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    25 May 2023, Volume 43 Issue 3
    Regularity for some nonlinear elliptic problems
    HUANG Miaomiao, ZHAO Xueyi, FENG Heping
    2023, 43(3):  225-229.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.001
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    When the source function of elliptic partial differential equation is a function of independent variable, unknown function of independent variable and partial derivative of unknown function, the boundary value problem of nonlinear elliptic equation is studied. By using the generalized Stampacchia lemma and the analysis technique of Sobolev space, the regularity of the solution of the boundary value problem of elliptic equation under some coercivity and controlled growth assumptions is obtained.
    Parameter identification and nonlinear analysis of the continuous bio-dissimilation process of glycerol
    ZHANG Jingshuo, XU Gongxian
    2023, 43(3):  230-236.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.002
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    In order to give a mathematical model that can better describe the continuous bio-dissimilation process of glycerol to 1,3-propanediol and the nonlinear characteristics of the model, the problems of parameter identification and nonlinear analysis are studied. Firstly, the GMA-system for the continuous bio-dissimilation process of glycerol is established. A parameter identification optimization problem is given, which takes the minimum error between the calculated value of the model and the experimental measurement value as the optimization objective and the steady-state conditions of continuous fermentation process of glycerol as constraints. By using the sequential quadratic programming algorithm, the optimal parameter values of the corresponding dynamic system are obtained. The results show that the parameter identification optimization model of the GMA-system can provide more accurate parameter values. Secondly, by substituting the results of the identified parameters into the GMA-system of continuous bio-dissimilation process of glycerol, the equilibrium point calculation and stability analysis are carried out. The equilibrium points of the system are numerically calculated by the method of the symbolic real root isolation, the stability of the equilibrium point is studied according to the stability theory of almost linear system.
    Angular spectrum algorithm for Fresnel diffraction integral
    HAN Jiacheng, GUO Wenya, ZHAO Yanan, YANG Lijun, WANG Ying, ZHANG Suheng
    2023, 43(3):  237-247.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.003
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    Fresnel diffraction can be regarded as a linear space-invariant system, so the Fresnel diffraction integral can be calculated numerically in the spectral domain using the angular spectrum. First, the implementation of the angular spectrum algorithm is explained in detail, including the ideal sampling conditions, the origins and influence range of the wraparound error, and the selection of the calculation window size. Then the Fresnel diffraction field of a Gaussian beam illuminated cosine grating is numerically calculated using the angular spectrum algorithm. A comparison between the numerical solution and the analytical solution shows that the angular spectrum algorithm can achieve very high accuracy when the ideal sampling conditions are met and the calculation window size is correctly selected. Finally, a single-lens coherent imaging is numerically simulated to further demonstrate the implementation of the angular spectrum algorithm.
    Influence of electrode structure on electrofluid motion
    WU Lei, GUO Pengpeng, CHEN Xudong, LI Qing
    2023, 43(3):  248-256.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.004
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    In order to study the influence of electrode structure change on the flow field and electric field distribution of dust collector after the secondary current generated by corona discharge is coupled with the primary current, the pole matching mode of wire traditional plate and wire perforated plate with two different structures is designed. On the basis of establishing the multi physical field coupling numerical model of corona discharge and flow field, the characteristics of electric field and flow field in the channel of electrostatic precipitator under three different pole matching modes are simulated and studied by COMSOL software. The simulation results show that the electrode structure has a great influence on the distribution of electric field and flow field near the plate in the dust collector. The near plate electric field intensity of the new perforated plate is higher than that of the traditional plate. With the increase of inlet velocity, the disturbance of ion wind on the flow field in the dust collector channel gradually decreases. The results also show that the orifice structure can effectively reduce the velocity near the dust collector plate. When the- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.004电极结构对电流体运动的影响武磊,郭朋朋,陈旭东, 李庆(河北大学 物理科学与技术学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为了研究电极结构的变化对除尘器中电晕放电产生的二次流与主流一次流耦合后形成的流场以及电场分布的影响,设计了线-传统板与2种不同结构的线-开孔板极配方式.在建立电晕放电和流场的多物理场耦合数值模型的基础上,利用COMSOL软件模拟研究了3种不同极配方式下的电除尘器通道内的电场与流场特征.模拟结果表明:电极结构对除尘器内部近板电场及流场分布影响较大.新型开孔板的近板电场强度高于传统板,随着入口流速的增大,离子风对除尘器通道内流场的扰动逐渐减小.结果同时表明孔结构能有效降低近收尘极板流速,在入口流速为0.5 m/s时,新型开孔板近板风速相比传统板分别降低了14.58%和15.62%,入口流速为1.0 m/s时,近板流速分别降低了19.94%和20.20%.这一结果表明新型开孔结构能有效减小收尘极板附近流速,减少二次扬尘,提高除尘效率.关键词:电晕放电;静电除尘;电极结构;离子风;数值模拟中图分类号:X513 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0248-09Influence of electrode structure on electrofluid motionWU Lei, GUO Pengpeng, CHEN Xudong, LI Qing(College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: In order to study the influence of electrode structure change on the flow field and electric field distribution of dust collector after the secondary current generated by corona discharge is coupled with the primary current, the pole matching mode of wire traditional plate and wire perforated plate with two different structures is designed. On the basis of establishing the multi physical field coupling numerical model of corona discharge and flow field, the characteristics of electric field and flow field in the channel of electrostatic precipitator under three different pole matching modes are simulated and studied by COMSOL software. The simulation results show that the electrode structure has a great influence on the distribution of electric field and flow field near the plate in the dust collector. The near plate electric field intensity of the new perforated plate is higher than that of the traditional plate. With the increase of inlet velocity, the disturbance of ion wind on the flow field in the dust collector channel gradually decreases. The results also show that the orifice structure can effectively reduce the velocity near the dust collector plate. When the- 收稿日期:2022-08-25 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51777051);河北省高等学校科学技术研究项目(ZD2020197);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2022201057;E2021201037;G2020201001) 第一作者:武磊(1997—),男,湖北荆州人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事大气污染监测与控制方面研究.E-mail:wuleistone123@163.com 通信作者:李庆(1968—),男,安徽合肥人,河北大学研究员,博士生导师,主要从事高电压技术的应用与大气污染控制技术的开发与应用.E-mail:liqinghbu@126.com第3期武磊等:电极结构对电流体运动的影响inlet velocity is 0.5 m/s, the velocity near the plate of the new orifice plate is reduced by 14.58% and 15.62%, respectively, compared with the traditional plate. When the inlet velocity is 1.0 m/s, the velocity near the plate is reduced by 19.94% and 20.20% respectively. The results show that the new opening structure can effectively reduce the flow velocity near the dust collector plate, reduce the secondary dust, and improve the dust removal efficiency.
    Effect of argon on the characteristics of hollow cathode discharge in He-Ar gas
    DENG Jiasong, ZHAO Xuena, HE Shoujie
    2023, 43(3):  257-262.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.005
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    In this paper, the effect of argon concentration on the characteristics of hollow cathode discharge is studied by using a fluid model in the He-Ar mixture gas. The results show that with the increase of argon mole fraction(0—10% ), the discharge current, electron density, helium ion density, argon ion density, and the radial electric field in the cathode sheath region all increase. The radial electric field in the negative glow region and the width of the cathode sheath region decrease with the increase of argon concentration. The increase of electron density and argon ion density is faster than that of helium ion density. When the mole fraction of argon is higher than 5%, the contribution of argon to the discharge is higher than that of helium.
    Mechanism of mangiferin sodium salt on arteriosclerosis based on network pharmacology and experimental verification
    PU Zejiang, ZHAO Chuanping, YAN Zihan, WANG Qian, ZHOU Chengyan
    2023, 43(3):  263-273.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.006
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    This work explores the mechanism of mangiferin sodium salt(MF-Na)in the treatment of atherosclerosis(AS)based on network pharmacology, molecular docking and in vitro validation. The target of MF-Na was screened by TCMSP, STITCH, SWISS and SEA databases. OMIM, GAD and Genecards databases were used to screen out the related targets of AS disease. The interaction network diagrams- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.006基于网络药理学和实验验证探究芒果苷钠盐对动脉粥样硬化的作用机制蒲泽江1,赵川平1,闫子涵1,王乾2,周程艳1(1.河北大学 药学院,河北省药物质量分析控制重点实验室,河北 保定 071002;2.河北大学附属医院 神经内科,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:基于网络药理学、分子对接和细胞实验验证的方法探究芒果苷钠盐(MF-Na)治疗动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis, AS)的作用机制.利用TCMSP、STITCH、SWISS、SEA数据库筛选出MF-Na的作用靶点,利用OMIM、GAD、Genecards数据库筛选出AS疾病作用的相关靶点,分别绘制药物靶点、疾病靶点的相互作用网络图.利用Cytoscape3.6.1软件,绘制“化合物-靶标-通路-疾病”关系网络并进行分析.对筛选出的靶点基因进行GO分析和KEGG分析,采用AutoDock Vina软件进行分子对接,评估筛选靶标.最后采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)检测了体外TNF-α、NF-κB、IL-6、CCL2和CXCL1的含量,并用免疫细胞化学检测了NF-κB p65和NF-κB p50的表达.筛选出MF-Na相关靶点119个,AS相关靶点433个,药物-疾病共同靶点23个,富集到通路46条.细胞实验证明:MF-Na能显著降低TNF-α、NF-κB、IL-6、CCL2和CXCL1的表达水平,并经过TNF-α/NF-κB/CCL2通路发挥作用.利用网络药理学筛选了MF-Na抗AS的潜在靶点,经实验验证发现MF-Na可能是经过TNF-α/NF-κB/CCL2途径降低炎症因子表达,进而发挥治疗AS的作用.关键词:芒果苷钠盐;动脉粥样硬化;网络药理学;分子对接中图分类号:R593.21 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0263-11Mechanism of mangiferin sodium salt on arteriosclerosis based on network pharmacology and experimental verificationPU Zejiang1, ZHAO Chuanping1, YAN Zihan1, WANG Qian2, ZHOU Chengyan1(1.Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Quality Control of Hebei Province,College of Pharmacy,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2.Department of Neurology,Affiliated Hospital of Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China)Abstract: This work explores the mechanism of mangiferin sodium salt(MF-Na)in the treatment of atherosclerosis(AS)based on network pharmacology, molecular docking and in vitro validation. The target of MF-Na was screened by TCMSP, STITCH, SWISS and SEA databases. OMIM, GAD and Genecards databases were used to screen out the related targets of AS disease. The interaction network diagrams- 收稿日期:2022-04-16 基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2020201291);贵州医科大学省部共建药用植物功效与利用国家重点实验室资助项目(FAMP202006K);河北省创新能力提升计划项目(20567605H) 第一作者:蒲泽江(1998—),男,四川泸州人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事药理学、生物信息学、药物代谢分析方面的研究.E-mail:905139321@qq.com 通信作者:周程艳(1976—),女,河北唐山人,河北大学副教授,主要从事药理作用机制、多组学、中药药效和有效成分筛选的研究.E-mail:xuefanone@163.com王乾(1989—),男,河北沧州人,河北大学附属医院主治医师,主要从事重症脑血管疾病的治疗.E-mail:wq342robin@sina.com第3期蒲泽江等:基于网络药理学和实验验证探究芒果苷钠盐对动脉粥样硬化的作用机制of drug targets and disease targets were drawn respectively. Using Cytoscape 3.6.1 software, the relationship network of “compound target pathway disease was drawn and analyzed”. The screened target genes were analyzed by GO and KEGG, and the molecular docking was carried out by AutoDock Vina software to evaluate the screening targets. Finally, the contents of TNF-α, NF-κB, IL-6, CCL2 and CXCL1 in vitro were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The expression of NF-κB p65 and NF-κB P50 were detected by immunocytochemistry. 119 MF-Na related targets, 433 as related targets and 23 drug disease common targets were screened, and 46 pathways were enriched. Cell experiments showed that MF-Na could significantly reduce the expression of TNF-α、NF-κB. Levels of IL-6, CCL2 and CXCL1, and TNF-α/NF-κB/CCL2 pathway works. The potential targets of MF-Na were screened by network pharmacology, and it was found that MF-Na may be through TNF-α/NF-κB/CCL2 pathway to reduce the expression of inflammatory factors and play a role in the treatment of AS.
    Preparation and evaluation of mitiglinide-arginine complex
    WANG Miaomiao, LI Hanghang, JIA Lili, WU Lixin, YANG Wenzhi
    2023, 43(3):  274-280.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.007
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    Mitiglinide calcium(MTG)is a drug for the treatment of type Ⅱ diabetes, which has the advantages of quick action and high safety. However, its low solubility in water limits the development of its solution dosage form. In this paper, the lyophilized powder of mitiglinide-arginine complex(MTG-Arg)was optimized and prepared by a single factor method using hydrotropic technology. The MTG-Arg complex powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). XRD results show that the crystal diffraction peaks of the drug and arginine disappear, and there is strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the drug and arginine hydrotropic agent, which makes the drug and arginine exist in amorphous state. The results of DSC show that the melting endothermic peaks of the drug and arginine disappear, which further proves the amorphous dispersion of the drug and arginine. MTG-Arg complex has good stability and its dissolution is significantly better than that of the original- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.007米格列奈-精氨酸复合物的制备与评价王苗苗1,李航航2,贾丽丽1,吴丽欣1,杨文智2(1.保定市第一中心医院 药剂科,河北 保定 071000;2.河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:米格列奈钙(MTG)是治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病药物,具有起效快和安全性高的优点,但其在水中溶解度小,限制其溶液剂型的开发.本文利用助溶制剂技术,采用单因素方法优化并制备米格列奈-精氨酸复合物(MTG-Arg)冻干粉,经粉末X线衍射(XRD)和差示扫描量热法(DSC)验证MTG-Arg复合物制备成功.XRD结果显示:复合物中药物和精氨酸的晶体衍射峰消失,两者之间存在较强分子间氢键作用,在复合物中以无定型态存在;而DSC结果显示复合物中的药物与精氨酸的晶体熔融吸热峰消失,进一步证明两者的无定形分散态.MTG-Arg复合物稳定性良好,体外溶出显著优于原药.大鼠分别灌胃含药20 mg/kg的MTG-Arg复合物溶液剂和MTG混悬剂,MTG-Arg组的大鼠血药达峰质量浓度(ρmax)为MTG的1.8倍且获得改善的绝对生物利用度.此外,糖尿病小鼠灌胃MTG-Arg复合物溶液剂,可有效降血糖.故MTG-Arg复合物能用于制备其溶液剂,实验结果可为米格列奈钙口服溶液剂的开发提供数据支持.关键词:米格列奈钙;米格列奈-精氨酸复合物;溶解度;生物利用度中图分类号:O625 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0274-07Preparation and evaluation of mitiglinide-arginine complexWANG Miaomiao1, LI Hanghang2, JIA Lili1, WU Lixin1, YANG Wenzhi2(1. Department of Pharmacy, First Central Hospital of Baoding,Baoding 071000,China; 2. College of Pharmacy, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China )Abstract: Mitiglinide calcium(MTG)is a drug for the treatment of type Ⅱ diabetes, which has the advantages of quick action and high safety. However, its low solubility in water limits the development of its solution dosage form. In this paper, the lyophilized powder of mitiglinide-arginine complex(MTG-Arg)was optimized and prepared by a single factor method using hydrotropic technology. The MTG-Arg complex powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). XRD results show that the crystal diffraction peaks of the drug and arginine disappear, and there is strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding between the drug and arginine hydrotropic agent, which makes the drug and arginine exist in amorphous state. The results of DSC show that the melting endothermic peaks of the drug and arginine disappear, which further proves the amorphous dispersion of the drug and arginine. MTG-Arg complex has good stability and its dissolution is significantly better than that of the original- 收稿日期:2022-10-20 基金项目:保定市科技计划项目(2272P009);河北省医学科研项目(20220283) 第一作者:王苗苗(1987—),女,河北保定人,保定市第一中心医院主管药师,主要从事药物制剂方面的研究.E-mail:524050452@qq.com 通信作者:杨文智(1972—),男,内蒙古锡林浩特人,河北大学副教授,博士,从事药物缓控释制剂方面研究.E-mail:wenzhi_yang@sina.com第3期王苗苗等:米格列奈-精氨酸复合物的制备与评价drug. Rats were administrated with 20 mg/kg MTG-Arg complex solution or MTG supension, respectively. The peak concentration(ρmax)of the complex solution was 1.8 times than that of the MTG suspension, and the absolute bioavailability of MTG-Arg was also improved. In addition, intragastric administration of MTG-Arg complex solution can effectively reduce blood glucose in diabetic mice. Therefore, MTG-Arg complex can be used to prepare its solution dosage form, and the results can provide data support for the development of oral solution of MTG.
    Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM) in Xiaoyi River during dry and wet periods
    YUE Longfei, LI Hongbo
    2023, 43(3):  281-291.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.008
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    Using UV-vis spectroscopy, excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis, the temporal and spatial variation of dissolved organic matter(DOM)spectral characteristics and fluorescence components in Xiaoyi River were studied, and the relationship between DOM and water quality parameters was analyzed. The results showed that the concentration, aromatics, molecular weight and photochemical activity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM)in dry season were significantly higher than those in wet season(P<0.01), and the humification degree in wet season was higher than that in dry season. Three humus components(C1, C2 and C3)and one protein component(C4)were detected in the model. Humus and protein-like components came from point sources in dry season, and protein components came from point sources in wet season. Humus components were affected by point sources and plane sources together. The correlation and regression analysis of fluorescent dissolved- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.008孝义河枯、丰水期溶解有机物(DOM)的光谱特征岳龙飞1,2,李洪波1,3(1.河北大学 生态环境学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北省生态环境科学研究院,河北 石家庄 050037;3.河北省水环境科学实验室,河北 石家庄 050037;)摘 要:采用紫外-可见光谱和激发-发射矩阵光谱与平行因子分析相结合的方法,研究了孝义河溶解有机物(DOM)光谱特征和荧光成分的时空变化,分析了DOM与水质参数的关系.结果表明:枯水期发色团溶解有机物(CDOM)浓度、芳香性、分子相对质量和光化学反应活性显著高于丰水期(P<0.01),丰水期的腐殖化程度高于枯水期;模型共检出3种类腐殖质组分(C1,C2和C3)和1种类蛋白组分(C4),枯水期腐殖质成分和类蛋白成分来源于流域点源排放,丰水期蛋白质成分来源于点源,腐殖质成分受点源和面源共同影响;荧光溶解有机物(FDOM)组分与水质参数的相关性和回归分析表明其对关键水质指标(化学需氧量,COD)具有良好的预测能力.因此,DOM的紫外光谱参数和荧光组分可用于快速水质监测和污染源指示.关键词:孝义河;溶解性有机物;紫外-可见光谱;激发-发射矩阵光谱;平行因子分析中图分类号:X522 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0281-11Spectral characteristics of dissolved organic matter(DOM)in Xiaoyi River during dry and wet periodsYUE Longfei1,2, LI Hongbo1,3(1. College of Eco-Environment, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2.Hebei Academy of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050037, China; 3. Hebei Provincial Laboratory of Water Environment Science, Shijiazhuang 050037, China)Abstract: Using UV-vis spectroscopy, excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis, the temporal and spatial variation of dissolved organic matter(DOM)spectral characteristics and fluorescence components in Xiaoyi River were studied, and the relationship between DOM and water quality parameters was analyzed. The results showed that the concentration, aromatics, molecular weight and photochemical activity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM)in dry season were significantly higher than those in wet season(P<0.01), and the humification degree in wet season was higher than that in dry season. Three humus components(C1, C2 and C3)and one protein component(C4)were detected in the model. Humus and protein-like components came from point sources in dry season, and protein components came from point sources in wet season. Humus components were affected by point sources and plane sources together. The correlation and regression analysis of fluorescent dissolved- 收稿日期:2022-06-15 基金项目:河北省科技厅重点研发项目(3110701) 第一作者:岳龙飞(1996—),男,山西朔州人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事污染物溯源研究.E-mail:15951003982@163.com 通信作者:李洪波(1969—),男,河北肃宁人,河北省生态环境科学研究院正高级工程师,主要从事水生态治理与修复方向研究.E-mail:lhbhky@163.com第3期岳龙飞等:孝义河枯、丰水期溶解有机物(DOM)的光谱特征organic matter(FDOM)components and water quality parameters show that DOM has a good ability to predict the key water quality index chemical oxygen demand(COD). Therefore, the UV spectrum parameters and fluorescence components of DOM can be used for rapid water quality monitoring and pollution source indication.
    Taxonomy of Cryptochetum in Wanglang National Nature Reserve, with one new species
    SHEN Shuang,YIN Xinming, XI Yuqiang
    2023, 43(3):  292-297.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.009
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    Study on the genus Cryptochetum(Diptera: Cryptochaetidae)in Wanglang National Nature Reserve(Sichuan)is present. Cryptochetum brevipalpise sp. nov. Cryptochetum dicranae Xi, Guan & Yin, 2020, Cryptochetum yunnanum Xi & Yang, 2015, are described and figured known species of the genus Cryptochetum are listed, distribution characteristics of the genus in China is gereralized. The materials are deposited at Henan Agricultural University Museum(HAUM).
    Diversity of bird species in winter in Baiyangdian Lake
    WANG Chen, QUE Jialiang, ZHANG Zongjun, HUO Da, HOU Jianhua
    2023, 43(3):  298-302.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.010
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    Bird diversity is an important biomonitoring indicator of wetland ecosystems. To capture the winter bird resources of Baiyangdian Lake, a survey of Baiyangdian Lake was conducted from December 2021 to February 2022 using the sample line method, the results showed that: 1)81 species of birds were recorded, belonging to 34 families of 16 orders, including 18 species of winter birds, 35 species of resident birds, 21 species of migratory birds and 7 species of summer birds; 2)2 dominant species, 8 common species, 19 rare species and 52 seldon found species; 3)3 species of birds under national-level one key protection and 13 species of birds under national-level two key protection; 4)the highest number of bird species in December and the highest number of birds in January, the highest Shannon-Wiener index in December and the lowest in January, the highest Pielou index in December and the lowest in January. The results of the study showed that Baiyangdian Lake is rich in winter bird resources, with a large number of rare and endangered birds, and is a wintering site for many species of birds of national importance, so protection and supervision of Baiyangdian Lake should be strengthened.
    Progress in identifying the animal reservoirs of monkeypox virus
    GENG Yansheng, XIA Zihan, SHI Tengfei, CAO Zhiran
    2023, 43(3):  303-309.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.011
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    Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease caused by monkeypox virus(MPXV). The recent multi-country monkeypox outbreak in non-endemic regions has been a public health emergency of international concern. To understand the potential host sources and transmission routes of MPXV, this article reviewed the MPXV infection and prevalence in wild animals, as well as the susceptibility of wild and captive animals to MPXV. The possible animal hosts and the “animal-human” transmission risk of MPXV were also discussed. The review provides a reference for the human and animal public health departments to jointly develop effective measures to control the monkeypox epidemic.
    Simulation and experimental analysis of calcium signaling and synaptic transmission characteristics of cortex under transcranial magneto-acoustic-electrical stimulation
    ZHAO Qingyang, ZHANG Shuai, DU Wenjing, XU Yihao
    2023, 43(3):  310-319.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.012
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    In order to explore the effects of different magnetic field intensities and ultrasonic power intensities of transcranial magneto-acoustic-electrical stimulation(TMAES)on the calcium signaling and synaptic transmission characteristics of cortical neurons related to the encoding of working memory information, this paper builds a cortical pyramidal neuron model based on magneto acoustic effect,- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.012经颅磁声电刺激下皮层钙信号及突触传递特性的仿真与实验分析赵清扬, 张帅, 杜文静, 徐亦豪(河北工业大学 河北省生物电磁与神经工程重点实验室(筹),天津市生物电工与智能健康重点实验室, 天津 300130)摘 要:为了探究经颅磁声电刺激(transcranial magneto-acoustic-electrical stimulation,TMAES)不同磁场强度和超声功率强度对工作记忆信息编码相关的皮层神经元钙信号及突触传递特性的影响,首先通过搭建基于磁声电效应改进的皮层锥体神经元模型,引入钙依赖神经递质释放的计算方法以计算TMAES引起的兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential,EPSP),以EPSP作为评价指标来评估不同TMAES磁场强度和超声功率强度下突触传递的短时程可塑性.随后使用光纤光度检测技术实时记录TMAES下小鼠前额叶皮层神经集群的钙信号,以揭示TMAES下钙依赖神经信息传递机制.仿真结果表明:TMAES不同磁场强度和超声功率强度对突触后响应的大小具有双向调节作用,其中,突触传递产生的短时程增强和抑制是由于TMAES下胞内钙浓度的变化引起的囊泡释放和囊泡耗竭.实验结论表明:TMAES对前额叶皮层神经元集群钙信号幅度和频率均有明显的调节作用,TMAES可以通过调节神经钙浓度进而影响突触间的信息传递.关键词:经颅磁声电刺激;钙离子浓度;突触传递;短时程可塑性;兴奋性突触后电位中图分类号:R318.04 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0310-10Simulation and experimental analysis of calcium signaling and synaptic transmission characteristics of cortex under transcranial magneto-acoustic-electrical stimulationZHAO Qingyang, ZHANG Shuai, DU Wenjing, XU Yihao(Tianjin key laboratory of Bioelectromagnetism Technology and Intelligent Health,Hebei key laboratory of Bioelectromagnetism and Neural Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China)Abstract: In order to explore the effects of different magnetic field intensities and ultrasonic power intensities of transcranial magneto-acoustic-electrical stimulation(TMAES)on the calcium signaling and synaptic transmission characteristics of cortical neurons related to the encoding of working memory information, this paper builds a cortical pyramidal neuron model based on magneto acoustic effect,- 收稿日期:2022-12-23 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51877069);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2021202184) 第一作者:赵清扬(1996—),男,河北张家口人,河北工业大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事生物电磁与神经工程方向研究. E-mail:qyang2023@163.com 通信作者:张帅(1978—),男,河北保定人,河北工业大学教授,主要从事生物电磁与神经工程方向研究. E-mail:zs@hebut.edu.cn第3期赵清扬等:经颅磁声电刺激下皮层钙信号及突触传递特性的仿真与实验分析introduces a calculation method for calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release to calculate the excitatory postsynaptic potential(EPSP)caused by TMAES, and uses EPSP as an evaluation index to evaluate the short-term plasticity of synaptic transmission under different TMAES magnetic field strength and ultrasonic power intensity. Subsequently, the calcium signal of mouse prefrontal cortex nerve clusters under TMAES was recorded in real time using fiber photometric detection technology to reveal the calcium-dependent neural information transmission mechanism under TMAES. The simulation results show that different magnetic field strength and ultrasonic power intensity of TMAES have bidirectional adjustment effects on the size of the postsynaptic response. Among them, short-term enhancement and inhibition of synaptic transmission is due to vesicle release and vesicle depletion caused by changes in intracellular calcium concentration under TMAES. The experimental results show that TMAES has a significant regulatory effect on the amplitude and frequency of calcium signaling in the prefrontal cortex neuronal cluster, and TMAES can affect the information transmission between synapses by regulating the calcium concentration of nerves.
    Unambiguous acquisition algorithm of Beidou B1C signal based on PCF reconstruction
    WANG Peng, ZHANG Zhanhao, JIN Zhiwei, XU Qing
    2023, 43(3):  320-329.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.013
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    In order to solve the problem of ambiguity in baseband signal processing due to the existence of multi-peaks in the autocorrelation function of B1C signal, a unambiguous acquisition algorithm based on the reconstruction of pseudo-correlation function(PCF)is proposed. The algorithm reconstructs the correlation function to eliminate the secondary peaks and increase the peak of the main peaks, and improves the acquisition sensitivity by combining the data and the pilot component of the B1C signal. At the same time, the algorithm uses downsampling strategy and FFT parallel capture strategy to reduce the computational complexity. Simulation analysis results show that: the improved algorithm can achieve B1C signal capture and completely eliminate the secondary peaks while improving the primary peaks, and- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.013基于PCF重构的北斗B1C信号无模糊捕获算法王鹏1,2,张展豪1,3,金志威1,2,徐庆1,2(1.民航航空器适航审定技术重点实验室,天津 300300;2.中国民航大学 安全科学与工程学院,天津 300300;3.中国民航大学 中欧航空工程师学院,天津 300300)摘 要:针对B1C信号自相关函数存在多峰性会导致基带信号处理过程中存在模糊性问题,提出一种基于伪相关函数(pseudo-correlation function,PCF)重构的无模糊捕获算法,对互相关函数进行重构消除副峰并提高主峰峰值,将B1C信号的数据和导频分量进行联合捕获提高捕获灵敏度,同时引入降采样和FFT并行捕获策略降低计算复杂度.仿真结果分析表明:改进算法可以实现B1C信号捕获,改进算法在提高主峰的同时,完全消除了副峰,实现了B1C信号捕获的无模糊性.其捕获时间相比其他算法缩短近1/2,在信噪比高于13 dB时,主峰比例均值趋于稳定,最高相比Filtered法提高67.74%,在捕获概率为0.9时联合捕获载噪比低于导频单通道捕获1.8 dB·Hz,并在较低载噪比情况下较其他算法具有更好的适应能力.关键词:B1C信号捕获;多峰性;伪相关函数;联合捕获;降采样中图分类号:TM967.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)03-0320-10Unambiguous acquisition algorithm of Beidou B1C signal based on PCF reconstructionWANG Peng1,2, ZHANG Zhanhao1,3, JIN Zhiwei1,2, XU Qing1,2(1. Key Laboratory of Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Technology, CAAC,Tianjin 300300, China; 2. College of Safety Science and Engineering,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China; 3. Sino-European Institute of Aviation Engineering, Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300, China)Abstract: In order to solve the problem of ambiguity in baseband signal processing due to the existence of multi-peaks in the autocorrelation function of B1C signal, a unambiguous acquisition algorithm based on the reconstruction of pseudo-correlation function(PCF)is proposed. The algorithm reconstructs the correlation function to eliminate the secondary peaks and increase the peak of the main peaks, and improves the acquisition sensitivity by combining the data and the pilot component of the B1C signal. At the same time, the algorithm uses downsampling strategy and FFT parallel capture strategy to reduce the computational complexity. Simulation analysis results show that: the improved algorithm can achieve B1C signal capture and completely eliminate the secondary peaks while improving the primary peaks, and- 收稿日期:2022-10-19 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB1600600);中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(XJ2021003601) 第一作者:王鹏(1982—),男,天津人,中国民航大学研究员,博士,主要从事系统安全性设计与评估、卫星导航信号处理、机载电子硬件适航技术方向研究.E-mail:pwang_cauc@163.com 通信作者:金志威(1987—),男,天津人,中国民航大学助理实验师,主要从事机载电子硬件适航审定、卫星导航信号处理等方向研究.E-mail:zwjin_87@163.com第3期王鹏等:基于PCF重构的北斗B1C信号无模糊捕获算法achieve the signal acquisition without ambiguity. Its acquisition time is shortened by nearly 1/2 compared with other algorithms, and the mean value of the main peak ratio tends to stabilize at signal-to-noise ratios higher than 13 dB, with a maximum improvement of 67.74% compared with the Filtered method. The 0.9 detection probability of the combined acquisition strategy is better than that of the pilot single-channel acquisition by 1.8 dB·Hz, and it has better adaptability than other algorithms at lower carrier-to-noise ratios.
    Three-way decision method for rock mass quality evaluation of underground engineering
    MAO Hua,LIU Qian,LIAN Mengxuan,WANG Gang, ZHANG Zhiming
    2023, 43(3):  330-336.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.03.014
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    In order to improve the evaluation efficiency of underground engineering, the method of three-way decision is used to evaluate the stability of surrounding rock. Firstly,the surrounding rock of underground engineering is sorted by fuzzy relative comparison decision. Afterwards, the decision with the least expected loss is made by Bayesian decision rule. Then, the quality of surrounding rock of underground engineering is evaluated by three-way decision, and the classification results are obtained. At last, the model is applied to a practical project to verify the scientificity and feasibility of the evaluation model.It lays a good theoretical foundation for the further application of computer in surrounding rock quality evaluation.