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    25 March 2010, Volume 30 Issue 2
    Property of Nilpotent 3-Lie Algebras
    BAI Rui-pu,LIU Zheng-jun
    2010, 30(2):  113-115.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.001
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    The properties of upcenter series of 3-Lie algebras were studied. The relations between the class of nilpotent 3-Lie algebras and the dimensions of ideals with the upcenter series were privied. It is proved that the upcenter series are privied. It is proved that the upcenter series of every maximal subalgebra is completely determined by that of the nilpotent 3-Lie algebras.
    Heisenberg Virasoro Algebras of V Type
    LIU Xue-wen,GUO Xiang-qian
    2010, 30(2):  116-119,122.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.002
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    The author introduce the concept of Heisenberg Virasoro algebras of V type, which can be viewed as the universal central extension of the semidirect Lie algebras of the Virasoro algebra and one of its modules of intermediate series. This algebra is the natural generalization of the Heisenberg Virasoro algebra. The structures of these algebras are determined.
    Subideals of Malcev Algebras
    DONG Lei,ZHAO Li-na,ZHU Ying,CHEN Jun-ying
    2010, 30(2):  120-122.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.003
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    Examples are introduced to show that subideals of Malcev algebras are different from their ideals. Some basic properties of Malcev algebras'subideals are given. Propositions are shown as follows: subideals of semisimple Malcev algebras are their ideals;idempotent subideals of a Malcev algebra are its ideals;subalgebras of a nilpotent Malcev algebra are its subideals;a Malcev algebra is solvable if its subalgebras are all subideals.
    Some Properties of Lie Algebras with any Subspaces Being Subalgebras
    WANG Qi,BAI Xi-mei
    2010, 30(2):  123-127.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.004
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    The structure and its uniqueness, isomorphism, derivations algebra, automorphism group and invariants of S.A.(i.e. any subspaces are subalgebras)Lie algebras were determined. A sufficient and necessary condition of complete S.A. Lie algebras were obtained.
    Finite Element Analysis of Wrinkling Membrane Structures
    ZHANG Ying,FANG You-liang,LI Hui-yun,YAN Hong-xia
    2010, 30(2):  128-132.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.005
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    The program is completed by FORTRAN, the geometrically nonlinear analysis of membrane structures is performed by using the spacial triangle membrane element with three node and nine freedom,and the pre-stress is considered with tangent stiffness matrix. The membrane can not resist compression stress, the constitutive matrix is modified considering tension theory to modify the stiffness matrix, and the wrinkling zone is obtained. The solution of the prestressed membrane in pure bending is well compared with the theory solution. Examples indicate the reliability of the program.
    Construction of Searching-arc Greedoids
    MAO Hua,XIE Li-wei
    2010, 30(2):  133-136.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.006
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    According to the properties of directed trees,this paper presents a new greedoid--Searching-arc greedoid which is generated from the set of arcs of a directed trees.In addition,it gives a method to produce this kind of greedoids, this way is called as Searching-arc method. Actually, it is come from the idea of way of Depth-First-Searching. The feasible sets of a Searching-arc greedoid is consisted by the two parts. The first part is the set of arcs which are born by the root walking to every vertex of this directed graph, and the second is consisted by all the unions of any different members in the set of first part. Finally, by two examples, it illustructes that the mathematical construction produced by searching arc method will not be pledged as a greedoid when the correspording graph is not a tree.
    Preparation and Luminescent Properties of Ca_3B_2O_6:Eu~(3+) Red Phosphor
    YANG Zhi-ping,WEN Jian-wei,LI Xu,LI Li-hu,MA Xin,WANG Feng-he,SONG Zhao-feng
    2010, 30(2):  137-140.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.007
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    Ca_3B_2O_6:Eu~(3+) red phosphor was synthesized by high temperature solid state reaction and its luminescent properties were investigated. XRD analysis indicated the pure Ca_3B_2O_6:Eu~(3+) crystallite was obtained at 1 100 ℃ for 2 h. Excitation spectrum consists of wide band located at 220 to 350 nm and a series of narrow bands located at 350 to 500 nm which are attributed to f-f transitions of Eu~(3+) ion. The peaks of excitation spectra are 280, 396 and 469 nm, respectively. This phosphor can be excited effectively by near-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UVLED). The peaks of emitting spectra are 578,590,610,618 and 650 nm, corresponding to ~5D_4→~7F_J(J=0,1,2,3)typical transitions of Eu~(3+), respectively. The effects of charge compensations and the molar concentration of Eu~(3+) on the emission intensity were also studied. The intensity of Ca_3B_2O_6:Eu~(3+) was improved obviously with the increasing concentration of Eu~(3+), but the concentration quench did not observed. The role of charge compensations of Li~+, Na~+ and K~+ ions can all increased the luminescent intensity of Ca_3B_2O_6:Eu~(3+). Li~+ ion gave the best improvement to enhance the intensity of the emission obviously. Li~+ ion is the optimal charge compensation.
    First-principles Investigations of Structure of Interfaces in nc-TiN/a-BN Superhard Nanocomposite Films
    NIU Jian-gang,WANG Bao-jun,DING Zhen-jun,WANG Cui-biao,TIAN Xiao
    2010, 30(2):  141-145.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.008
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    The author perform first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory to investigate the relative stability of 37 different theoretical interface structures in TiN/a-BN and TiN/a-BN/a-TiB_2 superhard nanocomposites. For nitrogen-rich conditions, the most favorable configuration is "top-top-BN", which involves B atoms purely nitrogen coordinated and tetrahedrally bonded. For nitrogen-poor conditions, the most favorable configuration is "TiB_2".
    Distributions of Neutron Exposures in the Galaxy
    LIU Yong-li,CUI Wen-yuan,ZHANG Jiang,LIU Hu-guo
    2010, 30(2):  146-151.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.009
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    The author introduce a new concept, the distribution function of neutron exposures in the Galaxy ρ_(gal)(t,τ), to study the chemical evolution characteristics of the Galaxy for s-process nuclei. Using the three component model for the chemical evolution of the Galaxy, we get the evolution functions of ρ_(gal)(t,τ) which include the distribution function of neutron exposures in the AGB stars ρ_(AGB)(τ)·At t=t_⊙, we adopt the ρ_(AGB)(τ) as exponential distribution and obtain the distribution function of neutron exposures in the solar system ρ_(Sun)(τ).
    Improvement of Visualization Comparison for Traditional Chinese Medicine Electropherogram by Transformation Time x-scale
    ZHANG Hong-yi,WANG Yan-xia,JING Cong,CHEN Hui
    2010, 30(2):  152-157.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.010
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    A new electropherogram mode was proposed by transforming time x-scale into minus reciprocal of the product of migration time and applied voltage. After a proper peak in the new electropherogram was assigned as the reference, each electropherogram was then moved along x-scale at a proper distance. The positive effect of new electropherogram on visual comparison was demonstrated by analyzing Radix paeoniae rubrain in capillary zone electrophoresis and mecellar electrokinetic chromatography. The relative standard deviation (RSD) in migration time was around 33% for each chosen peak when applied voltage varied from 15 kV to 30 kV, while the RSDs were dropped into the range from 0.17% to 0.70%. All results indicated that the proposed transformation method can significantly improve the visualization comparison of the electropherograms obtained at different voltages, in different sample matrices.
    An Evaluating Method of Measuring Uncertainty for the Determinations of Acrylamide in Potato Chips by HPLC
    LIU Peng-yan,SHEN Jie,ZHANG Li,LIU Lei,GAO Li
    2010, 30(2):  158-163,184.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.011
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    To establish an evaluating method of measuring uncertainty for the determinations of acrylamide in potato chips by high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detection, the mathematical model had been established and the sources of uncertainty were analyzed. The components of uncertainty of measurement were quantized and expanded uncertainties of measuring results of acrylamide were shown. The evaluation program and method fit the standard requirement and are simple and reliable.
    Fingerprint of Pilose Antler by HPLC
    YAN Zheng,YU Chen,ZHANG Zhi-hui,CAI Li-peng,WANG Chun-yun,YUAN Ruo-yao,WANG Ji-kun
    2010, 30(2):  164-170.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.012
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    This paper described an analytical method of fingerprint of pilose antler by HPLC. different sample pretreatment ,detection wavelength , mobile phase, temperature were studied and the fingerprint chromatograms of pilose antler from six different areas were compared. Inertsil ODS-3 column(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm,) was used with the mixture of methanol- phosphoric 0.05% acid;the detection wavelength was 270 nm;the flow rate was 1 mL/min and the column temperature was 25 ℃.
    N-acetylating Hexamethylene-diamine Curing Reaction Kinetics
    LIU Zong-yu,SONG Wei,HAO Jing-mei,DENG Yu
    2010, 30(2):  171-175.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.013
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    Diacetyl hexamethylene-diamine, a new chain extender, was prepared with hexamethylene-diamine, acetic acid and phosphoric for decreasing reaction activity of synthesizing polyurea. Micro-kjeldahl method, FTIR and ~1H-NMR were employed to characterize chemical structure of the synthetic product. Polyureas were synthesized using 4,4′-diphenyl diisocyanate and amine terminated poly (oxypropylene) with two different chain extenders. The gel time is prolonged, that is, the reaction activity is decreased when diacetyl hexamethylene-diamine is used as chain extender instead of hexamethylene-diamine. The kinetics of curing of polyurea reaction was studied by FTIR. The results show that the reaction belongs to the second-order reaction.
    Synthesis of CdS Quatum Dots via a Toluene-water Two-phase Approach
    DU Bao-an,NI Mei,JIAO Yong-jing,DU Yan-jun,LI Zheng-ping
    2010, 30(2):  176-179.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.014
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    To prepare a good performance CdS quantum dots(QDs), synthesis of different size CdS semiconductor quantum via a two-phase approach was performed. The two-phase approach means that a solution of CdOA and oleic acid (OA) in toluene and a solution of thiourea in water, the CdS nanocrystals grew at the liquid-liquid interface. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique,fluorescence spectrometer and so on were used to analyze the as-synthesized QDs crystal. As a result, the CdS QDs with narrow sized distribution were cubic structure and had good optical property. Controlling reaction times could synthesize CdS QDs with different sizes and reduce the surface defect, improve the fluorescence intensity:This approach is mild and controllable, and it can be further used in optoelectronics, catalysis, sensing,biological,and other areas.
    Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline p-BDAB and Its Modification Application on Unsaturated Polyester Resins
    ZHANG Cai-yun,GAO Jun-gang,ZHANG Yuan-yuan
    2010, 30(2):  180-184.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.015
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    A novel thermotropic liquid crystalline compound of p-biphenylene di-4-(allyloxy)benzoate (p-BDAB) was synthesized from allyl bromide,ethylparaben and 4,4-dihydroxybiphenyl.Its structure and liquid crystalline behavior were characterized by DSC,~1H-NMR,FTIR,POM and XRD.The results showed that this compound was smectic liquid crystal.The temperature range of liquid crystal was 185-278 ℃.The unsaturated polyester (UP) was improved by p-BDAB.The morphologic structure of UP improved with p-BDAB was investigated.The results showed that p-BDAB had reacted with UP.The p-BDAB was dispersed in the UP in the sea-island structure.UP had higher impact strength when the mass fraction of p-BDAB was about 8%,but the mass fraction was over 8%,the phase separation would occur and the impact strength would decrease.
    Optimize the Factors Influencing the Spore Germination and Hyphal Growth of Glomus reticulatum
    HE Xue-li,QIAN Wei-hua,XU Zhu-xing
    2010, 30(2):  185-189.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.016
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    In order to determine the optimal level condition of spore germination and hyphal growth, several factors that influence spores germination and hyphal growth of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were optimized by L_(16)(4~5) multifactor orthogonal experiment and the best level of spore germination was determined. The results showed that the best technical conditions were as following: pH 8, 10 g/L of water agar, 10 days of culture cycle, 20 days of aging storage, 28 ℃ of culture temperature. We found not only the spore germination was earlier and the germination rate of spores was higher, but also the hyphal growth was more stronger under the optimal condition.
    Genomic DNA Extraction and Systematic Study of the Dry Preserved Tribe Platyopini Specimen of China
    AN Wen-ting,REN Guo-dong,LIU Feng-song
    2010, 30(2):  190-195,200.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.017
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    In order to reduce insect molecular systematics research costs and improve resource utilization,dried specimens to extract genomic DNA were used.DNA was extracted from dried specimens and liquid dip samples of Pimeliinae kept in Museum of Hebei University for different storage life, which was used as template to amplify some specific gene fragments via PCR. No significant difference was noticed between those DNA from different samples. UPGMA phylogenetic tree was made up using the sequence information of Cytochrome B (Cytb) genetic fragments, and which was compared with traditional taxonomy to discuss the phylogenetic relationships of tribe Platyopini. Results support Reitter's opinion(2005) that Platyopini and Pimeliini belong to two tribes, negate Beutle's standpoint(1893) that belong to one tribe. This paper also provides experience for molecular systematic research of using dried coleoptera insect specimens.
    Optimization for the Extraction of Polysaccharides by Microwave in Weak Ilkaline Medium
    WANG Qian,QIAN Xian-lai
    2010, 30(2):  196-200.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.018
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    The optimization of the extraction process the Ganoderma lucidum polyscaccharides(GLP) was studied. The microwave method under slightly alkaline medium was employed and a single factor analysis and an orthogonal test were used in the study. The order of the effects of the factors influencing the extraction was as follow: extraction time, pH, the mass ratio between G. lucidum and water, presoak time. The optimum condition was: presoak for 1.5 h, extract for 15 min, the mass ratio of G. lucidum and water 1∶110, pH 8.0 and extracted twice. GLP extraction rate of 3.200%, the result indicated that the method can significantly improve the rate of extraction of GLP.
    Shielding Effectiveness Testing System of Small Enclosures Within Reverberation Chamber
    CHENG Er-wei,WANG Qing-guo,FAN Li-si
    2010, 30(2):  201-204,224.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.019
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    Reverberation chamber (RC) can obtain high electric field intensity and broad dynamic range by low power, and RC has other unique advantages, such as wide usage, big working volume, fund-saving, and so on. RC measuring techniques have been received by international research fellows and standard organizations. Regarding to the shortage of standard testing methods for shielding effectiveness (SE) of small enclosure in RC, a new testing system based on the statistic definition and multi-points measurements of SE has been successfully designed and developed. The tests consequences indicate that this new system allows the tests at resonant frequencies,and the results can be counted and showed at real-time. The randomness of the tests result was reduced in wide range, the biggest deviation of the data in five different times is about 1dB, and the coefficient of variability is less than 0.032.
    Watermarking of Digital Images Based on Logistic Mapping
    ZHU Yu-hua,SHI Feng-liang,YANG Xi-dong,WANG Xing-yuan
    2010, 30(2):  205-210.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.020
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    The digital watermark images based on Logistic mapping are intruduced. DCT is used to embed confusional serial in DC. On account of HVS's conceal character, the watermark is self-adaptative to the image. So the invisibility of the watermark is guaranteed. In addition, the watermark can be checked. The experimental result suggests that the algorithmic stability is very good to the familiar signal distortion and geometrical distortion.
    A Incremental Clustering Algorithm in Data Warehouse Environment
    WANG Chun-cai,YANG Hua-min,ZHANG Cai-hong,GUO Wei,HAN Gui-dong
    2010, 30(2):  211-215.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.021
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    Data warehouse is a challenging field of application for data mining tasks such as clustering. Clustering online requires good result and fast-response ability at the same time. The CURE algorithm can get high-quality clusters but efficiency is relatively low. In this paper, a novel incremental CURE algorithm-InCURE is proposed, after investigating CURE and updates mode of data warehouse. CURE keeps nicely the dynamic clustering characteristic of the original algorithm, while shortens the clustering time consumedly by using the historical clustering results and dealing with added items separately. Performance evaluation of InCURE based on multidimensional data demonstrates that it is well applicable for incremental clustering in data warehouse.
    Research Advancement for Applications of Room-temperature Ionic Liquid in Atomic Spectrometry
    SUN Han-wen,FENG Bo,WU Yuan-yuan,GE Xu-sheng
    2010, 30(2):  216-224.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2010.02.022
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    The physicochemical performance of room-temperature ionic liquid and its application as extraction reagent in separation and concentration of metal ions were described. The research advancement for applications of room-temperature ionic liquid in flame atomic absorption, vapor generation atomic absorption, graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic fluorescence spectrometry as well as atomic emission spectrometry was reviewed.