Effect of AM fungi,moisture,and phosphorus levels on the growth and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.
- QI Junxiang,YANG Xiaoyu,WANG Ziyue,DU Tianshu,LI Jianheng
2016, 36(5):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2016.05.010
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Pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of AM fungi on growth and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza under different soil moisture and phosphorus levels.The plant height,root length,root shoot ration,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide were determinated to evaluate the quality of S.miltiorrhiza seedlings.The results showed that inoculation of AM fungi significantly increased the plant height,root length,root shoot ratio,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide content of S.miltiorrhiza under the same soil moisture and phosphorus level.Under the same soil moisture and different phosphorus levels,plant height,root length,root shoot ratio,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide content of S.miltiorrhiza increased first and then decreased with increasing phosphorus application rate,and they reached the maximum at second phosporus levels(P2)was 0.15 g/kg.The content of total N,total P respectively was 1.842% and 0.354%.Under different soil moisture and the same phosphorus levels,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide of inoculated plants were significantly higher than non-inoculated plants.The content of tanshinone - 2016年 河北大学学报(自然科学版) 2016第36卷 第5期 Journal of Hebei University(Natural Science Edition) Vol.36 No.5DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2016.05.010AM真菌、水分和施磷水平对丹参生长及品质的影响齐俊香,杨晓宇,王紫月,杜天舒,李建恒(河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002)摘 要:利用盆栽实验考察不同水分和施磷水平下接种AM真菌对丹参幼苗生长及品质的影响.通过测定丹参生长量、全氮、全磷、丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖的含量来研究丹参幼苗的生长及品质.结果发现,相同水分及施磷水平下,接菌株的株高、根长、根冠比、全氮、全磷、丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖的含量显著高于未接菌株.相同水分不同施磷水平下,随施磷量的增加,丹参株高、根长、根冠比、全氮、全磷、丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖的含量均先升高后下降,在第二施磷水平(P2)为0.15 g/kg时达到最大,全氮和全磷质量分数最大分别为1.842%和0.354%.不同水分相同施磷水平下,接种株丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖的含量显著高于未接菌株,70%田间持水量下丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖含量较高.70%田间持水量及施磷质量分数为0.15 g/kg时接种株的丹参酮ⅡA和丹参多糖质量分数最大,分别为0.252%和6.166%,较对照组分别提高0.016%和1.516%.关键词:AM真菌;丹参;磷;丹参酮ⅡA;多糖中图分类号:R282.71 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2016)05-0509-08Effect of AM fungi,moisture,and phosphorus levelson the growth and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. QI Junxiang,YANG Xiaoyu,WANG Ziyue,DU Tianshu,LI Jianheng(College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)Abstract: Pot experiments were conducted to study the effects of AM fungi on growth and quality of Salvia miltiorrhiza under different soil moisture and phosphorus levels.The plant height,root length,root shoot ration,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide were determinated to evaluate the quality of S.miltiorrhiza seedlings.The results showed that inoculation of AM fungi significantly increased the plant height,root length,root shoot ratio,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide content of S.miltiorrhiza under the same soil moisture and phosphorus level.Under the same soil moisture and different phosphorus levels,plant height,root length,root shoot ratio,total N,total P,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide content of S.miltiorrhiza increased first and then decreased with increasing phosphorus application rate,and they reached the maximum at second phosporus levels(P2)was 0.15 g/kg.The content of total N,total P respectively was 1.842% and 0.354%.Under different soil moisture and the same phosphorus levels,tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharide of inoculated plants were significantly higher than non-inoculated plants.The content of tanshinone - 收稿日期:2015-10-25 基金项目:河北大学科研基金资助项目(3333112) 第一作者:齐俊香(1992—),女,河北衡水人,河北大学在读硕士研究生,主要从事天然植物有效成分研究.E-mail:714548328@qq.com 通信作者:李建恒(1964-),男,河北徐水人,河北大学药学院教授,博士,主要从事天然植物有效成分研究.E-mail:lijianheng@hbu.cn第5期齐俊香等:AM真菌、水分和施磷水平对丹参生长及品质的影响ⅡA and polysaccharide was higher at 70% WHC.With at 70% WHC and phosphorus application rate of 0.15 g/kg they reached the maximum.The maximum content of tanshinone ⅡA and polysaccharides respectively was 0.252% and 6.166%,which respectively increased 0.016% and 1.516% compared with the control group.