Effects of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acids on lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury
- YANG Sa, SUN Xiaoke, MENG Xiangbo, ZHOU Chengyan, ZHAO Yanyan
2018, 38(1):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.01.007
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To investigate the effect of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acids on lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury and screen out their optimal combination proportion, the rats were randomly divided into ten groups: normal control group, model control group, siibin group and glycyrrhizic treatment group 1-7(α∶β=10∶0,8∶2,6∶4,5∶5,4∶6,2∶8,0∶10).After 4 weeks, the rats were sacrificed.The serum and hepatic TC, TG, HDL and LDL levels and fecal TC and TG levels were measured.And liver was stained with oil red O.We investigated the effect of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acid on lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury and further screen out optimal combination proportion.The TC, TG, HDL and LDL levels were significant different among different glycyrrhizic treatment group, and the glycyrrhizic treatment group 5 is the optimal combination proportion.Our results show that glycyrrhizic treatment could modulate lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury, and the- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2018.01.007甘草酸差向异构体不同配比对酒精性肝损伤脂质代谢的影响杨飒,孙晓可,孟祥波,周程艳,赵燕燕(河北大学 药学院,河北省药物质量分析控制重点实验室,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:研究18α-甘草酸和18β-甘草酸不同配比对酒精性肝损伤脂质代谢的影响,筛选最佳配比,为临床合理用药提供依据.大鼠随机分为正常组、酒精性肝损伤组、水飞蓟宾阳性组、甘草酸给药1~7组(18α-甘草酸和18β-甘草酸体积比依次为10∶0,8∶2,6∶4,5∶5,4∶6,2∶8,0∶10),造模4周后,麻醉处死.检测脂质代谢指标血清和肝脏中的甘油三酯(TG)、胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL)和粪便中的TC,TG;氧化应激指标超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),谷胱甘肽(GSH),丙二醛(MDA);进行HE染色以及油红O染色.与模型组相比,给药组的TC,TG,HDL及LDL水平均有显著性变化,其中给药5组的效果最佳.甘草酸对于酒精性肝损伤的脂质代谢有较好的治疗作用,18α-甘草酸和18β-甘草酸最佳体积配比为4∶6.关键词:18α-甘草酸;18β-甘草酸;不同配比;酒精性肝损伤;脂质代谢中图分类号:R285.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2018)01-0041-08Effects of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acids on lipidmetabolism on alcoholic liver injuryYANG Sa, SUN Xiaoke, MENG Xiangbo, ZHOU Chengyan, ZHAO Yanyan(Key Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Quality Control of Hebei ProvinceCollege of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)Abstract: To investigate the effect of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acids on lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury and screen out their optimal combination proportion, the rats were randomly divided into ten groups: normal control group, model control group, siibin group and glycyrrhizic treatment group 1-7(α∶β=10∶0,8∶2,6∶4,5∶5,4∶6,2∶8,0∶10).After 4 weeks, the rats were sacrificed.The serum and hepatic TC, TG, HDL and LDL levels and fecal TC and TG levels were measured.And liver was stained with oil red O.We investigated the effect of different proportions of 18α,β-glycyrrhizic acid on lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury and further screen out optimal combination proportion.The TC, TG, HDL and LDL levels were significant different among different glycyrrhizic treatment group, and the glycyrrhizic treatment group 5 is the optimal combination proportion.Our results show that glycyrrhizic treatment could modulate lipid metabolism on alcoholic liver injury, and the- 收稿日期:2017-08-15 基金项目:河北省自然科学基金资助项目(H2013201203);河北大学医学学科专项资金建设项目(2014A1003) 第一作者:杨飒(1992—),女,河北保定人,河北大学在读研究生.E-mail:yangsa721@163.com 通信作者:赵燕燕(1960—),女,天津人,河北大学教授,主要从事药学以及将现代分离技术用于临床、药学、食品、环境等方面的研究工作.E-mail:zhaoyany606@163.com第1期杨飒等:甘草酸差向异构体不同配比对酒精性肝损伤脂质代谢的影响optimal combination proportion is 4∶6.