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    25 July 2023, Volume 43 Issue 4
    M self-conjugate mixed structure solutions of the quaternion generalized Sylvester equation
    XU Yun,HUANG Jingpin
    2023, 43(4):  337-345.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.001
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    In this paper, using the specific structure M self-conjugate matrix in the form of quarto-block matrix, we discuss a class of M self-conjugate mixed structure solutions of generalized Sylvester equation AX-YB=C on the quaternion field, where X is a unitary similar block diagonal M self-conjugate matrix, Y is a self-conjugate matrix. According to the characteristics of the proposed structure matrix, the original structural equation is transformed into an equivalent system of unconstrained set of equations, and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of the equations and the general solution expression are obtained by using the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix. Thus, the M self-conjugate mixed structure solution of the original equation is obtained. In particular, the necessary and sufficient conditions for matrix equation AX=C to have unitary similar block diagonal M self-conjugate solutions and the general solution expression are derived. When M=0, the constrained mixed structure solution set of generalized Sylvester equation satisfying ‖Y~‖=min‖Y‖ is obtained by using the CCD-Q decomposition of quaternion matrix pairs. A numerical example is given to verify the correctness and feasibility of the results.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.001四元数广义Sylvester方程M自共轭混合结构解徐云,黄敬频(广西民族大学 数学与物理学院,广西 南宁 530006)摘 要:利用矩阵的四分块形式刻画了M自共轭矩阵的特征结构,并讨论了四元数广义Sylvester方程AX-YB=C的一类M自共轭混合结构解,其中X为酉相似块对角M自共轭矩阵,Y为自共轭矩阵.根据所提结构矩阵的特点,将原方程转化为等价的无约束方程组,再利用矩阵的Moore-Penrose广义逆,获得方程组可解的充分必要条件及其通解表达式,从而得到原方程的M自共轭混合结构解.特别地,导出矩阵方程AX=C具有酉相似块对角M自共轭解的充要条件及其通解表达式.当M=0时,利用四元数矩阵对的CCD-Q分解,获得广义Sylvester方程满足‖Y~‖=min‖Y‖的约束混合结构解集.数值算例检验了所得结果的正确及可行性.关键词:四元数;广义Sylvester方程;M自共轭;混合结构解中图分类号:O241.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0337-09M self-conjugate mixed structure solutions of the quaternion generalized Sylvester equationXU Yun,HUANG Jingpin(College of Mathematics and Physics, Guangxi Minzu University, Nanning 530006, China)Abstract: In this paper, using the specific structure M self-conjugate matrix in the form of quarto-block matrix, we discuss a class of M self-conjugate mixed structure solutions of generalized Sylvester equation AX-YB=C on the quaternion field, where X is a unitary similar block diagonal M self-conjugate matrix, Y is a self-conjugate matrix. According to the characteristics of the proposed structure matrix, the original structural equation is transformed into an equivalent system of unconstrained set of equations, and the necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of the equations and the general solution expression are obtained by using the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of the matrix. Thus, the M self-conjugate mixed structure solution of the original equation is obtained. In particular, the necessary and sufficient conditions for matrix equation AX=C to have unitary similar block diagonal M self-conjugate solutions and the general solution expression are derived. When M=0, the constrained mixed structure solution set of generalized Sylvester equation satisfying ‖Y~‖=min‖Y‖ is obtained by using the CCD-Q decomposition of quaternion matrix pairs. A numerical example is given to verify the correctness and feasibility of the results.- 收稿日期:2022-10-07 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11661011) 第一作者:徐云(1996—), 女, 贵州水城人, 广西民族大学在读硕士研究生, 主要从事数值代数方向研究.E-mail:960455313@qq.com 通信作者:黄敬频(1964—), 男, 广西陆川人, 广西民族大学教授, 主要从事数值代数方向研究. E-mail:hjp2990@126.com第4期徐云等:四元数广义Sylvester方程M自共轭混合结构解
    Chaos and pattern transformation of a spatiotemporal discrete predator-prey system
    LEI Weiqian,GUO Fenglu,HUANG Tousheng
    2023, 43(4):  346-356.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.002
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    The complex spatiotemporal dynamics of a kind of spatiotemporal discrete Leslie-Gower type predator-prey system is discussed. The bifurcation theorem is used to analyze the conditions under which the system undergoes flip bifurcation, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and Turing bifurcation near the immobility point. The bifurcation process of the system is demonstrated by the bifurcation diagram and the maximum Lyapunov exponent, the pattern transition on the route chaos triggered by the bifurcation is revealed by the changes of spatial amplitude and space-time development. The results show that the pattern indicate a similar period doubling cascade process on the route chaos caused by flip bifurcation, and the system goes through a change from frozen chaos to defect turbulence. The pattern is mainly shaped like annular and spiral waves on the route chaos caused by the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, and the pattern formed by Turing instability on the periodic and quasi-periodic attractors displays the ordered spatial and temporal banded structure. The pattern formed on the chaotic attractor shows the spatial amplitude changes- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.002一类时空离散捕食系统的混沌与斑图转变类维倩,郭丰路,黄头生(华北电力大学 工程生态学与非线性科学研究中心,北京 102206)摘 要:探讨了一类时空离散Leslie-Gower型捕食系统的复杂时空动力学行为.运用分岔定理分析了该系统在不动点附近发生倍周期分岔、Neimark-Sacker分岔和图灵分岔的条件.通过分岔图和最大李雅普诺夫指数展示了系统的分岔过程,借助空间振幅和时空发展的变化揭示了由分岔引发混沌路径上的斑图转变规律.结果表明:在倍周期分岔引发的混沌路径上,斑图呈现类似的周期加倍级联过程,系统经历了从冻结混沌到缺陷湍流的变化;在Neimark-Sacker分岔引发的混沌路径上,斑图以环状和螺旋波状为主,在周期和拟周期吸引子上经图灵失稳形成的斑图仍会呈现有序的时空带状结构,在混沌吸引子上形成的斑图虽然呈现无序的空间振幅变化,但在时空发展变化中会呈现某种整体有序局部混乱的湍流状态.关键词:时空离散;捕食系统;分岔;混沌路径;斑图自组织 中图分类号:O175.13 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0346-11Chaos and pattern transformation of a spatiotemporal discrete predator-prey systemLEI Weiqian,GUO Fenglu,HUANG Tousheng(Research Center for Engineering Ecology and Nonlinear Science, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)Abstract: The complex spatiotemporal dynamics of a kind of spatiotemporal discrete Leslie-Gower type predator-prey system is discussed. The bifurcation theorem is used to analyze the conditions under which the system undergoes flip bifurcation, Neimark-Sacker bifurcation and Turing bifurcation near the immobility point. The bifurcation process of the system is demonstrated by the bifurcation diagram and the maximum Lyapunov exponent, the pattern transition on the route chaos triggered by the bifurcation is revealed by the changes of spatial amplitude and space-time development. The results show that the pattern indicate a similar period doubling cascade process on the route chaos caused by flip bifurcation, and the system goes through a change from frozen chaos to defect turbulence. The pattern is mainly shaped like annular and spiral waves on the route chaos caused by the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation, and the pattern formed by Turing instability on the periodic and quasi-periodic attractors displays the ordered spatial and temporal banded structure. The pattern formed on the chaotic attractor shows the spatial amplitude changes- 收稿日期:2022-11-28 基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(11802093);国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07101002) 第一作者:类维倩(1997—),女,山东泰安人,华北电力大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事非线性动力学方向研究.E-mail: 120202209059@ncepu.edu.cn 通信作者:黄头生(1985—),男,江西吉水人,华北电力大学副教授,主要从事非线性动力学与斑图动力学方向研究.E-mail: tous_huang@ncepu.edu.cn第4期类维倩等:一类时空离散捕食系统的混沌与斑图转变of disorder, however, some turbulence state with overall order and local chaos appears in the changes of space-time development diagram.
    Residents electric larceny detection based on Pearson correlation coefficient and SVM
    GUO Liang,GUO Zixue,JIA Hongtao,FAN Ruoyu
    2023, 43(4):  357-363.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.003
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    The exist of residents electric larceny not only damages the economic benefits of power supply enterprises, but also affects the security of electric grid. With the rapid development of China’s digital economy and the improvement of electric acquisition system, electric larceny detected methods which are based on big data are updating constantly. The paper puts forward a new method which combines Pearson correlation coefficient, SMOTE algorithm and SVM. Firstly, the paper uses Pearson correlation coefficient to collect abnormal users’ effective power stealing data which are recorded, then SMOTE algorithm is used to enrich effective power stealing database. At last the paper builds a detection mathematical model based on the data base by SVM. By comparing the results of detection mathematical model and the reality situation of users, the validity and feasibility of the method is proved. The new method not only gives a new thought for electricity anti-stealing in power enterprises, but also improves the efficient of working team.
    Application of novel ferroelectric thin films in MFIS devices
    WANG Shuyu,LU Chunguang, YUAN Qiuting,QIU Jiajun,FU Yueju,CAI Shuzhen,FU Guangsheng
    2023, 43(4):  364-368.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.004
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    Ferroelectric Na0.5Y0.5TiO3(NYTO)film is used as the insulating layer of MFIS(Metal-Ferroelectric-Insulate-Semiconductor)capacitors by its high dielectric properties. The Pt/ Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3/ NYTO/ Si structure capacitors were prepared, and their XRD, SEM, C-V, and I-V characterristics were tested and analyzed. The dependence of C-V storage window on application voltage and insulation layer thickness were studied separately. The results show that the device has a large memory window when the thickness of the insulation layer is 40 nm. The memory window can reach 13 V with 32 V applied voltage. The MFIS capacitor has low leakage current density of 1.08×10-6 A/cm2. The conduction mechanism of leakage current conforms to space charge limited current conduction mechanism.
    Discharge characteristics of a linear-field brush-shaped plasma plume and surface modification of polymer
    HAN Guoxin,WU Jiacun,JIA Hanxiao,WANG Xuefang,JIA Pengying
    2023, 43(4):  369-378.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.005
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    Atmospheric pressure plasma jets have the ability to generate a plasma plume with a large number of active species in open space, and have been extensively used for material growth, surface modification, biomedicine and et al. However, the small cross section size of plasma plume have limited the efficiency for plasma jet application. Therefore, it is needed to develop a plasma plume with large-scale. At present, the large-scale plasma plumes reported are mostly cross-field plasma jets, which are less chemically active than the linear-field plasma jets. Excited by an alternate-current voltage, an argon linear-field jet with two electrodes has been developed to generate a large-scale brush-shaped plasma plume.- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.005平行场刷形等离子体羽的放电特性及其聚合物表面改性韩国新1,武珈存1,贾焓潇1,王雪芳2,贾鹏英1(1.河北大学 物理科学与技术学院,河北 保定 071002;2.石家庄铁道大学 经济管理学院,河北 石家庄 050043)摘 要:大气压等离子体射流可以在开放空间产生富含活性粒子的等离子体羽,在材料生长、表面改性、生物医疗等领域具有广泛的应用前景. 由于通常等离子体羽的截面尺度很小,造成等离子体射流应用时效率较低,因此,急需产生大尺度的等离子体羽. 目前报道的大尺度的等离子体羽多是交叉场等离子体羽,相比于平行场等离子体羽而言其化学活性较低. 针对于此,本文利用双电极结构的平行场氩气射流,通过交流激励产生了大尺度的刷形等离子体羽. 利用电学、光学和光谱学手段对刷形等离子体羽的放电特性进行了表征. 在此基础上,利用该平行场刷形等离子体羽对聚合物(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET))进行了改性研究. 通过研究PET表面的水接触角(WCA)、拉曼光谱、X线光电子能谱(XPS)和原子力显微镜(AFM)照片,发现刷形等离子体羽能实现PET表面的大尺度均匀改性. 改性后的PET表面含氧极性官能团数量显著增加,并且PET表面的粗糙度增加,因此亲水性得到改善, 此种亲水性改良对不同的聚合物具有普适性. 这些研究结果对于大尺度等离子体射流的深入研究及等离子体表面改性的应用均具有一定参考价值. 关键词:大气压刷形等离子体羽;平行场射流;聚合物表面改性中图分类号:O461.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0369-10Discharge characteristics of a linear-field brush-shaped plasma plume and surface modification of polymerHAN Guoxin1,WU Jiacun1,JIA Hanxiao1,WANG Xuefang2,JIA Pengying1(1. College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China)Abstract: Atmospheric pressure plasma jets have the ability to generate a plasma plume with a large number of active species in open space, and have been extensively used for material growth, surface modification, biomedicine and et al. However, the small cross section size of plasma plume have limited the efficiency for plasma jet application. Therefore, it is needed to develop a plasma plume with large-scale. At present, the large-scale plasma plumes reported are mostly cross-field plasma jets, which are less chemically active than the linear-field plasma jets. Excited by an alternate-current voltage, an argon linear-field jet with two electrodes has been developed to generate a large-scale brush-shaped plasma plume.- 收稿日期:2022-09-06 基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目(HB17JY070);河北大学研究生创新资助项目(HBU2022bs004) 第一作者:韩国新(1997—),男,河北张家口人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事大气压低温等离子体射流研究.E-mail:hanguoxin2020@163.com 通信作者:贾鹏英(1976—),女,河北保定人,河北大学副教授,主要从事大气压等离子体源、电除尘器和气体放电实验方向研究.E-mail:plasmalab@126.com第4期韩国新等:平行场刷形等离子体羽的放电特性及其聚合物表面改性The discharge characteristics of brush-shaped plasma plume are characterized by electrical, optical and spectral methods. Besides, the linear-field brush-shaped plasma plume is used to modify surface of a polymer(polyethylene terephthalate(PET)). By studying the water contact angle(WCA), Raman spectrum, X-ray photoelectron spectrum(XPS)and atomic force microscopy(AFM)image of PET surface, it is found that the brush-shaped plasma plume can achieve large-scale uniform modification. After plasma modification, the amount of oxygen-containing groups on the surface of PET significantly increases, and the roughness of PET surface also increases. Hence, the hydrophilicity of plasma treated PET surface has been improved. This hydrophilic modification is universal to different polymers. These results are of great significance for the development of large-scale plasma jet and the application of plasma modification.
    Progress on extraction, isolation and antitumor activity of seaweed polypeptides
    SHEN Jinyang,ZHANG Xuan,YU Yuanyuan,ZHANG Shicheng,SHI Liuqing,DONG Zibo
    2023, 43(4):  379-386.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.006
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    Seaweed is an important marine life and an important source of food for people. Extensive previous studies have confirmed that seaweed contains a lot of protein. However, due to the low content of polypeptides, polypeptides are difficult to be extracted and purified by the traditional methods. At present, enzymatic hydrolysis and chemical extraction are more commonly used for extraction, and chromatography and membrane separation are used for purification. A higher purity polypeptides could be obtained from seaweed, and its structure was identified using MS-related technique. Seaweed polypeptides have a strong effect against tumor, and the mechanisms are manifested in many aspects. In this paper, the latest extraction, purification and identification methods of seaweed polypeptides, as well as the latest research progress of their anti-tumor activity were reviewed, so as to provide reference for their further development and utilization.
    Screening, characterization and property evaluation of dipyridamole eutectic drug system
    LI Yuanchun,DONG Xueqing,LI Congwei,AN Qingqing,YANG Caiqin
    2023, 43(4):  387-394.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.007
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    Two component binary phase diagram analysis method was used to screen the eutectic system of the insoluble drug dipyridamole, and DSC, PXRD and FTIR techniques were used to characterize it. Subsequently, the solubility and dissolution of dipyridamole in the eutectic system were studied, and the solubilization mechanism of the eutectic system was studied by fluorescence quenching and phase solubility methods. The results showed that dipyridamole and nicotinamide formed a “V” type binary phase diagram with a single melting point, which proved that they formed a eutectic system. The solubility and dissolution rate of dipyridamole were improved by this system. Fluorescence spectra showed that there was a complexation effect between dipyridamole and nicotinamide. The phase solubility results further showed that a soluble complex was formed between the two, and the molar ratio of 1∶1. The complexation constants at 25 ℃ and 37 ℃ were 150.22 L/mol and 85.14 L/mol, respectively. The complexation reaction was endothermic, and the temperature rise was not conducive to the complexation of dipyridamole and nicotinamide.
    Periodic changes for adsorption of methyl oranges on natural hydrotalcite by online method
    YE Jianhua,YU Tao,YU Haoqi,LIU Huiyu,YUAN Xueyan
    2023, 43(4):  395-407.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.008
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    In order to study the periodic change law of adsorbance behavior of pollutants in water on adsorbent surface, explore the dynamic change mechanism of adsorption and desorption, and improve the adsorption efficiency, the online adsorption experiment was carried out by using the home-made online spectrophotometer, combined with the online measurement results of pH and electrical conductivity of adsorption system. The kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the adsorption of methyl orange on natural hydrotalcite were explained. Based on theoretical calculations, the equation of the periodic variation of adsorption was proposed and deduced. The 721 spectrophotometer was modified for the online determination of the real-time changes of adsorbent concentration in the adsorption system; the optimal online adsorption condition was determined by the experiment condition at pH 3.5 and solid-liquid ratio of 0.002 g/L, and the adsorption rate under this condition reached 83.6%. The online adsorption experiments- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.008甲基橙在天然水滑石上的在线吸附周期性规律研究叶剑华1,于涛1,余豪奇1,刘会誉1,原雪燕2(1.东华理工大学 核科学与工程学院,江西 南昌 330013;2.东华理工大学 化学生物与材料科学学院,江西 南昌 330013)摘 要:为研究水体中的污染物在吸附剂表面吸附性行为的周期性变化规律,探讨吸附-解吸的动态变化机理,提高吸附效率,采用改造的分光光度计进行在线吸附实验,结合吸附体系pH、电导率的在线测定结果,解释了甲基橙在天然水滑石上的吸附动力学、热力学特性.根据理论计算,提出并推导出吸附周期性变化规律公式.通过改造的721分光光度计,在线测定吸附体系中吸附质浓度的实时变化;通过条件实验确定最佳在线吸附条件为pH 3.5,吸附剂质量浓度0.002 g/L,在此条件下的吸附率达83.6%.在线吸附实验显示,天然水滑石对甲基橙的在线吸附过程中,前10 min吸附率持续增长,10~15 min吸附率增长趋于平稳,15~20 min吸附率变化呈指数衰减,符合指数衰减规律.此后吸附量随接触时间的变化呈现出潮汐波动现象.此潮汐波动呈周期性变化,且变化周期受温度和浓度影响较小,每个周期的变化符合指数增长规律.关键词:甲基橙;天然水滑石;吸附;周期性变化;动力学中图分类号:X52 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0395-13Periodic changes for adsorption of methyl oranges on natural hydrotalcite by online methodYE Jianhua1,YU Tao1,YU Haoqi1,LIU Huiyu1,YUAN Xueyan2(1.School of Nuclear Science and Engineering, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China; 2. School of Chemical Biology and Materials Science, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, China)Abstract: In order to study the periodic change law of adsorbance behavior of pollutants in water on adsorbent surface, explore the dynamic change mechanism of adsorption and desorption, and improve the adsorption efficiency, the online adsorption experiment was carried out by using the home-made online spectrophotometer, combined with the online measurement results of pH and electrical conductivity of adsorption system. The kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the adsorption of methyl orange on natural hydrotalcite were explained. Based on theoretical calculations, the equation of the periodic variation of adsorption was proposed and deduced. The 721 spectrophotometer was modified for the online determination of the real-time changes of adsorbent concentration in the adsorption system; the optimal online adsorption condition was determined by the experiment condition at pH 3.5 and solid-liquid ratio of 0.002 g/L, and the adsorption rate under this condition reached 83.6%. The online adsorption experiments- 收稿日期:2022-07-12 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21561001);江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20202BABL203004) 第一作者:叶剑华(1998—),男,云南曲靖人,东华理工大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事环境放射化学方向研究. E-mail:2513172134@qq.com 通信作者:于涛(1979—),男,吉林白城人,东华理工大学副教授,博士,主要从事环境放射化学方向研究.E-mail:xiaoshan770@163.com第4期叶剑华等:甲基橙在天然水滑石上的在线吸附周期性规律研究showed that the adsorption rate of natural hydrotalcite on methyl orange continued to increase in the first 10 min, and then stabilized from 10 to 15 min and declined exponentially from 15 to 20 min, which was in accordance with the exponential decay law. After that, the adsorption amount showed a tidal fluctuation with the contact time. The tidal fluctuation was cyclical, and the cycle of change was less affected by temperature and concentration, and the change of each cycle was in accordance with the exponential growth law.
    Influence of temperature on the production of monascin and ankaflavin by Monascus ruber M7 during liquid state fermentation
    XU Yong,QIU Ziya,CHEN Suo,ZHANG Jialan,GAO Mengxiang,LI Li
    2023, 43(4):  408-419.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.009
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    To improve the production of monascin(MS)and ankaflavin(AF)by Monascus ruber M7, the changes in composition and yield of alcohol-soluble pigments produced at different fermentation temperatures were investigated using liquid state fermentation. It was found that pigments produced at lower temperatures(25、30 ℃)were orange in hue, with a maximum absorption around 470 nm, and- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.009温度对红色红曲菌M7液态发酵产monascin和ankaflavin的影响徐勇1,邱子娅1,陈莎1,2,张佳兰3,高梦祥1,2,李利1,2(1.长江大学 生命科学学院,湖北 荆州 434025;2.长江大学 食品研究院,湖北 荆州 434025;3.长江大学 动物科学学院,湖北 荆州 434025)摘 要:为了提高红色红曲菌(Monascus ruber)M7发酵生产红曲素(monascin, MS)和红曲黄素(ankaflavin, AF)的产量,采用液态发酵法,探究不同发酵温度下其产生的醇溶性色素在组成和产量方面的变化规律.结果发现,当温度较低时(25、30 ℃),所产生的色素在470 nm有最大吸收,色调偏橙,红斑素(rubropunctatin, RP)和红曲红素(monascorubrin, MR)为优势组分;当温度较高时(35、40 ℃),所产生的色素在400 nm 附近有最大吸收,色调偏黄,MS和AF成为优势组分.随着温度的升高,所有色素组分的产量均先升高后降低,其中,25、40 ℃不利于色素的产生,产量显著低于30、35 ℃;30 ℃时,RP和MR的产量达到最大值,分别为107、124 mg/L,而MS和AF的产量较低,分别为48、26 mg/L;35 ℃时,MS和AF的产量达到最大值,分别为100、47 mg/L,而RP和MR的产量相对30 ℃时显著降低,分别为57、50 mg/L.qPCR分析发现,温度对MS和AF液态发酵的影响与其对色素合成关键酶基因的转录调控密切相关,其中,对色素合成分支节点关键酶基因MrPigF和MrPigH的差异调节,可能对35 ℃时MS和AF产量的显著提高起到了较关键的作用.该结果可为提高MS和AF液态发酵产量提供参考.关键词:红色红曲菌;红曲素;红曲黄素;液态发酵;温度中图分类号:TS201.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0408-12Influence of temperature on the production of monascin and ankaflavin by Monascus ruber M7 during liquid state fermentationXU Yong1,QIU Ziya1,CHEN Suo1,2,ZHANG Jialan3,GAO Mengxiang1,2,LI Li1,2(1. College of Life Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China; 2. Institute of Food Science and Technology, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China; 3. College of Animal Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025, China)Abstract: To improve the production of monascin(MS)and ankaflavin(AF)by Monascus ruber M7, the changes in composition and yield of alcohol-soluble pigments produced at different fermentation temperatures were investigated using liquid state fermentation. It was found that pigments produced at lower temperatures(25、30 ℃)were orange in hue, with a maximum absorption around 470 nm, and- 收稿日期:2022-06-07 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31730068) 第一作者:徐勇(1997—),男,四川达州人,长江大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事红曲色素的发酵及其在食品中的应用研究. E-mail:1903437308@qq.com 通信作者:李利(1983—),女,湖北浠水人,长江大学副教授,博士,主要从事真菌次生代谢产物及其在食品中的应用研究. E-mail:lily2012@yangtzeu.edu.cn第4期徐勇等:温度对红色红曲菌M7液态发酵产monascin和ankaflavin的影响rubropunctatin(RP)and monascorubrin(MR)were the dominant components; while pigments produced at higher temperatures(35、40 ℃)were yellow in hue, with a maximum absorption around 400 nm, and MS and AF became the dominant ones. As the temperature increased, the yields of each pigment compounds first increased and then decreased. The yields of all pigment compounds were significantly lower at 25、40 ℃ than at 30、35 ℃, indicating that these temperatures were not conducive to the production of pigments. At 30 ℃, RP and MR had a maximum yield of 107、124 mg/L, respectively, while MS and AF had a lower yield, being 48、26 mg/L, respectively. At 35 ℃, MS and AF reached a maximum yield of 100、47 mg/L, while RP and MR decreased significantly when compared to 30 ℃, being 57、50 mg/L, respectively. qPCR analysis revealed that the influence of temperature on the liquid state fermentation of MS and AF was closely related to its transcriptional regulation on key genes responding to pigments biosynthesis. The differential regulation on MrPigF and MrPigH, the key enzyme genes of the pigments biosynthesis branch node, might playe a critical role in improving the yields of MS and AF at 35 ℃. These results would be helpful for the promotion of MS and AF during liquid state fermentation.
    Two new record species of Encyrtidae from China(Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
    WANG Haiyang,ZHANG Chenghui,ZU Guohao
    2023, 43(4):  420-423.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.010
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    Copidosoma coimbatorense Kazmi & Hayat, 1998 and Oobius zahaikevitshi Trjapitzin, 1963 are firstly recorded from Tianjin, China. The morphological characteristics, host and distribution information of adults are described in detail, and the photos of adults are provided.
    Analysis of the characteristics of decomposition release of aquatic plants in Baiyangdian Lake
    TONG Jikun,ZHAO Jianguo,WANG Junxia,LI Hongbo,CHEN Haiying,WANG Hongyun
    2023, 43(4):  424-431.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.011
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    To study the decomposition release characteristics of Baiyangdian Lake aquatic plants during decay, a multidimensional survey of Baiyangdian Lake aquatic plants was conducted using a combination of remote sensing interpretation and field surveys to estimate the decomposition release of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and organic matter from typical dominant aquatic plant Potamogeton crispus, - DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.011白洋淀水生植物腐解释放特征分析佟霁坤1,赵建国2,3,王军霞4,李洪波2,3,陈海婴1,王红云5(1.白洋淀流域生态环境监测中心,河北 保定 071051;2.河北省生态环境科学研究院 绿色发展研究所,河北 石家庄 050000;3.河北省水环境科学实验室,河北 石家庄 050000;4.河北大学 生命科学学院, 河北 保定 071002;5.保定市生态环境监控中心,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:为研究白洋淀水生植物衰败期腐解释放特征,采用遥感解译和现场调查相结合的方法,对白洋淀水生植物进行了多维度调查,估算了典型优势水生植物菹草、篦齿眼子菜和莲的全氮、全磷、有机质腐解释放量,提出了白洋淀水生植物管理对策.结果表明:菹草、篦齿眼子菜和莲的腐解释放对白洋淀水质影响较大;易腐解组分在总生物量中的质量分数菹草为72%,篦齿眼子菜为40%,莲为12.14%;难腐解组分在总生物量中的质量分数菹草为28%,篦齿眼子菜为60%,莲为87.86%.优势水生植物全氮、全磷、有机质的释放效率不同,但所有植物腐解前期磷释放速率最快,菹草有机质的释放量最大.水生植物腐解释放具有明显的时间特征,与水生植物生长周期密切相关,集中在优势种的腐解时期.为控制白洋淀水生植物腐解释放污染,应根据水生植物的生长周期及腐解释放规律,在5月中旬对菹草进行收割,9月中下旬对莲和篦齿眼子菜进行收割,并拓展水生植物的资源化利用途径.关键词:白洋淀;水生植物;腐解释放;生长周期中图分类号:Q89 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0424-08Analysis of the characteristics of decomposition release of aquatic plants in Baiyangdian LakeTONG Jikun1,ZHAO Jianguo2,3,WANG Junxia4,LI Hongbo2,3,CHEN Haiying1,WANG Hongyun5(1. Baiyangdian Basin Ecological Environment Monitoring Center,Baoding 071051, China;2. Institute of Green Development,Hebei Institute of Ecological and Environmental Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050000, China;3. Hebei Water Environmental Science Laboratory, Shijiazhuang 050000, China;4. College of Life Sciences,Hebei University, Baoding 071002,China;5. Baoding Ecological Environmental Monitoring Center,Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: To study the decomposition release characteristics of Baiyangdian Lake aquatic plants during decay, a multidimensional survey of Baiyangdian Lake aquatic plants was conducted using a combination of remote sensing interpretation and field surveys to estimate the decomposition release of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and organic matter from typical dominant aquatic plant Potamogeton crispus, - 收稿日期:2022-09-14 基金项目:河北省重点研发计划项目资源与环境创新专项(3110701);河北省湿地生态与保护重点实验室开放基金资助项目(hklk202003);保定市科技计划项目(2141ZF003) 第一作者:佟霁坤(1981—),男,河北怀来人,白洋淀流域生态环境监测中心高级工程师,主要从事水生态监测研究.E-mail:601766712@qq.com 通信作者:赵建国(1991—),男,河北石家庄人,河北省生态环境科学研究院工程师,主要从事水生态环境修复方向研究.E-mail:807078293@qq.com王军霞(1974—),女,河北新乐人,河北大学副教授,主要从事水域生态修复方向研究. E-mail: 303370613@qq.com第4期佟霁坤等:白洋淀水生植物腐解释放特征分析P.pectinatus and Nelumbo nucifera,countermeasures for the management of Baiyangdian Lake aquatic plants were proposed.The results showed that the decomposing release of P. crispus, P. pectinatus and N. nucifera had a greater impact on Baiyangdian Lake water quality. The mass fraction of easily decomposed fractions in the total biomass was 72% for P. crispus, 40% for P. pectinatus cress and 12.14% for N. nucifera; the mass fraction of difficult to decompose fractions in the total biomass was 28% for P. crispus, 60% for P. pectinatus and 87.86% for N. nucifera.The release efficiency of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and organic matter from dominant aquatic plants varied, but the release rate of phosphorus was fastest in all plants during the pre-decay period, and the release of organic matter was greatest in P. crispus.The decay release of aquatic plants has obvious temporal characteristics, closely related to the growth cycle of aquatic plants, concentrated in the decay period of the dominant species. In order to control the decay and release of aquatic plants in Baiyangdian Lake, we should harvest P. crispus in mid-May and P. pectinatus and N. nucifera in mid-late September according to the growth cycle and decay and release rules of aquatic plants, and expand the resource utilization pathway of aquatic plants.
    Classroom personnel detection based on object detection and time series migration
    CONG Shuai,YANG Lei,HUA Zhenghao,YANG Xiaohui
    2023, 43(4):  432-441.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.012
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    In order to solve the problem of efficient supervision and management and data analysis of classroom persons in the intelligent reconstruction of education, this paper combines the good characteristics of single-stage object detection algorithm and the good special extraction ability of convolutional neural networks(CNN), and proposes an improved YOLO object detection algorithm based on attention network and time series migration. Firstly, this paper performs frame-by-frame extraction and non-distortion image deflation on the source video stream, and performs image super-resolution processing- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.012基于目标检测和迁移时间序列的教室人员检测丛帅1,杨磊2,华征豪3,杨晓晖2(1.河北大学 工商学院,河北 保定 071000;2.河北大学 教务处,河北 保定 071002;3.河北大学 网络空间安全与计算机学院,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:为了解决教育智能化重构中对于教室人员的高效监督管理和数据分析,结合单阶段目标检测算法的优良特性和卷积神经网络(convolutional neural networks,CNN)良好的特征提取能力,提出了一种基于注意力机制网络和迁移时间序列改进YOLO目标检测算法的教室人员目标检测算法.首先,对源视频流进行逐帧抽取和非畸变的图像放缩,通过生成对抗网络(generative adversarial network,GAN)进行图像超分辨处理;其次,对每帧图像进行多尺度采样和初步目标检测;然后,根据不同尺度得到的候选结果进行非极大抑制(non maximum suppression,NMS)以去除置信度较低的个体;之后,对候选结果进行融合,再使用交并比(intersection over union,IoU)进行重叠度计算以更新数据、去除重合或过于紧密的定位位置,然后将当前帧的检测结果与先前时间区间中的检测结果作为时间序列进行统计学数据迁移融合(time series migration,TSM)获得最后的检测结果.实验结果表明,本文方法不仅有效地提升了教室人员目标检测的准确率,并且可以进行实时检测.关键词:目标检测;多尺度图像特征;超分辨率;注意力机制网络;迁移时间序列中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2023)04-0432-10Classroom personnel detection based onobject detection and time series migrationCONG Shuai1,YANG Lei2,HUA Zhenghao3,YANG Xiaohui2(1. Industrial and Commercial College, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China;2. Office of Educational Administration, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China;3. School of Cyber Security and Computer, Hebei University, Baoding 071000, China )Abstract: In order to solve the problem of efficient supervision and management and data analysis of classroom persons in the intelligent reconstruction of education, this paper combines the good characteristics of single-stage object detection algorithm and the good special extraction ability of convolutional neural networks(CNN), and proposes an improved YOLO object detection algorithm based on attention network and time series migration. Firstly, this paper performs frame-by-frame extraction and non-distortion image deflation on the source video stream, and performs image super-resolution processing- 收稿日期:2022-09-13 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(62172139);中国高校产学研创新基金资助项目(2021BCF03002) 第一作者:丛帅(1980—),男,河北保定人,河北大学工商学院讲师,主要从事大数据技术、图像处理方面研究.E-mail:congshuai@hbu.cn 通信作者:杨磊(1986—),男,河北保定人,河北大学助理研究员,主要从事教育技术、智慧教学方面研究.E-mail:403064340@qq.com第4期丛帅等:基于目标检测和迁移时间序列的教室人员检测by Generative Adversarial Network(GAN). Secondly, multi-scale sampling and preliminary object detection are performed for each frame, and then Non Maximum Suppression(NMS)is performed to remove the individuals with low confidence based on the candidate results obtained at different scales. Then, the candidate results are fused, and the overlap is calculated using intersection over union(IoU)to update the data and remove overlapping or too close localization locations. Finally, the detection results of the current frame and those of the previous time interval are used as a time series for statistal data migration to obtain the final detection results. The experimental results show that this method not only effectively improves the accuracy of classroom personnel target detection, but also enables real-time detection.
    A robust suppressed fuzzy C-means image segmenting algorithm based on image patch
    ZHENG Yibo,LI Zhongcan,CHENG Yangxin,DONG Yuhe,ZHU Zhanlong
    2023, 43(4):  442-448.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2023.04.013
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    Considering that the non-destructive testing(NDT)image is easy to be disturbed by noise and the target occupies a small area of the image, a robust and adaptive suppressed fuzzy C-means algorithm based on the image patch(SFCMP)is proposed to segment NDT image. Firstly, the weight of the pixels in the image patch is adaptively determined, which is affected by the spatial distance and gray value of each pixel in the image patch. Then the fuzzy uncertainty model of image patch is constructed, and it is introduced into the new objective function with image patch as the basic unit, and the implementation process of the SFCMP is given. Finally, experiments are carried out on the NDT images, and the results show that the SFCMP has good robustness and effectiveness.