Diversity of bird community in spring in Bodhi islands, Hebei province
- YANG Junfeng,LIU Qiqi,ZHANG Kan,LIN Qingqian,HOU Jianhua
2022, 42(2):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.02.012
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In order to grasp the dynamic changes of birds in Bodhi islands in spring,the line method and point method were used to investigate the bird situation in the islands from February to May, 2021, and the results showed that:1)A total of 146 species belonging to 40 families and 16 orders were recorded, among which 84 species were migratory birds, 28 resident birds, 24 summer migrants and 10 winter migrants birds.2)The dominant species of Dunlin(Calidris alpina)and Black-bellied Plover(Pluvialis squatarola), 13 common species, 20 rare species and 111 rare species;3)There were 4 species of birds under the first class state protection and 19 species under the second class state protection;4)Bird abundance and species richness peaked in April.Shannon-Wiener index(H')was the highest in May, and Pielou evenness index(J)was the highest in February.The Sørensen similarity coefficient(Si)of bird community was the highest in March and April, and the lowest in May and February.5)In different habitats,H' was the highest in woodland and the lowest in dune.The J was the highest in grassland, and the lowest in residential area and dune. The(Si)of bird community between grassland and reed wetland is the highest,and the(Si)in the intertidal beach and dune is the lowest.The results show that the Bodhi islands are rich in bird resources in spring, with a large number of rare and endangered birds, and are a resting- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2022.02.012河北菩提岛诸岛春季鸟类群落多样性杨俊锋,刘琪琪,张侃,林庆乾,侯建华(河北大学 生命科学学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为掌握菩提岛诸岛春季鸟类的动态变化,2021年2月至5月运用样线法和样点法对该岛鸟类情况进行了调查,结果发现:1)共记录鸟类146种,隶属于16目40科,其中旅鸟84种、留鸟28种、夏候鸟24种、冬候鸟10种;2)优势种为黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)和灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola),常见种13种,稀有种20种,罕见种111种;3)国家一级重点保护鸟类4种,国家二级重点保护鸟类19种;4)鸟类多度和物种丰富度在4月达到峰值.Shannon-Wiener指数(H')5月最高,Pielou均匀度指数(J)2月最高.3月和4月鸟类群落Sørensen相似性系数(Si)最高,5月和2月最低;5)在不同生境中,林地H'最高,沙丘最低.草地J最高,居住区和沙丘最低.草地与芦苇湿地之间的鸟类群落Si最高,潮间带滩涂与沙丘最低.研究结果表明,菩提岛诸岛春季鸟类资源丰富,珍稀濒危鸟类众多,是多种迁徙鸟类的停歇地,应加强保护和监管力度.关键词:菩提岛;春季;鸟类群落;多样性中图分类号:Q958.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2022)02-0182-08Diversity of bird community in spring in Bodhi islands, Hebei provinceYANG Junfeng,LIU Qiqi,ZHANG Kan,LIN Qingqian,HOU Jianhua(School of Life Sciences,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: In order to grasp the dynamic changes of birds in Bodhi islands in spring,the line method and point method were used to investigate the bird situation in the islands from February to May, 2021, and the results showed that:1)A total of 146 species belonging to 40 families and 16 orders were recorded, among which 84 species were migratory birds, 28 resident birds, 24 summer migrants and 10 winter migrants birds.2)The dominant species of Dunlin(Calidris alpina)and Black-bellied Plover(Pluvialis squatarola), 13 common species, 20 rare species and 111 rare species;3)There were 4 species of birds under the first class state protection and 19 species under the second class state protection;4)Bird abundance and species richness peaked in April.Shannon-Wiener index(H')was the highest in May, and Pielou evenness index(J)was the highest in February.The Sørensen similarity coefficient(Si)of bird community was the highest in March and April, and the lowest in May and February.5)In different habitats,H' was the highest in woodland and the lowest in dune.The J was the highest in grassland, and the lowest in residential area and dune. The(Si)of bird community between grassland and reed wetland is the highest,and the(Si)in the intertidal beach and dune is the lowest.The results show that the Bodhi islands are rich in bird resources in spring, with a large number of rare and endangered birds, and are a resting- 收稿日期:2021-08-23 基金项目:国家林业局全国第二次陆生野生动物资源调查项目(2017—2018);河北大学自然科学研究计划项目(2014-299) 第一作者:杨俊锋(1996—),男,四川广安人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事动物学研究.E-mail:2523292527@qq.com 通信作者:侯建华(1968—),男,河北保定人,河北大学教授,博士,博士生导师,主要从事动物生态学研究.E-mail:13633325718@163.com第2期杨俊锋等:河北菩提岛诸岛春季鸟类群落多样性place for many kinds of migratory birds, so protection and supervision should be strengthened.