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    15 November 2021, Volume 41 Issue 6
    Infinite dimensional homogenous Rota-Baxter 3-Lie algebras(Ⅰ)
    BAI Ruipu, LIU Shan
    2021, 41(6):  633-637.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.001
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    By homogenous Rota-Baxter operators R satisfying h(0)+h(1)+1≠0 on the infinite dimensional 3-Lie algebra Aω={Lm|m∈Z}, homogenous Rota-Baxter 3-Lie algebras are constructed and the classification is given, where h∶Z→F,R(Lm)=h(m)Lm,∠m∈Z. It is proved that there exist 5 classes homogenous Rota-Baxter 3-Lie algebras Ck,1≤k≤5.
    Selection of reverse logistical suppliers based on intuitionistic fuzzy multiple attribute decision making
    GUO Zixue, ZHANG Yuntong, TIAN Yu, CAO Xiumeng, WANG Zizhu
    2021, 41(6):  638-644.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.002
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    Selecting reverse logistics supplier is a typical multi-attribute decision-making problem. According to the characteristics of reverse logistics supplier selection, this paper proposes an intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute decision-making method for reverse logistics supplier selection based on intuitionistic fuzzy entropy. On the basis of reviewing relevant basic theoretical knowledge, the reverse logistics supplier evaluation index system is established, and the method to determine the weight of evaluation index based on intuitionistic fuzzy entropy is given. Then, the intuitionistic fuzzy weighted average operator is used to aggregate the two-level index information, and the intuitionistic fuzzy decision matrix of reverse logistics supplier selection problem is obtained. Finally, a reverse logistics supplier evaluation method based on intuitionistic fuzzy entropy and TOPSIS is proposed. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method in this paper are verified by the final numerical analysis.
    Mechanism of composite modified mortar with fabricated beam-slab joints
    YANG Sanqiang, CAO Zilong, ZHAO Yazun, LIU Lu, SUN Shuang
    2021, 41(6):  645-653.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.003装配式梁板节点复合改性砂浆材料机理
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    At present, the quality of mortar is still a technical difficulty in the connection of beam-slab hinge. Based on orthogonal test, laboratory test and theoretical analysis, the influence of water-binder ratio, cement-sand ratio and mineral admixtures on the mechanical properties of grout was studied by means of grey correlation theory and multiple linear regression. The results show that: 1)through the orthogonal test, the main performance of mortar material is the water-binder ratio, which has the greatest influence on the fluidity and 3 d compressive strength, and the mineral admixture combination has the greatest influence on 1 d and 28 d compressive strength; 2)according to the grey correlation theory, the water-binder ratio has the highest correlation with the fluidity and strength; 3)the linear regression equations- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.003装配式梁板节点复合改性砂浆材料机理杨三强1,曹紫龙1,赵亚尊2,刘璐1,孙爽1(1.河北大学 建筑工程学院,河北省土木工程监测与性能评估技术创新中心,河北 保定 071002;2.汇通路桥建设集团有限公司,河北 高碑店 074000)摘 要:当前装配式混凝土桥梁结构节点间传力枢纽的节点材料质量问题是1个技术难点.基于荣乌高速节点间复合改性砂浆材料出现破损、脱落的问题,以正交试验为基础,室内实验和理论分析相结合,采用灰色关联理论和多元线性回归的方法,研究了水胶比、胶砂比、矿物掺和料对节点复合改性砂浆材料力学性能的影响.结果表明:1)根据正交试验可知,影响节点复合改性砂浆材料的主要性能是水胶比,水胶比对流动性和3 d抗压强度影响最大,矿物掺和料组合对1 d、28 d抗压强度影响最大.2)由灰色关联理论得到,水胶比对流动度和强度的相关性均最高,改变水胶比能极大的改变流动性和强度.3)通过多元线性回归分析,建立了水胶比和胶砂比与流动性和抗压强度的线性回归方程,得到流动度线性回归方程Y=-4.712+6.067x</sub>1+1.804x</sub>2;抗压强度线性回归方程Z=11.654+7.47x</sub>1+1.969x</sub>2.上述研究成果为装配式桥梁结构节点间复合改性砂浆材料的使用提供科学的理论支撑和技术指导.关键词:装配式;节点复合改性砂浆材料;正交试验;灰色关联理论;多元线性回归中图分类号:TU525.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)06-0645-09Mechanism of composite modified mortar with fabricated beam-slab jointsYANG Sanqiang1, CAO Zilong1, ZHAO Yazun2, LIU Lu1, SUN Shuang1(1. Hebei Civil Engineering Monitoring and Performance Evaluation Technology Innovation Center, College of Construction Engineering, Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China;2. Huitong Road and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd., Gaobeidian 074000,China)Abstract: At present, the quality of mortar is still a technical difficulty in the connection of beam-slab hinge. Based on orthogonal test, laboratory test and theoretical analysis, the influence of water-binder ratio, cement-sand ratio and mineral admixtures on the mechanical properties of grout was studied by means of grey correlation theory and multiple linear regression. The results show that: 1)through the orthogonal test, the main performance of mortar material is the water-binder ratio, which has the greatest influence on the fluidity and 3 d compressive strength, and the mineral admixture combination has the greatest influence on 1 d and 28 d compressive strength; 2)according to the grey correlation theory, the water-binder ratio has the highest correlation with the fluidity and strength; 3)the linear regression equations- 收稿日期:2020-12-31 基金项目:河北省建设厅资助项目(130000021);河北省交通运输厅科技项目(PHP-C34200-2503631-1);保定市科技局资助项目(1911ZG003) 第一作者:杨三强(1980—),男,四川绵阳人,河北大学教授,博士后,主要从事公路工程、路基路面工程研究.E-mail:ysq0999@163.con第6期杨三强等:装配式梁板节点复合改性砂浆材料机理of water binder ratio and cement sand ratio with the fluidity and compressive strength were established by means of multiple regression analysis,the linear regression equation of fluidity is obtained:Y=-4.712+6.067x</sub>1+1.804x</sub>2,and the linear regression equation of compressive strength Was also abtained:Z=11.654+7.47x</sub>1+1.969x</sub>2.The above research results can provide theoretical support and technical guidance for the use of cementitious materials for joints of fabricated concrete structures.
    Discharge characteristics of argon plasma plume from solid to hollow
    YIN Zengqian, WU Lijiao
    2021, 41(6):  654-660.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.004
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    The argon plasma jet excited by a biased sinusoidal voltage are investigated in an atmospheric pressure environment. The results show that as the biased voltage increases from negative to positive, the resultant plume transits from solid to hollow. The discharge characteristics of solid plume and hollow plume are studied by electrical and optical means, and it is found that there is only one discharge pulse per voltage cycle for these two plumes. Through fast photography, the plump guided bullet is found to propagate in the solid plume, which involves a negative streamer mechanism. The hollow plume involves a positive streamer mechanism, which manifests as a thin guided streamer starting from the end of the driven electrode, and then gradually evolving into branching streamers propagating in the flow periphery. By spectroscopy, the electron temperature of the different positions from the nozzle are studied. Based on the interaction of Penning ionization and residual negative ions, the production mechanism of these two plumes is explained.
    Measurement of electric charge of dielectric particles moving on plate in plasma
    GUO Zhiqiang, SUN Wentao, CAI Yawen, ZHANG Ning, ZHANG Shunxin, HE Yafeng
    2021, 41(6):  661-665.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.005
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    The charge of charged particles moving on the bottom plate is studied by using DC discharge to produce uniform plasma. The relative velocity of particle motion and other parameters are obtained by analyzing the collision trajectory of charged particles, and the charged quantity of particles is obtained. The experimental results provide a basis for further study of the complex motion of charged particles in dusty plasma.
    Identification of alfalfa varieties by terahertz wave based on GA-BP method
    WANG Fang, ZHANG Yu, ZHANG Chunhong, XIA Hongyan
    2021, 41(6):  666-671.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.006
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    Based on the refractive index data of alfalfa species measured by the terahertz time domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS), the genetic algorithm optimized BP neural network(GA-BP)model was used to identificate alfalfa species. The results show that the average classification accuracy rate of 8 varieties is 94%, and the maxial classification accuracy rate of a single variety is 94.6%. A new method is provided for the classification and identification of alfalfa species, which provides important reference value for the identification of germplasm resources.
    Effect of intraperitoneal injection of α-GalCer on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
    LIANG Rui, GAO Xiang, TENG Jingfang, WANG Jianguo, CHENG Shujie, MENG Ming
    2021, 41(6):  672-681.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.007
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    To investigate the effect of intraperitoneal injection of α-GalCer on non-alcoholic fatty liver- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.007腹腔注射α-GalCer对非酒精性脂肪性肝病的影响梁蕊1,2,高翔1,2,滕景芳1,2,王建国3,程树杰3,4,孟明1,2(1.河北大学 基础医学院,河北 保定 071000; 2.河北省炎性自身免疫性疾病发病机制及防治重点实验室,河北 保定 071000; 3.河北大学附属医院 肝胆外科,河北 保定 071000; 4.河北省普通外科数字医学基础研究重点实验室,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:探讨了腹腔注射α-GalCer对非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)的影响,为以iNKT细胞为靶点的NAFLD免疫学防治奠定基础.利用高脂饲料或蛋氨酸/胆碱缺乏饲料分别喂养C57BL/6J小鼠,建立非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFL)模型和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)模型.全自动生化分析仪分析小鼠外周血中TCH、TG、HDL、LDL、ALT及AST水平;H&E染色观察肝脏病理变化;流式细胞术检测肝脏iNKT、iNKT1、iNKT2细胞频率.与对照组相比,NAFL小鼠体质量升高,血清TCH、HDL、LDL及ALT水平升高,肝脏脂肪沉积增加;而NASH小鼠体质量降低,血清TCH、TG及LDL水平降低,肝脏脂肪沉积增加并伴有炎细胞浸润.腹腔注射α-GalCer后,NAFL小鼠血清TCH、HDL及LDL水平降低,肝脏脂肪沉积减少,肝脏iNKT2亚群比例增加;NASH小鼠血清ALT和AST水平升高,肝脏脂肪沉积减少,炎细胞浸润增加,肝脏iNKT1、iNKT2亚群比例增加,其中以iNKT1亚群增加为主.腹腔注射α-GalCer可以改善NAFL和NASH小鼠肝脏脂肪沉积;小鼠NAFLD发病不同阶段(NAFL或NASH)肝脏局部微环境的改变可能影响α-GalCer对肝脏iNKT细胞不同亚群的激活,为进一步研究NAFLD的发病机制及免疫学治疗策略提供了有价值的实验数据.关键词:非酒精性脂肪性肝病;非酒精性脂肪肝;非酒精性脂肪性肝炎;iNKT;α-GalCer中图分类号:R392.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)06-0672-10Effect of intraperitoneal injection of α-GalCer on nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseLIANG Rui1,2, GAO Xiang1,2, TENG Jingfang1,2, WANG Jianguo3, CHENG Shujie3,4, MENG Ming1,2(1. College of Basic Medicine, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China;2. Key Laboratory of Pathogenesis Mechanism and Control of Inflammatory-autoimmune Diseases in Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, China;3. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China;4. Key Laboratory of General Surgery Digital Medicine Basic Researchin Hebei Province, Baoding 071000, China)Abstract: To investigate the effect of intraperitoneal injection of α-GalCer on non-alcoholic fatty liver- 收稿日期:2021-05-23 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(81771755);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2020201022;H2020201300) 第一作者:梁蕊(1995—),女,河北沧州人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事非酒精性脂肪性肝病研究.E-mail: liangrui1208@163.com 通信作者:孟明(1964—),女,辽宁义县人,河北大学教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事自身免疫性疾病及免疫药理学研究.E-mail: mengming127@163.com程树杰(1965—),男,河北安国人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事肝胆胰脾疾病等研究.E-mail: shujiecheng@yeah.net第6期梁蕊等:腹腔注射α-GalCer对非酒精性脂肪性肝病的影响disease, and to lay a foundation for immunological prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)targeting iNKT cells. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFL)model and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH)model were established by feeding C57BL/6J mice with high fat diet or methionine/choline deficiency diet. The levels of TCH, TG, HDL, LDL, ALT and AST in the peripheral blood of mice were analyzed by automatic biochemical analyzer. The pathological changes of liver were observed by H&E staining. The cell frequencies of iNKT, iNKT1 and iNKT2 in liver were detected by flow cytometry. Compared with the control group, the body weight of NAFL mice increased, the serum levels of TCH, HDL, LDL, ALT increased, and the hepatic fat deposition increased. While the body weight of NASH mice decreased, the serum levels of TCH、TG and LDL decreased, liver fat deposition is increased with inflammatory cell infiltration. After intraperitoneal injection of α-GalCer, serum levels of TCH, HDL, LDL decreased, liver fat deposition decreased,and the proportion of liver iNKT2 subsets increased in NAFL mice. While the serum levels of ALT and AST increased, liver fat deposition decreased, inflammatory cell infiltration increased and the proportion of liver iNKT1 and iNKT2 subsets increased, but mainly iNKT1 subsets in NASH mice. Intraperitoneal injection α-GalCer can improve NAFL and NASH mice liver fat deposition; changes in local microenvironment in different stages of NAFLD in mice(NAFL or NASH)may affect the activation of α-GalCer to different subgroups of liver iNKT cells, which provides valuable experimental data for further study of the pathogenesis and immunological treatment strategies of NAFLD.
    Immunochromatographic analysis of rhodamine B in pepper and wild pepper
    ZHENG Jiayan, ZHOU Liyan, HAN Xiaoli, LI Yiqing, WANG Tingxin
    2021, 41(6):  682-689.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.008
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    In order to establish a rapid detection technique of rhodamine B(RB)based on colloidal gold labeled antibody, the complete antigen(R123-BSA)and coated antigen(R123-OVA)were synthesized from RB derivative R123(R123), bovine serum albumin(BSA)and ovalbumin(OVA)by glutaraldehyde method. Female white rabbits were subcutaneously injected with R123-BSA to obtain polyclonal antibodies. Colloidal gold was labeled on the nitrocellulose membrane as a tracer colloidal gold, coated with R123-OVA was used as the detection line and colloidal gold coated with sheep anti-rabbit IgG was used as the control line. By optimizing the experimental conditions, the percolation colloidal gold immunoassay strip was developed, and the RB standard concentration colorimetric card was also developed, based on the colorimetric card. Taking pepper and wild pepper as research objects, the influence of matrix was eliminated and the test strip was tested. The results showed that the linear range of RB was 0.01~20 ng/mL, and the lowest detection limit was 0.5 ng/mL. The color result of the test strip was obvious. The experiment of the test strip is successful, and the on-site rapid detection can be realized without special equipment, which is suitable for the rapid qualitative detection of rhodamine B.
    Characteristics and source apportionment of VOCs in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone in summer
    WANG Shujuan, LIU Xinjun, ZHOU Bing, WANG Peng, MA Xuelin, SU Wenkang
    2021, 41(6):  690-697.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.009
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    Ambient volatile organic compounds(VOCs)samples were collected in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone during the summer of 2019. VOCs characteristics,the ozone formation potential(OFP)and source apportionment were analysed. The results showed that,the average concentration of VOCs in Shijiazhuang high-tech industrial development zone was 51.52×10-9 during the observation period. The highest proportion was OVOCs,followed by alkanes,halogenated hydrocarbons,olefinic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. The highest species are OVOCs and light alkanes. The weekend effect on the VOCs concentrations shows that VOCs concentrations are generally higher in the weekdays than in the weekends at the sampling site,suggesting that human activities have important impacts on the VOCs emissions in Shijiazhuang. OVOCs contribute largest OFP,which accounting for 58%. The highest species of OFP was formaldehyde. Finally,five potential sources of VOCs were quantified by positive matrix factorization(PMF)model,including traffic emissions(24%),regional background source(24%),usage of solvents(18%),solvent usage(17%),industrial emissions(9%)and plant emission(8%).
    Screening and biological characteristics of cellulose degrading Trichoderma strains
    LI Wanyun, YANG Jingya, ZHAO Shuang, LI Min, ZHAO Lili, HE Xueli
    2021, 41(6):  698-708.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.010
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    We selected 7 strains of Trichoderma spp.from the rhizosphericsoil of medicinal plants in Anguo, Hebei Province, China. The cellulolytic Trichoderma strains were screened by sodium carboxymethyl cellulose medium and solid state fermentation(SSF)medium of corn straw and liquorice residues.Morphological and molecular biological methods were used to identify the strains. And its biological characteristics were investigated.The results showed that after the preliminary screening of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose medium, four Trichoderma strains had cellulose degradation ability, which were HQ1, BB1, DS3 and DS1. The results of SSF showed that BB1 and HQ1 display the highest FPase activity when using corn straw and liquorice residues as fermentation substrate,respectively.Combining colony morphology, microscopic structure and DNA molecular identification,HQ1 and BB1 were- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.010纤维素降解木霉菌株的筛选及其生物学特性探究李婉云,杨静雅,赵爽,李敏,赵丽莉,贺学礼(河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:选取分离自河北安国中药材种植基地不同药用植物根区土壤的7株木霉菌,通过羧甲基纤维素钠培养基初筛及玉米秸秆、甘草药渣固态发酵培养基复筛,联合筛选纤维素降解木霉菌株,采用形态学和分子生物学相结合方法进行菌株鉴定,并对其生物学特性进行探究.结果表明,经羧甲基纤维素钠培养基初筛,有4株菌表现出纤维素降解能力,分别为HQ1、BB1、DS3和DS1.经2种木质纤维素底物固态发酵培养基复筛发现,BB1以玉米秸秆为发酵基质时滤纸纤维素酶(filter paper cellulase,FPase)活性最高,HQ1以甘草药渣为基质时FPase活性最高.结合菌落形态、显微结构和DNA分子鉴定,HQ1被鉴定为长枝木霉(Trichoderma longibrachiatum),BB1为非洲哈茨木霉(Trichoderma afroharzianum).2株菌生物学特性存在趋同性,适宜生长产孢pH为5~6,适宜培养温度为28~33 ℃,且都表现出抵御干旱胁迫的能力.变差分解表明,不同培养条件对木霉菌生长速率及产孢有重要影响.本实验可为后续进一步优化HQ1和BB1降解不同木质纤维素底物固态发酵培养条件提供依据.关键词:药用植物;纤维素降解菌;非洲哈茨木霉;长枝木霉;生物学特性中图分类号:Q939.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)06-0698-11Screening and biological characteristics of cellulose degrading Trichoderma strainsLI Wanyun, YANG Jingya, ZHAO Shuang, LI Min, ZHAO Lili, HE Xueli(College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: We selected 7 strains of Trichoderma spp.from the rhizosphericsoil of medicinal plants in Anguo, Hebei Province, China. The cellulolytic Trichoderma strains were screened by sodium carboxymethyl cellulose medium and solid state fermentation(SSF)medium of corn straw and liquorice residues.Morphological and molecular biological methods were used to identify the strains. And its biological characteristics were investigated.The results showed that after the preliminary screening of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose medium, four Trichoderma strains had cellulose degradation ability, which were HQ1, BB1, DS3 and DS1. The results of SSF showed that BB1 and HQ1 display the highest FPase activity when using corn straw and liquorice residues as fermentation substrate,respectively.Combining colony morphology, microscopic structure and DNA molecular identification,HQ1 and BB1 were- 收稿日期:2020-09-17 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31470533);河北省研究生创新资助项目(CXZZBS2020021) 第一作者:李婉云(1995—),女,河北石家庄人,河北大学在读博士研究生,主要从事药用植物与相关微生物互作等领域研究.E-mail:1964910366@qq.com 通信作者:贺学礼(1963—),男,陕西蒲城人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事菌根生物学、药用植物学和生态学等领域研究. E-mail: xlh3615@126.com第6期李婉云等:纤维素降解木霉菌株的筛选及其生物学特性探究identified as Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Trichoderma afroharzianum,respectively.The biological characteristics of the two Trichoderma strains were similar. The suitable culture pH was 5~6, and the suitable culture temperature was 28~33 ℃. Both Trichoderma strains showed the ability to resist mild drought stress.The variation partitioning indicated that different culture conditions had important influence on the growth rate and sporulation of Trichoderma strains.This experiment can provide a basis for further optimization of fermentation conditions for HQ1 and BB1 degraded different lignocellulosic substrates using SSF.
    Effects of fulvic acid on regulation of endogenous hormones and nodulation ability of soybean
    HOU Huiyun, XU Menglei, GUO Yuxian, YUAN Hongli, GAO Tongguo, ZHU Baocheng
    2021, 41(6):  709-719.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.011
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    In order to explore the mechanism of fulvic acid improving soybean nodulation ability, Bradyrhizobium liaoningense CCBAU 05525 and Jidou 17 were used to evaluate the effects of fulvic acid on the content and distribution of endogenous hormones by HPLC and on nodule number at the early stage of soybean nodulation. The results showed that when the concentration of fulvic acid was 500 mg/L, the number of soybean nodules was increased significantly by 73.1% at most, and the change of hormone content and distribution was the most obvious. The specific performance was that the content of zeatin(ZT), auxin(IAA)and gibberellin(GA3)in root, stem and leaf increased, the content of abscisic acid(ABA)in root decreased, and the content of ABA in leaf increased. Fulvic acid at 1 000 mg/L inhibited soybean nodulation. These results provide a theoretical basis for analyzing the mechanism of fulvic acid improving nodulation and nitrogen fixation of soybean and increasing soybean yield.
    Effects of the deletions of alg3, vps1301 and rad51 genes on the growth and conjugal reproduction of Schizosaccharomyces pombe
    BAI Xin, DING Xiang, LI Hui, YANG Tong, CHEN Xi, HOU Yiling
    2021, 41(6):  720-727.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.012
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    In order to study the effects of deletion of alg3,vps1301 and rad51 genes on the growth and conjugal reproduction of Schizosaccharomyce spombe,under the condition of 25 ℃,the wild-type and three kinds of gene deleted strains were cultured, and their growth was counted and analyzed; the wild-type and three kinds of gene deleted strains were mated to produce spores respectively,and the conjugal reproduction of wild-type and gene deleted strains were also analyzed and compared.The results showed that the average growth rates of wild-type strain, alg3Δ strain, vps1301Δ strain and rad51Δ strain were 0.042 5、- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.012alg3、vps1301、rad51基因缺失对粟酒裂殖酵母接合生殖的影响白鑫1,丁祥2,李慧1,杨彤1,陈茜2,侯怡铃1(1.西华师范大学 生命科学学院,西南野生动植物资源保护教育部重点实验室,四川 南充 637009;2.西华师范大学 环境科学与工程学院,四川 南充 637009)摘 要:为探寻alg3、vps1301、rad51基因缺失对粟酒裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)生长及接合生殖的影响,在25 ℃条件下,培养野生型和3种基因缺失的粟酒裂殖酵母,统计并分析其生长情况;将野生型和3种基因缺失菌株分别各自交配产孢,分析对比野生型和基因缺失菌株的接合生殖情况. 结果显示,生长实验中,25 ℃条件下,12 h内,野生型菌株、alg3Δ菌株、vps1301Δ菌株和rad51Δ菌株的平均生长速度分别为0.042 5 、0.009 8 、0.019 3 、0.036 9 OD595/h. 结果提示,粟酒裂殖酵母缺失alg3基因后,其生长速度受影响最大.在细胞接合生殖实验中,3种基因缺失菌株产孢数目都出现异常,其中alg3Δ菌株产孢数与野生型表现出显著差异.同时,alg3基因和vps1301基因缺失后孢子长度与野生型存在极显著差异.结果表明,alg3基因缺失对粟酒裂殖酵母的接合生殖影响最大.综上所述,缺失上述3种基因都对粟酒裂殖酵母的生长和接合生殖有不同程度的影响,其中alg3基因缺失对其影响最严重,其次是vps1301基因,rad51基因对其影响最小.关键词:粟酒裂殖酵母;alg3基因;vps1301基因;rad51基因;接合生殖中图分类号:Q932 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)06-0720-08Effects of the deletions of alg3, vps1301 and rad51 genes on the growth and conjugal reproduction of Schizosaccharomyces pombeBAI Xin1, DING Xiang2, LI Hui1, YANG Tong1, CHEN Xi2, HOU Yiling1(1. Key Laboratory of Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation( Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009, China; 2. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009, China)Abstract: In order to study the effects of deletion of alg3,vps1301 and rad51 genes on the growth and conjugal reproduction of Schizosaccharomyce spombe,under the condition of 25 ℃,the wild-type and three kinds of gene deleted strains were cultured, and their growth was counted and analyzed; the wild-type and three kinds of gene deleted strains were mated to produce spores respectively,and the conjugal reproduction of wild-type and gene deleted strains were also analyzed and compared.The results showed that the average growth rates of wild-type strain, alg3Δ strain, vps1301Δ strain and rad51Δ strain were 0.042 5、- 收稿日期:2021-03-23 基金项目:四川省科技厅应用基础重点项目(2018JY0087);四川省科技厅重点研发项目(2018NZ0055) 第一作者:白鑫(1996—),男,四川绵阳人,西华师范大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事细胞生物学研究.E-mail: 2432460273@qq.com 通信作者:侯怡铃(1983—),女,四川南充人,西华师范大学教授,博士,主要从事细胞生物学研究.E-mail: starthlh@126.com第6期白鑫等:alg3、vps1301、rad51基因缺失对粟酒裂殖酵母接合生殖的影响0.009 8、0.019 3、0.036 9 OD595/h at 25 ℃ for 12 h, respectively. The results showed that the growth rate of S. pombe was most affected by the deletion of alg3 gene. In the experiment of cell conjugal reproduction, the number of spores produced by the three gene deletion strains were abnormal, and the number of spores produced by the alg3Δ strain was significantly different from that of the wild type. At the same time, there was a significant difference in spore length between the wild type and the alg3Δ strain and vps1301Δ strain. which indicated that the deletion of alg3 gene had the greatest effect on the conjugal reproduction of S. pombe. In conclusion, deletion of the above three genes had different effects on the growth and conjugal reproduction of S. pombe, among which the deletion of alg3 gene had the most serious effect, followed by vps1301 gene deletion, and rad51 gene deletion had the least effect.
    DDoS attack detection model based on Bayesian ARTMAP in software-defined networks
    LIU Zhenpeng, ZHANG Qingwen, LI Zeyuan, LIU Jiahang, DONG Shuhui, ZHAO Yonggang
    2021, 41(6):  728-733.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.013
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    In order to solve the problem of distributed denial of service(DDoS)attack detection under software defined network(SDN)architecture, a DDoS attack detection model based on Bayesian ARTMAP is proposed: the traffic statistics module mainly collects the captured flow table information, and then sends it to the feature extraction module. The feature extraction module extracts the key information in the flow table and provides the key features according to the set method, and these features are finally sent to the classification detection module. Classification detection module extracts classification rules by Bayesian ARTMAP, and optimizes parameters by particle swarm optimization to classify new data sets. Experiments show that the 5 yuan features extracted by the model are effective, and the detection success rate of the model is increased by 0.96%-3.71%, and the false alarm rate is reduced by 0.67%-2.92% compared with the three DDoS attack detection models based on C4.5 decision tree, feature pattern graph model and K-means algorithm model.
    Multi-generator generative adversarial networks
    SHEN Ruicai, ZHAI Junhai, HOU Yingzhen
    2021, 41(6):  734-744.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.014
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    Generative adversarial networks(GAN)are widely used in various fields, especially in image generation. The model consists of two parts, a generative network and a discriminative network, and the two networks compete with each other to improve each other in an unsupervised training method. However, GAN often suffers from pattern collapse during training, which leads to slow convergence of the model and poor diversity of generated samples. To solve this problem, a multi-generator generative adversarial network model based on deep convolutional neural networks is proposed. The model consists of multiple generative networks, each of which is built using residual networks, and a collaboration mechanism is introduced among the generative networks to speed up the information acquisition and reduce the number of parameters, and finally the feature maps of each generative network are fused to obtain the final image and input to the discriminative network. GAN also has the problems of gradient disappearance and training instability. To address the two problems, Wasserstein distance and gradient penalty are introduced into the loss function of the mode. Through experimental comparison with several related methods on multiple datasets, the results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms several- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.06.014多生成器生成对抗网络申瑞彩,翟俊海,侯璎真(河北大学 数学与信息科学学院,河北省机器学习与计算智能重点实验室,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:生成对抗网络(Generative adversarial networks,GAN)广泛应用于各种领域,尤其在图像生成方面.该模型由生成网络与判别网络2部分组成,在无监督的训练方式下,2个网络相互竞争相互提高.然而,GAN在训练时经常出现模式崩溃问题,进而导致模型收敛较慢,生成样本多样性较差.为解决这一问题,在深度卷积神经网络的基础上提出了一种多生成器生成对抗网络模型.该模型包含多个生成网络,每个生成网络均使用残差网络进行搭建,同时在生成网络间引入协作机制,以加快模型获取信息并减少参数量,最后将各生成网络的特征图进行融合得到最终图像输入到判别网络中.GAN在训练过程中还会出现梯度消失、训练不稳定问题.为避免出现这些问题,将Wasserstein距离和梯度惩罚引入模型的损失函数.通过在多个数据集上与多种相关方法进行实验比较,结果表明提出的模型在缓解模式崩溃问题、加快模型收敛速度以及减少参数量上均明显优于其他几种方法.关键词:生成对抗网络;残差网络;集成学习;模式崩溃;Wasserstein距离 中图分类号:TP181 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)06-0734-11Multi-generator generative adversarial networksSHEN Ruicai, ZHAI Junhai, HOU Yingzhen(Hebei Key Laboratory of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, College of Mathematics and Information Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: Generative adversarial networks(GAN)are widely used in various fields, especially in image generation. The model consists of two parts, a generative network and a discriminative network, and the two networks compete with each other to improve each other in an unsupervised training method. However, GAN often suffers from pattern collapse during training, which leads to slow convergence of the model and poor diversity of generated samples. To solve this problem, a multi-generator generative adversarial network model based on deep convolutional neural networks is proposed. The model consists of multiple generative networks, each of which is built using residual networks, and a collaboration mechanism is introduced among the generative networks to speed up the information acquisition and reduce the number of parameters, and finally the feature maps of each generative network are fused to obtain the final image and input to the discriminative network. GAN also has the problems of gradient disappearance and training instability. To address the two problems, Wasserstein distance and gradient penalty are introduced into the loss function of the mode. Through experimental comparison with several related methods on multiple datasets, the results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms several- 收稿日期:2021-05-26 基金项目:河北省科技计划重点研发计划项目(19210310D); 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(F2021201020) 第一作者:申端彩(1993—),女,河北邯郸人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事深度学习研究.E-mail:1943303808@qq.com 通信作者:翟俊海(1964—),男, 河北易县人, 河北大学教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事云计算与大数据处理和深度学习方向研究.E-mail:mczjh@hbu.cn第6期申瑞彩等:多生成器生成对抗网络other methods in alleviating the pattern collapse problem, speeding up model convergence, and reducing the number of parameters.