谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量(除T. virilente、T. afroharzianum和T. inhamatum)整体呈降低趋势,丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性变化因不同干旱程度和木霉菌种而异.双因素方差分析结果表明,干旱胁迫和木霉种类对木霉菌生长及生理指标均有影响.干旱胁迫显著影响木霉菌可溶性蛋白含量,而木霉菌种主要影响GSH、MDA含量和SOD活性.主成分分析结果表明,MDA和SOD是反映木霉菌对干旱响应的主要指标.综合分析发现,T. afroharzianum、T. atroviride、T. lixii和T. longibrachiatum属于耐旱性强的木霉菌种.本研究为进一步发掘和应用抗旱优良菌种提供依据.关键词:木霉菌;耐旱性;生长指标;生理指标中图分类号:Q969 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0393-13Response of Trichoderma strains in the rhizosphere of medicinal plants on drought stressYANG Jingya,ZHANG Kaixun,ZHANG Dongdong,ZHAO Lili, HE Xueli(College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In order to explore the response of drought stress in Trichoderma isolated from the root zone of medicinal plants, seven Trichoderma strains were isolated from the medicinal materials planting base in Anguo, Hebei province, China. The two methods of solid culture and liquid culture were used in this experiment. And PEG-6000 at different mass concentrations(0, 60, 120, 180, 240 g/L)were used to simulate drought stress to study the growth and physiological response of Trichoderma spp. in arid environment. The results showed that the biomass of Trichoderma strains varied under different drought conditions; only the biomass of T. atroviride and T. lixii were higher than that of the control group when the PEG-6000 mass concentration was 60 g/L. While the biomass of T. longibrachiatum was higher than- 收稿日期:2020-11-02 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目((31770561);河北大学研究生创新项目(hbu2020ss039) 第一作者:杨静雅(1995—),女,河南商丘人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事菌根生物学方向研究.E-mail: yangjingya196@foxmail.com 通信作者:赵丽莉(1964—),女,陕西富平人,河北大学副教授,主要从事菌根生物学方向研究. E-mail: zhao3615@126.com第4期杨静雅等:药用植物根区木霉菌对干旱胁迫的响应that of the control group at other PEG-6000 mass concentrations except the PEG-6000 mass concentration of 120 g/L. With increasing drought, the soluble protein content of Trichoderma spp. showed an overall increasing trend, but the glutathione content of Trichomonas spp. except T. virilente, T. afroharzianum and T. inhamatum showed an overall decreasing trend. However, the variation of malondialdehyde content and superoxide dismutase activity were highly depended on different levels of stress and Trichoderma species. The results of two-factor analysis of variance indicated that drought stress and Trichoderma species had an impact on the growth and physiological indicators of Trichoderma. Principal component analysis showed that malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase were the main indicators reflecting the response of Trichoderma to drought. The comprehensive analysis revealed that T. afroharzianum, T. atroviride, T. lixii and T. longibrachiatum had strong drought tolerance. This study provides a basis for the discovery and application of beneficial fungi with the ability of drought resistance.
    Staining methods on endophytic fungi in Lycium barbarum roots
    CHEN Sijie,LI Jin,DU Juan,JIA Baosen,GU Peiwen
    2021, 41(4):  406-411.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.010
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    In order to better observe the infection and colonization characteristics of endophytic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF)and dark seprate endophytes(DSE)in Lycium barbarum roots, an optimal staining method of endophytic fungi in L. barbarum roots was established. The healthy L. barbarum roots were placed in 100 g/L KOH solution at 90 ℃ for 90 min, then bleached with 30% H2O2 for 5 min, acidified with lactic acid for 5 min, and dyed with vinegar and ink, trypan blue, acid fuchsin, Sudan Ⅳ and aniline blue for 3—5 min, root samples were soaked in decolorant and then examined under micriscope. The results showed that vinegar and Quink ink and trypan blue had the best staining effect. The hyphae and vesicles of AMF and the hyphae and microsclerotia of DSE in the cortical cells of roots can be clearly seen, which can accurately distinguish AMF, DSE and other fungi. However, considering the difficulty and safety of operation, vinegar and Quink ink is more suitable for staining and observation of endophytic fungi in L. barbarum roots because of its simple operation, safety, non-toxicity and good staining effect.
    A computer aided diagnosis system for metacarpal and phalangeal fracture based on GA_Faster R-CNN
    YANG Kun,LUO Ping,LYU Yipin,YAN Weina,WU Haitao,LIU Shuang,XUE Linyan
    2021, 41(4):  412-418.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.011
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    In clinical diagnosis, metacarpal and phalangeal fractures are difficult to be detected and easy to be misdiagnosed. Therefore, an experimental study was carried out on accurate detection and location of the fractures in X-ray image. A computer-aided diagnosis(CAD)system based on deep learning was developed by improving the anchor frame, feature map generation and loss function of Faster R-CNN. The proposed CAD system greatly enhanced the network performance while saving computing power. 5195 X-ray images of hand were collected, of which 4675 were randomly selected as training set and 520 as test set. The experimental results show that the average precision of the proposed model in the test set is 69.3%. Compared with Faster R-CNN, the new framework can identify the location of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures more accurately, which verifies the potential clinical application value of the new model.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.011一种基于GA_Faster R-CNN的掌指骨骨折计算机辅助诊断系统杨昆1,2,罗萍1,吕一品1,闫惟娜1,吴海涛1,刘爽1,2,薛林雁1,2(1.河北大学 质量技术监督学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北大学 计量仪器与系统国家地方联合工程研究中心,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为解决临床掌指骨骨折诊断中难检测、易漏诊的问题,对如何更加准确地检测和定位X线图像中掌指骨骨折区域进行实验研究.开发了一种基于深度学习的计算机辅助诊断系统,改进了Faster R-CNN网络模型中的锚框、特征映射和损失函数,在节约算力的同时大大提高了网络性能.建立了包含5 195张手部的X线图像的数据集,其中随机抽取4 675张作为训练集,520张作为测试集.实验表明,提出的新模型在测试集上的平均精度达到了69.3%,与Faster R-CNN相比能够更加精准地识别出掌指骨骨折区域,验证了该模型具有潜在的临床应用价值.关键词:掌指骨骨折;Faster R-CNN;计算机辅助诊断;导向锚定 中图分类号:TP391.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0412-07A computer aided diagnosis system for metacarpal and phalangeal fracture based on GA_Faster R-CNNYANG Kun1,2,LUO Ping1,LYU Yipin1,YAN Weina1,WU Haitao1,LIU Shuang1,2,XUE Linyan1,2(1.College of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2.National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Metrology Instrument and System, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: In clinical diagnosis, metacarpal and phalangeal fractures are difficult to be detected and easy to be misdiagnosed. Therefore, an experimental study was carried out on accurate detection and location of the fractures in X-ray image. A computer-aided diagnosis(CAD)system based on deep learning was developed by improving the anchor frame, feature map generation and loss function of Faster R-CNN. The proposed CAD system greatly enhanced the network performance while saving computing power. 5195 X-ray images of hand were collected, of which 4675 were randomly selected as training set and 520 as test set. The experimental results show that the average precision of the proposed model in the test set is 69.3%. Compared with Faster R-CNN, the new framework can identify the location of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures more accurately, which verifies the potential clinical application value of the new model.- 收稿日期:2020-09-23 基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2019201378);河北大学自然科学多学科交叉研究计划资助项目(DXK201914);河北大学校长科研基金资助项目(XZJJ201914;XZJJ201917;XZJJ201918) 第一作者:杨昆(1976—),男,河北保定人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,博士,主要从事生物医学图像处理方向研究.E-mail:hbuyangkun@163.com 通信作者:薛林雁(1981—),女,河北广平人,河北大学副教授,博士,主要从事生物医学图像处理方向研究.E-mail:lineysnow@163.com第4期杨昆等:一种基于GA_Faster R-CNN的掌指骨骨折计算机辅助诊断系统
    Recommendation model of sentiment analysis for both home-town and out-of-town users
    WEI Ning,YUAN Fang,LIU Yu
    2021, 41(4):  419-425.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.012面向本地和外地用户情感分析推荐模型
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    Aiming at the influence of the sentiment tendency of geographical position and comments on the performance of the recommendation system,this paper proposes a recommendation strategy for points-of-interest based on geographical position and sentiment analysis of user reviews, and establishes a content-based recommendation model.First,the system effectively supplements the user’s point-of-interest information, and realizes the similarity measurement of the user’s point-of-interest. Secondly,emotional analysis and mining of unlabeled comment data are carried out to obtain the sentimental tendency. At the same time, the system combines a time sliding window, and more accurately grasp the combination of user comments and points-of-interest. Finally, the personalized recommendation ranking of users is obtained. In this paper the method cover the personalized recommendation strategies of home-town users and out-of-town users. The experimental data shows that the model in this paper effectively improves the accuracy of the recommendation.
    Multi-dimensional feature extraction network for liver image segmentation
    LIU Rui,XU Xinying,XIE Jun
    2021, 41(4):  426-435.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.013
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    With the development of computer technology, automatic medical image segmentation based on deep learning has become an important research field of artificial intelligence assisted medicine. Yet, many existing neural network structures could not be able to integrate enough semantic feature information, which led to the loss of marginal details. In order to solve this problem, a multi-dimensional feature extraction network model(RDD-UNet)is proposed. This model is based on 3D residual UNet with multi-loss, which can provide high-precision organ segmentation results for liver tumor segmentation methods. At first, the network extracts information from the three axes of the original CT data, and long and short skip connections are added into the network ensuring the full usage of inter-slice and intra-slice information. In addition, the unbalanced depth-wise separable dilated convolution block is designed to improve the calculation efficiency of the 3D network and expand the receptive field at the voxel level. Finally, a new multi-loss function is proposed to solve the problem of imbalanced data label on small size- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.013基于多维度特征提取网络的肝脏图像分割刘蕊1,续欣莹1,谢珺2(1.太原理工大学 电气与动力工程学院,山西 太原 030024;2.太原理工大学 信息与计算机学院,山西 晋中 030600)摘 要:随着计算机技术的发展,基于深度学习的医学图像自动分割已经成为人工智能辅助医疗的重要研究方向.为弥补现有神经网络结构对信息提取不足而产生的边缘细节丢失问题,构建了一种基于多维度特征提取网络(RDD-UNet)模型,该模型是基于残差UNet和混合损失函数的三维分割网络,以向肝脏肿瘤分割方法提供高精度的脏器分割结果.首先,该网络从原始CT数据的3个轴向提取信息,以长短跳跃连接的组合形式融合多尺度语义特征,保证了层内和层间信息的充分利用.其次,网络中设计了不平衡深度可分离空洞卷积模块,在提升三维网络计算效率的同时,扩大了体素级别的特征感受范围.最后,针对小尺寸分割目标数据不平衡问题提出了混合损失函数,并与深度监督结构相结合,提升了边缘细节的分割效果.该网络模型从体素、轴向和网络层级3个维度上充分提取特征信息,提高了肝脏分割的准确率,在公共数据集LiTS 2017上的Dice分数达到0.965 2,与其他方法相比达到了较高的精度水平.关键词:三维肝脏图像分割;残差连接;混合损失函数;深度可分离空洞卷积中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0426-10Multi-dimensional feature extraction network for liver image segmentationLIU Rui1,XU Xinying1,XIE Jun2(1.College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China;2.College of Information and Computer, Taiyuan University of Technology, Jinzhong 030600, China)Abstract: With the development of computer technology, automatic medical image segmentation based on deep learning has become an important research field of artificial intelligence assisted medicine. Yet, many existing neural network structures could not be able to integrate enough semantic feature information, which led to the loss of marginal details. In order to solve this problem, a multi-dimensional feature extraction network model(RDD-UNet)is proposed. This model is based on 3D residual UNet with multi-loss, which can provide high-precision organ segmentation results for liver tumor segmentation methods. At first, the network extracts information from the three axes of the original CT data, and long and short skip connections are added into the network ensuring the full usage of inter-slice and intra-slice information. In addition, the unbalanced depth-wise separable dilated convolution block is designed to improve the calculation efficiency of the 3D network and expand the receptive field at the voxel level. Finally, a new multi-loss function is proposed to solve the problem of imbalanced data label on small size- 收稿日期:2021-04-07 基金项目:山西省自然科学基金资助项目(201801D121144;201801D221190) 第一作者:刘蕊(1995-),女,河北衡水人,太原理工大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事计算机视觉和医学图像处理研究.E-mail: 137730427@qq.com 通信作者:谢珺(1979-),女,山西太原人,太原理工大学副教授,博士,主要从事粒计算、数据挖掘和智能信息处理研究.E-mail: xiejun@tyut.edu.cn第4期刘蕊等:基于多维度特征提取网络的肝脏图像分割objections,which is combined with deep supervision structure to improve the segmentation effect of edge details. The proposed method can adequately extract feature information from voxel-wise, axis-wise and hierarchy-wise, and improve the accuracy of liver segmentation. This method gets the Dice score of 0.965 2 on the liver segmentation results of LiTS dataset, which achieves a higher accuracy level compared with other methods.
    Study of DTI multi-channel registration based on the variable inertia coefficient active demons algorithm
    ZHENG Wei,ZHOU Yang,LI Wenhua,LIU Shuaiqi,ZHANG Xiaodan,MA Zepeng
    2021, 41(4):  436-442.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.014
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    The dassical Demons algorithm is an important image registration algorithm,which effect. The algorithm uses the gradient information of the reference image as the driving force to register the image. However, the registration effect is not good for large deformation and the convergence rate is slow. The algorithm of active demons uses the gradient information of the reference image and the floating image as the driving force to accelerate the convergence of the image. It is also applicable to registration of large deformation images and the topology is easy to change. In this work, demons algorithm was applied to DTI multi-channel image registration. The algorithm of this paper is improved based on variable parameter active demons. By introducing the coefficient of inertia b, DTI multi-channel- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.014基于变惯性系数active demons算法的DTI多通道配准研究郑伟1,2,3,周杨1,2,3,李文华1,2,3,刘帅奇1,2,3,张晓丹4,马泽鹏4(1.河北大学 电子信息工程学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北省数字医疗工程重点实验室,河北 保定 071002;3.河北省机器视觉中心,河北 保定 071002;4.河北大学附属医院 CT-MRI诊断科,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:经典的demons算法利用参考图像的梯度信息作为配准的驱动力来配准图像,但是只适用于小形变配准,对于大形变配准效果并不理想,且存在收敛速度慢的问题,active demons算法在demons算法基础上加入了浮动图像的灰度梯度信息,加快了图像的收敛速度,并且对于大形变图像配准同样适用,可是拓扑结构容易发生改变.本文在基于变参数active demons算法基础上做改进,通过引入惯性系数b,提出基于变惯性系数active demons算法的DTI多通道配准,将变参数active demons的改进算法应用于DTI多通道图像配准.经典的active demons算法、变参数active demons算法和本文算法的MSE图做比较,可以发现本文算法可以进一步提高配准的收敛速度和精度,也使图像的拓扑结构得到很好的保持.关键词:梯度信息;大形变;驱动力;拓扑结构;非刚性配准 中图分类号:TN911 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0436-07Study of DTI multi-channel registration based on the variable inertia coefficient active demons algorithmZHENG Wei1,2,3,ZHOU Yang1,2,3,LI Wenhua1,2,3,LIU Shuaiqi1,2,3,ZHANG Xiaodan4,MA Zepeng4(1. College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering of Hebei Province, Baoding 071002, China;3. Machine Vision Engineering Research Center of Hebei Province, Baoding 071002, China;4. Department of CT-MRI, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China)Abstract: The dassical Demons algorithm is an important image registration algorithm,which effect. The algorithm uses the gradient information of the reference image as the driving force to register the image. However, the registration effect is not good for large deformation and the convergence rate is slow. The algorithm of active demons uses the gradient information of the reference image and the floating image as the driving force to accelerate the convergence of the image. It is also applicable to registration of large deformation images and the topology is easy to change. In this work, demons algorithm was applied to DTI multi-channel image registration. The algorithm of this paper is improved based on variable parameter active demons. By introducing the coefficient of inertia b, DTI multi-channel- 收稿日期:2020-03-14 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(2014000000;61401308;61572063);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2020201025; H2020201021) 第一作者:郑伟(1972—),女,黑龙江兰西人,河北大学教授,博士,主要从事图像处理与分析、图像安全通信、图像加密和隐藏研究. E-mail:147685650@qq.com 通信作者:马泽鹏(1989—),男,河北保定人,河北大学附属医院医师,主要从事脑部和心脏疾病的CT、MR、fMRI的诊断及鉴别诊断.E-mail:mzpdan@163.com第4期郑伟等:基于变惯性系数active demons算法的DTI多通道配准研究registration based on variable inertia factor Active demons algorithm was proposed. Comparison was made between the MSE graphs of the three algorithms, namely, the classical Active demons algorithm, the variable parameter Active demons algorithm and the algorithm. It can be found that the algorithm in this paper can further improve the convergence speed and accuracy of registration. Meanwhile, the topological structure of the image remains unchanged.
    Design of low cost photoelectric counting circuit based on 1N4148 glass-encapsulated diode
    WANG Yongqing,LIU Huan,WANG Shuonan,LIU Lei
    2021, 41(4):  443-448.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.015
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    In order to achieve a lower cost and long-distance counting of products, a photoelectric counting circuit using 1N4148 glass encapsulated diode as photoelectric sensor is designed. In this paper, a 2 kHz laser modulated light source and a second-order high pass filter circuit are used to improve the anti-interference ability of the circuit. At the same time, the semiconductor laser is used as the optical emission device, and the 1N4148 glass sealed diode is used as the optical receiving element. The experimental results show that the designed photoelectric counting circuit can count the products in different periods of time, and it verifies the feasibility of using 1N4148 as a new photoelectric sensor in ayuction with the semiconductor laser. AS semiconductor laser is cheap, the circuit has the application prospect because of its low cost and long counting distance.