Determination of bisphenol S in thermal paper by ultraviolet spectrophotometry
- JIA Congcong,LIU Liyan,WANG Yawen,HAN Yanmei,CHEN Sunshuyan,BAI Jie,YAN Hongyuan
2020, 40(2):
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2020.02.006
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Many studies had shown that bisphenol S(BPS)posed a serious threat to human health,which could disrupt the reproductive system and affected the development of embryos.To detect BPS in thermal paper,a reliable and stable method was established by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.Influences on absorbance of triethylamine amount,reaction time and temperature were discussed.The factors including the type of solvent,extraction temperature,time and the ratio of material to liquid were studied in the single factor experiment.The results showed that increased ammonia concentration caused the maximum wavelength of BPS red shift and increased the absorbance.The linear range of BPS was 5.00×10-5 g/L to 3.00×10-2 g/L,the linear correlation coefficient was 0.995 1,the limit of detection was 5.00×10-5 g/L.The- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2020.02.006紫外分光光度法测定热敏纸中的双酚S贾聪聪1,刘丽艳2,王亚文3,韩艳梅2,陈孙淑妍3,白洁2,3,闫宏远1,3(1.河北大学 化学与环境科学学院,河北 保定 071002;2.河北大学 医学综合实验中心,河北 保定 071000;3.河北大学 公共卫生学院,河北 保定 071000)摘 要:为了检测热敏纸中的双酚S(BPS),提出了一种基于三乙胺(TEA)碱解BPS,并用紫外分光光度法进行检测的方法.研究了三乙胺的体积分数、反应时间、反应温度对体系吸光度(A)的影响,优化了样品提取条件:提取溶剂、提取时间、提取温度、料液比.结果表明,经碱解后双酚S体系的最大吸收波长由257 nm红移至294 nm,相应的A增大,测定BPS的线性为5.00×10-5~3.00×10-2 g/L,线性相关系数为0.995 1,检测限为5.00×10-5 g/L.这种方法简单快捷,结果稳定准确,适用于热敏纸中BPS的测定.关键词:紫外分光光度法;双酚S;三乙胺;热敏纸中图分类号:O657.32 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2020)02-0144-07Determination of bisphenol S in thermal paper by ultraviolet spectrophotometryJIA Congcong1,LIU Liyan2,WANG Yawen3,HAN Yanmei2,CHEN Sunshuyan3,BAI Jie2,3,YAN Hongyuan1,3(1.College of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2.Medical Comprehensive Experimental Center,Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China;3.College of Public Health,Hebei University,Baoding 071000,China)Abstract: Many studies had shown that bisphenol S(BPS)posed a serious threat to human health,which could disrupt the reproductive system and affected the development of embryos.To detect BPS in thermal paper,a reliable and stable method was established by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.Influences on absorbance of triethylamine amount,reaction time and temperature were discussed.The factors including the type of solvent,extraction temperature,time and the ratio of material to liquid were studied in the single factor experiment.The results showed that increased ammonia concentration caused the maximum wavelength of BPS red shift and increased the absorbance.The linear range of BPS was 5.00×10-5 g/L to 3.00×10-2 g/L,the linear correlation coefficient was 0.995 1,the limit of detection was 5.00×10-5 g/L.The- 收稿日期:2018-11-08 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(21605035);河北省自然科学基金资助项目(B2014201162);保定市科学技术与发展指导计划项目(12ZF054);河北大学中西部提升综合实力专项资金资助项目(20150505);河北大学实验室开放基金资助项目(sy201672);河北大学医学部第一批教育教学改革研究课题项目(YXB01-F-05) 第一作者:贾聪聪(1993—),男,河北石家庄人,河北大学在读硕士研究生.E-mail:bj0427@126.com 通信作者:刘丽艳(1984—),女,河北唐山人,河北大学实验师,主要从事荧光分析、生化分析、生物传感器等研究.E-mail:LiyanLiu.OK@163.com闫宏远(1975—),男,河北保定人,河北大学教授,主要从事卫生检验与检疫、色谱分离与药物分析等研究.E-mail:yanhy@hbu.edu.cn第2期贾聪聪等:紫外分光光度法测定热敏纸中的双酚Smethod for detecting BPS is easy,fast,reliable,and has wide linear range and low limit of detection.