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    25 January 2022, Volume 42 Issue 1
    Hysteretic behavior analysis of RC frame columns considering parameter uncertainty
    QIE Luwen, LI Meng, SONG Pengyan, LIU Jing, WANG Yue
    2022, 42(1):  1-7.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.001
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    The uncertainty of the basic material parameters of the structure will make the seismic capacity of the structural members have certain discreteness. Based on ABAQUS and OpenSees platform, the numerical simulation of reinforced concrete frame columns is carried out in this paper, and the validity of the model is verified by comparison with the experiment. On this basis, the influences of material properties and geometrical dimension parameters of members are further considered, and the corresponding probability eigenvalues and probability distribution models are given. The results show that the maximum shear force of column members can be described by normal distribution, while the displacement can be described by lognormal distribution with some errors. Therefore, the analysis of structural uncertainty is particularly important.
    Diagnosability verification of bounded Petri nets
    HAO Zhenming, LI Chengwang, ZHANG Chaoyan, RAN Ning
    2022, 42(1):  8-15.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.002
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    It is important to study diagnosability verification method because it is the premise of designing fault diagnosis algorithm for discrete event system to satisfy the diagnosability. Deadlock-free after a fault is one of the common assumptions in the research field of diagnosability, which limits the application scope of diagnosability verification method. In this paper, we remove the assumption of deadlock-free after the occurrence of a fault. The concept and construction algorithm of the label reachability graph are proposed first. Then a new diagnosability verification algorithm is given to verify diagnosability of bounded Petri nets. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the calculation process of the algorithm.
    Quantitative study of diffraction adjustment and amplitude error based on diffraction theory
    LU Yanzhen,ZHANG Tengyuan, WANG Zeyu, WANG Fengping
    2022, 42(1):  16-21.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.003
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    This artide is to study the influence of the ratio of the slit width to the wavelength in the university physics wave optics section on the diffraction factor and the error of the Fresnel half-wave band method. The article first uses matlab simulation to calculate grating diffraction distribution under the slit number N=2,100λ~0.01λ slit width, the influence of the ratio of slit width to wavelength on the diffraction factor is then initially obtained. The research conclusion shows that when xa/λ=10 mm, it can be considered that the diffraction factor can be ignored at this time, and xa/λ=10 mm is the diffraction limit constant. In the observation scale of 10 mm, when a/λ≤0.01, the diffraction factor is almost disappeared, so it can be quantitatively shown that the adjustment of the grating single-slit diffraction is negligible at this time, only the superposition of multi-slit interference is present. In order to quantitatively study the half-wave band complex amplitude change in the Fresnel circular aperture diffraction, the ratio method is used. The approximate error formula of the Fresnel half-wave band method is obtained, and finally the error of the Fresnel half-wave band method and the wavelength of the half-wave band number are obtained through MATLAB- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.003基于衍射理论定量研究衍射调节与振幅误差路彦珍,张腾远,王泽宇,王凤平(北京科技大学 数理学院, 北京 100083)摘 要:为研究大学物理波动光学部分中缝宽与波长的比值对衍射因子的影响以及菲涅尔半波带法的误差问题,利用MATLAB仿真模拟,计算了在缝数N=2条件下,100λ~0.01λ缝宽的光栅衍射分布,初步得到了缝宽与波长的比值对衍射因子的影响规律.研究结果表明,当xa/λ=10 mm时,可认为此时恰好可以将衍射因子忽略.在10 mm观察尺度内,当a/λ≤0.01时,衍射因子的调节作用几乎消失,故可以定量表明此时光栅单缝衍射调节可忽略不计,只有多缝干涉的叠加.为定量研究菲涅尔圆孔衍射中半波带复振幅变化,通过比值的方法得到了菲涅尔半波带法的近似误差公式,最终再通过MATLAB模拟得到了菲涅尔半波带法的误差与半波带数所用光波长,以及圆孔的中心到场点的距离关系.由于公式的简洁性,在实际对衍射积分公式求解的过程中可以很方便地将参数代入公式计算误差,在实际应用时提供了理论支持.关键词:光栅衍射;衍射调节;菲涅尔衍射:MATLAB;仿真模拟中图分类号:O436.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2022)01-0016-06Quantitative study of diffraction adjustment and amplitude error based on diffraction theoryLU Yanzhen,ZHANG Tengyuan, WANG Zeyu, WANG Fengping(School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China)Abstract: This artide is to study the influence of the ratio of the slit width to the wavelength in the university physics wave optics section on the diffraction factor and the error of the Fresnel half-wave band method. The article first uses matlab simulation to calculate grating diffraction distribution under the slit number N=2,100λ~0.01λ slit width, the influence of the ratio of slit width to wavelength on the diffraction factor is then initially obtained. The research conclusion shows that when xa/λ=10 mm, it can be considered that the diffraction factor can be ignored at this time, and xa/λ=10 mm is the diffraction limit constant. In the observation scale of 10 mm, when a/λ≤0.01, the diffraction factor is almost disappeared, so it can be quantitatively shown that the adjustment of the grating single-slit diffraction is negligible at this time, only the superposition of multi-slit interference is present. In order to quantitatively study the half-wave band complex amplitude change in the Fresnel circular aperture diffraction, the ratio method is used. The approximate error formula of the Fresnel half-wave band method is obtained, and finally the error of the Fresnel half-wave band method and the wavelength of the half-wave band number are obtained through MATLAB- 收稿日期:2021-06-03 基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(06108282) 第一作者:路彦珍(1971—),女, 河北临城人,北京科技大学讲师, 主要从事光电功能材料及其器件方向研究.Email: yzlu@ustb.edu.cn 通信作者:王凤平(1962—),女,黑龙江巴彦人,北京科技大学教授,主要从事光电功能材料及其器件研究.E-mail:fpwang@ustb.edu.cn第1期路彦珍等:基于衍射理论定量研究衍射调节与振幅误差simulation, and the distance between the center of the circular hole and the field point is obtained. Due to the simplicity of the formula, it is convenient to substitute parameters into the formula to calculate the error in the actual process of solving the diffraction integral formula, which provides theoretical support in practical applications.
    Measurement method and application of microwave photoconductivity in open cell mode
    NIU Ben, TAO Tingting, HUANG Hao, WANG Tao, DANG Wei, DING Wenge
    2022, 42(1):  22-28.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.004
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    Microwave photoconductivity technology can obtain the carrier recombination dynamic process of semiconductor materials, and provides a reference for the synthesis of semiconductor materials and the preparation of devices. In order to improve the accuracy of the microwave photoconductivity measurement system in open cell mode, influences of various experimental conditions, including excitation light energy, open circuit and short circuit conditions, distance between sample and short circuit end, excitation wavelength, were analyzed. The experimental results show that microwave photocunductance measurement in short circuit conditions can suppress the “oscillation” of photoconductance signal, when the sample thickness approximates with carrier diffusion length. Optimizing the distance between the sample and the short-circuit end can enhance the sensitivity of measurement. CH3NH3PbI3/PTAA(PTAA-polymer polytriarylamine)was characterized as a standard sample, and its hole transfer efficienies were about 84.1% and 59.1% after excitation by 532 nm and 355 nm, respectively. The results of this research are beneficial for the application of microwave photoconductivity technology in diagnoses of carrier recombination and interface charge transfer.
    Pollution control mechanism analysis of thermal degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether by zinc oxide
    GAO Lan, LEI Yuan, LI Zhansheng, LIU Pengyan
    2022, 42(1):  29-37.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.005
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    Low brominated diphenyl ethers and brominated dioxins with high toxicity were easily produced in the pyrolysis process of decabromodiphenyl ethers, Based on this, the pyrolysis process of BDE-209 and ZnO was studied by differential thermal gravimetric analysis(DTA-TG), X-ray diffraction(XRD), GC and GC/MS. The results showed that the addition of zinc oxide reduced the activation energy of BDE-209 thermal degradation reaction, thus reducing the thermal degradation temperature of BDE-209; after the addition of zinc oxide, BDE-209 pyrolysis produced more brominated dioxins at 400 ℃ When BDE-209 and ZnO were degraded at 400 ℃ at 2.4∶1(m/m), the degradation rate reached 100% at 2 h.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.005氧化锌对十溴联苯醚热解的污染控制机理分析高兰1,2,雷源3,李占圣1,刘芃岩1(1.河北大学 化学与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071002;2. 保定学院 生物化工与环境工程学院, 河北 保定 071001;3. 河北大学 生态环境学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:十溴联苯醚(BDE-209)热解过程中容易产生毒性较高的低溴代联苯醚和溴代二噁英,氧化锌对BDE-209的热解过程及热解产物有较大地影响.利用差热-热重(DTA-TG)分析,X线衍射(XRD)分析和GC、GC/MS对热解产物种类以及相对含量进行分析,结果表明:氧化锌的加入降低了BDE-209热降解反应的活化能,从而降低了BDE-209的热降解温度;氧化锌加入后,BDE-209在400 ℃时热解产生的溴代二噁英较多; BDE-209和氧化锌以2.4∶1(质量比)在400 ℃进行热降解,其降解率2 h达到100%,此时,六溴代和七溴代二噁英类产物相对含量较低,六溴苯和五溴苯类产物的相对含量最高.结合Arrhenius公式计算以及软硬酸碱理论,并根据热解残余物的XRD产物分析,对BDE-209和氧化锌的混合热解机理进行了深入探讨,为热处理废旧印刷电路板的污染防控提供了理论依据. 关键词:氧化锌;十溴联苯醚(BDE-209);热降解;溴代二噁英 中图分类号:S852.61 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2022)01-0029-09Pollution control mechanism analysis of thermal degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether by zinc oxideGAO Lan1,2, LEI Yuan3, LI Zhansheng1, LIU Pengyan1(1. College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;2. College of Biochemical and Environmental Engineering,Baoding University, Baoding 071001, China;3.School of Eco-Environment,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: Low brominated diphenyl ethers and brominated dioxins with high toxicity were easily produced in the pyrolysis process of decabromodiphenyl ethers, Based on this, the pyrolysis process of BDE-209 and ZnO was studied by differential thermal gravimetric analysis(DTA-TG), X-ray diffraction(XRD), GC and GC/MS. The results showed that the addition of zinc oxide reduced the activation energy of BDE-209 thermal degradation reaction, thus reducing the thermal degradation temperature of BDE-209; after the addition of zinc oxide, BDE-209 pyrolysis produced more brominated dioxins at 400 ℃ When BDE-209 and ZnO were degraded at 400 ℃ at 2.4∶1(m/m), the degradation rate reached 100% at 2 h.- 收稿日期:2021-11-10 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21377033);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2018201224);河北省高等学校科技研究指导项目(ZC2016148);保定学院转型发展研究基金资助项目(2015Z06) 第一作者:高兰(1982—),女,河北唐县人,保定学院副教授,河北大学在读博士,主要从事环境与食品分析方向研究.E-mail:bdxygl@163.com 通信作者:刘芃岩(1964—),女,河北蠡县人,河北大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事环境中典型污染物的降解与迁移转化以及食品污染检测方法研究.E-mail:hbupyliu@163.com第1期高兰等:氧化锌对十溴联苯醚热解的污染控制机理分析At this time, the relative content of hexabromo to heptabromo- dioxins was lower, and the relative content of hexabromobenzene to pentabromobenzene was the highest. Combined with Arrhenius formula calculation, soft and hard acid-base theory and XRD product analysis of pyrolysis residue, the mixed pyrolysis mechanism of BDE-209 and zinc oxide was deeply discussed, which provided a theoretical basis for pollution prevention and control of waste printed circuit boards in heat treatment.
    Dissolution of metal elements in the circulating fluidized bed fly ash
    LIU Yanling, REN Yingqi
    2022, 42(1):  38-43.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.006
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    In order to achieve the comprehensive utilization of fly ash solid waste in recirculating fluidized bed and explore the alternative resources of bauxite, the dissolution of metal elements including aluminum, iron and titanium in circulating fluidized bed fly ash was studied by microwave digestion, sub-molten salt method and direct acid dissolution. Effects of different digestion conditions on the dissolution rate of various elements in fly ash were investigate and compared. The results showed that fly ash sample was digested by microwave method and the dissolution rate of aluminum element in fly ash was higher than 90% using 20% NaOH solution or HNO3-HCl-HF mixed acid as digestion solvent. The dissolution rates of titanium and iron were both less than 50% under alkaline conditions. Fly ash is difficult to dissolve by the sub molten salt method and acid method. But aluminum and iron were dissolved by acid leaching using the sub molten salt method. It provides a theoretical reference for the comprehensive utilization of circulating fluidized bed fly ash.
    Application of metal organic framework composites in solid phase extraction
    LIU Haiyan, HAN Yamei, WANG Shan
    2022, 42(1):  44-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.007
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    Sample pretreatment is an indispensable step in the analysis process. Whether the sample is gaseous, liquid, or solid, pretreatment must be carried out before the sample analysis. The main purpose of pretreatment is to increase the concentration of the target component, improve the sensitivity of the instrument, and remove other impurities to obtain a purer target component. The key of sample pretreatment is the selection of adsorbent, which determines the extraction efficiency. Metalorganic franework(MOF), as a new kind of cage material, has attracted much attention. Its uniform pore structure shows the molecular sieve effect and shape selectivity in the adsorption process. In addition, MOF has many advantages, such as rich composition and structure, high specific surface area and porosity, adjustable pore performance, good thermal stability, etc. MOFs are widely used in gas storage and capture, catalysis, sample pretreatment and other fields. The composite formed by the combination of MOF and other materials not only overcomes the shortcomings of MOF itself, but also greatly improves the properties of MOF. This paper mainly reviewed the applications of MOF composites(including MOF@magnetic material, MOF@carbon composite, MOF@polymer composite,etc)as solid phase extraction adsorbents in the environmental analysis, food analysis and biological sample analysis.
    Description of a new species of Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Lithobiomorpha:Lithobiidae)and molecular phylogenetic analysis
    LU Yanmin, PEI Sujian, LIU Haipeng, MA Huiqin
    2022, 42(1):  60-67.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.008
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    A new species of the subgenus Ezembius Chamberlin, 1919(Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae): Lithobius(Ezembius)helanensis sp. nov. discovered from Ningxia, China, is described. The partial COⅠ gene was amplified and sequenced for two individuals of the new species, the dataset was used for molecular phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance determination. Both morphology and molecular data show that the specimens examined should be referred to Lithobius(Ezembius).
    Detection and utilization of hormones in the exploitation of mushroom bran resources
    YANG Linying, XU Fan, GENG Peiyan, YIN Xianda, GENG Danmeng, WANG Qian
    2022, 42(1):  68-72.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.009
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    In order to alleviate the non-point source pollution caused by a large amount of waste mushroom bran, to study the resource development of mushroom bran, using Auricularia auricula bran as substrate, the content of gibberellins and indoleacetic acid in A. auricula bran was determined by spectrophotometry.The results showed that the mass fraction of gibberellin was 45.52 μg/g, and the recovery rate was 98.28%; the mass fraction of indole acetic acid was 38.42 μg/g, and the recovery rate was 94.70%.Using A. auricula bran mixed with vegetable garden soil and sandy soil in different quality ratios to plant purple leaf lettuce, it was found that compared with the control, the use of a certain proportion of A. auricula bran can increase the germination rate and shorten the germination time; when the addition amount of A. auricula bran is 35%(mass fraction),the content of the maximum germination rate is 86.91% in purple leaf lettuce,the shortest average germination time is about 7 d, indicating that A. auricula bran has the value for resource development.
    Activiation of the inflammasomes in trophoblastic cells by Lisetria monocytogenes
    LI Wenyan, CHEN Yingying, DONG Ziyi, LIU Jie, XIAO Feng, ZHANG Yuhang
    2022, 42(1):  73-77.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.010
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    To explore the role of Lisetria monocytogenes(LM)-induced mouse trophoblastic cell inflammasome activation in LM-induced mouse abortion, mouse trophoblastic cells were infected with LM. After the mouse trophoblastic cells were infected with LM in vitro,distribution of LM were observed. Interleukin(IL)-1β level in cell medium, cleavaged cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase 1(caspase 1)level in the cell lysate and the amount of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)release were detected. Results showed that LM distributed around the cell nucleus. Both IL-1β level in cell medium, cleavaged caspase 1 level in the cell lysate and the amount of LDH release were increased significantly in LM-infected group compared to control group, while the IL-1β level and the cleavaged caspase 1 level of the listeriolysin O(LLO)-deficient LM(Δ hly LM)-infected group were obviously lower than that of wild LM-infected group. Therefore, it is speculated that LM can activiate mouse trophoblastic inflammasome by LLO and promote the secretion of IL-1β and the pyrotosis of trophoblastic cells, which induced the mouse abortion. These results can provide a scientific basis for the clinical prevention and treatment on LM-induced abortion.
    Lycium ruthenicum Murray extraction regulates autophagy based on endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitophagy in HepG2 cells
    WANG Mengjie, WU Hua, LIU Jiahua, ZHANG Longfei
    2022, 42(1):  78-84.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.011
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    The effect of Lycium ruthenicum Murray extraction(LRME)on autophagy in HepG2 cells was explored based on endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial autophagy. Cell cycle of HepG2 cells were detected by flow cytometry. Besides, the expression of mitochondrial autophagy-related gene, endoplasmic reticulum stress-related gene and autophagy-related genes were tested by qRT-PCR and Western blot. It was found that HepG2 cells induced by LRME were significantly arrested from G0/G1 phase to S phase while the expression of related key factors(TP53, LC3 and AMPK)were significantly up-regulated and the expression of related key factors(CCND1, PCNA, CDK4 and mTOR)were significantly down-regulated at mRNA level. In addition, LRME could up-regulate endoplasmic reticulum stress factor(ATF4)and mitochondrial autophagy factor(FUNDC1)at mRNA and protein level. In conclusion,- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.011黑果枸杞提取物基于内质网应激和线粒体自噬调控HepG2细胞自噬王梦杰,吴华,刘嘉华,张龙飞(青海大学 农牧学院,青海 西宁 810000)摘 要:基于线粒体自噬和内质网应激,探究黑果枸杞提取物(Lycium ruthenicum Murray extraction,LRME)对HepG2细胞自噬的调控作用.采用流式细胞术检测HepG2细胞周期,通过qRT-PCR和Western blot测定内质网应激、线粒体自噬和自噬关键基因的表达水平.结果表明:HepG2细胞G0/G1期向S期的转化过程被LRME有效抑制;LRME极显著上调肿瘤蛋白p53(tumor protein p53, TP53)、微管相关蛋白1轻链3(microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3, LC3)和AMP依赖的蛋白激酶(adenosine 5'-monophosphate-activated protein kinase, AMPK),并显著下调细胞周期蛋白D1(cyclin D1, CCND1)、增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA)、周期素依赖性激酶-4(cyclin-dependent kinase-4, CDK4)和哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶点(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR)的mRNA水平;上调内质网转录激活子4(activating transcription factor 4, ATF4)和FUN14域蛋白1(FUN14 domain containing 1, FUNDC1)的mRNA和蛋白表达.由此推测LRME可通过在体外促进内质网应激和线粒体自噬,进而诱导HepG2细胞自噬. 关键词:线粒体自噬;内质网应激;HepG2细胞;黑果枸杞提取物中图分类号:R932 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2022)01-0078-07Lycium ruthenicum Murray extraction regulates autophagy based on endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitophagy in HepG2 cellsWANG Mengjie, WU Hua, LIU Jiahua, ZHANG Longfei(College of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Qinghai University, Xining 810000, China)Abstract: The effect of Lycium ruthenicum Murray extraction(LRME)on autophagy in HepG2 cells was explored based on endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial autophagy. Cell cycle of HepG2 cells were detected by flow cytometry. Besides, the expression of mitochondrial autophagy-related gene, endoplasmic reticulum stress-related gene and autophagy-related genes were tested by qRT-PCR and Western blot. It was found that HepG2 cells induced by LRME were significantly arrested from G0/G1 phase to S phase while the expression of related key factors(TP53, LC3 and AMPK)were significantly up-regulated and the expression of related key factors(CCND1, PCNA, CDK4 and mTOR)were significantly down-regulated at mRNA level. In addition, LRME could up-regulate endoplasmic reticulum stress factor(ATF4)and mitochondrial autophagy factor(FUNDC1)at mRNA and protein level. In conclusion,- 收稿日期:2021-06-09 基金项目:青海省科技厅应用基础研究计划项目(2018-ZJ-759) 第一作者:王梦杰(1995—),女,河南周口人,青海大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事营养与免疫方向研究. E-mial: 2583700850@qq.com 通信作者:吴华(1971—),女,四川眉山人,青海大学教授,主要从事营养与免疫方向研究. E-mial: qhwuhua@qhu.edu.cn第1期王梦杰等:黑果枸杞提取物基于内质网应激和线粒体自噬调控HepG2细胞自噬LRME can promote the mitochondrial autophagy, endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy of HepG2 cells in vitro.
    Experimental on aerodynamic noise of side-mirror arm of a SUV
    LIU Haijun, GUO Hang, PENG Xingzhi, WU Yang
    2022, 42(1):  85-90.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.012
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    When a car runs at a high speed more than 100 km/h, the aerodynamic noise produced by the interaction of air flow and car body plays a leading role in the noise contribution of the vehicle, so it is very important to control the aerodynamic noise source outside the vehicle. The correlation between aerodynamic of the SUV rear mirror arm length and the interior noise environment of the vehicle was studied by the experimental method. The results show that the relationship between the parameters of the rear mirror arm length and sound energy is logarithmic. The relationship between the parameters of the rear mirror arm length and articulation is logarithmic, too. The relationship between the parameters of the rear mirror arm length and loudness follows quadratic equation. When the rear mirror arm length is controlled to be between 40~50 mm, the sound pressure level is reduced by 0.6 dB(A), the relative improvement is about 0.5%, the articulation is increased by 5.4% AI, the relative change is 9%~14%, the loudness is reduced by 0.5~0.6 sone, and the relative improvement is about 1.7%~2.1%. The technical method of the controlling aerodynamic noise in the rear mirror arm length has been obtained preliminarily. The technology reduces the noise in the car and improves the sound quality of the SUV.
    MBD method of embedded control for constant pressure water supply device
    CHANG Guanghui, LI Yanfei, LIU Shuyong
    2022, 42(1):  91-97.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.013
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    The variable frequency constant pressure water supply device has been widely used in the new type ship. In order to develop an embedded control system with independent intellectual property rights, a rapid development method-model based design(MBD)for embedded control system of variable frequency and constant pressure water supply unit is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a mathematical model consistent with the characteristics of real frequency conversion unit is established through experimental identification. Secondly, under the unified simulation environment of Simulink, the fuzzy self-adaptive PID voltage regulator and the switching logic controller based on Stateflow finite state condition were developed according to the model design, and the dynamic control simulation experiment was carried out by combining the two. Thirdly, the embedded control C code was automatically generated using Embedded Coder,and the embedded control system was integrated and deployed into the embedded control board based on STM32 to realize the rapid development of embedded control system. Finally the effectiveness and convenience of the embedded control design and development using this method are verified through the actual device operation experiment.
    Attribute reduction of commercial bank customer portrait based on information entropy
    ZHANG Yujing, WANG Liu, QI Xiaona, XU Meiling, WANG Lei
    2022, 42(1):  98-104.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.014
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    Customer portrait is a hot topic in commercial banks. One core issue of customer portrait is to select effective attributes from high-dimensional and complex customer data. The high-dimensional data makes it challenging to conduct customer portrait accurately. Based on the clustering analysis of customer data, we combine the rough set theory and information entropy to study the attribute reduction of customer portraits in commercial banks, and propose the attribute reduction algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain the optimal attribute reduction of customer portrait and can provide a basis for attribute selection.
    Application of integrated learning in the intrusion detection of power grid false data
    QI Yuanxing, CUI Shuangxi
    2022, 42(1):  105-112.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.01.015
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    The development of artificial intelligence and machine learning provides a new and efficient solution for the false data detection of supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)system.At present, using single classifier in machine learning to detect the false data in power grid has some problems, such as low accuracy, high false detection rate, poor model differentiation ability and so on. This paper proposes a detection method based on ensemble learning to binary classify the power grid data, such as gradient boosting decision tree,XGBoost,LightGBM, RF-LightGBM and so on. Bagging classifier is used as the base classifier. After Bayesian parameter adjustment, the voting strategy is used to integrate.Ensemble learning not only integrates the advantages of each classifier, but also reduces the false detection rate, and improves the detection accuracy and the stability of model distinguishing ability.The experimental results show that the algorithm has certain application and reference value in the field of data detection.