Journal of Hebei University(Natural Science Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 371-377.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.005

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Quality of standard decoction of Chinese herbal polygonatum odoratum pieces containing polysaccharide composition

BI Xiaohe1,2,3,LYU Huifang2,4,NI Fengyan2,4,ZHANG Jun2, LIU Yan2, LI Jianheng1   

  1. 1.College of Pharmacy, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Beijing for Identification and Safety Evaluation of Chinese Medicine, Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China; 3.Department of Pharmacy, Hebei Petrochina Central Hospital, Langfang 065000, China; 4. College of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanchang 330004, China
  • Received:2020-06-20 Published:2021-09-03

Abstract: Taking Yuzhu decoction pieces as an exemplary research object, the quality standard of the standard decoction containing polysaccharides was established, which provided reference for the preparation of the formulation particles of Polygonatum and other polysaccharide-containing medicinal materials and the establishment of quality standards. Prepare 12 batches of Yuzhu decoction standard decoction according to the parameters in the “Management Rules for Chinese Medicine Decoction Room in Medical Institutions”, calculate the transfer rate of polysaccharide(D-anhydrous glucose)and the yield of ointment, and establish the quality standard of a standard soup of Yuzhu decoction pieces. The transfer rate of polysaccharides in the standard decoction of 12 batches of samples was 10.9%-31.7%, the extraction- DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1565.2021.04.005含多糖类中药玉竹饮片标准汤剂质量研究毕霄鹤1,2,3,吕慧芳2,4,倪凤燕2,4,章军2,刘艳2,李建恒1(1. 河北大学 药学院,河北 保定 071002;2. 中国中医科学院 中药研究所,中药鉴定与安全性检测评估重点实验室,北京 100700;3.河北中石油中心医院 药学部,河北 廊坊 065000;4.江西中医药大学 药学院,江西 南昌 330004)摘 要:以玉竹饮片为示范性研究对象,建立含多糖药材的标准汤剂质量标准,为玉竹及其他含多糖药材的配方颗粒的制备及其质量标准的建立提供参考.参照《医疗机构中药煎药室管理规范》中的有关规定,细化参数,制备得到12批玉竹标准汤剂,计算其出膏率及多糖转移率,建立相关标准汤剂的质量标准.12批样品的标准汤剂中多糖的转移率为10.9%~31.7%,出膏率为45.4%~70.1%,pH值为4.5~5.3;建立玉竹标准汤剂指纹图谱,标定5个共有峰,且相似度均大于0.9.该研究所建立的多糖质量评价方法精密度高,重复性好,特征指纹图谱相似度高,可用于玉竹饮片及其他含多糖药材的标准汤剂的质量评价.关键词:玉竹;标准汤剂;质量标准;指纹图谱;多糖中图分类号:R282 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-1565(2021)04-0371-07Quality of standard decoction of Chinese herbal polygonatum odoratum pieces containing polysaccharide compositionBI Xiaohe1,2,3,LYU Huifang2,4,NI Fengyan2,4,ZHANG Jun2, LIU Yan2, LI Jianheng1(1.College of Pharmacy,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China;2. Key Laboratory of Beijing for Identification and Safety Evaluation of Chinese Medicine,Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;3.Department of Pharmacy,Hebei Petrochina Central Hospital,Langfang 065000,China;4. College of Pharmacy, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330004,China)Abstract: Taking Yuzhu decoction pieces as an exemplary research object, the quality standard of the standard decoction containing polysaccharides was established, which provided reference for the preparation of the formulation particles of Polygonatum and other polysaccharide-containing medicinal materials and the establishment of quality standards. Prepare 12 batches of Yuzhu decoction standard decoction according to the parameters in the “Management Rules for Chinese Medicine Decoction Room in Medical Institutions”, calculate the transfer rate of polysaccharide(D-anhydrous glucose)and the yield of ointment, and establish the quality standard of a standard soup of Yuzhu decoction pieces. The transfer rate of polysaccharides in the standard decoction of 12 batches of samples was 10.9%-31.7%, the extraction- 收稿日期:2020-06-20 基金项目:国家中药标准项目(ZYBZH-Y-JY-27);北京市科委“十病十药”研发专项(Z171100001717029);中国中医科学院“十三五”重点领域研究专项(ZZ10-007) 第一作者:毕霄鹤(1993—),女,河北廊坊人,河北大学硕士研究生,主要从事药物分析研究 通信作者:李建恒(1964—),男,河北徐水人,河北大学教授,主要从事中药药理学、药效学、毒理学方面研究.E-mail:lijianheng@hbu.cn第4期毕霄鹤等:含多糖类中药玉竹饮片标准汤剂质量研究rate was 45.4%-70.1%, and the pH was 4.5-5.3. The fingerprint of Polygonatum pieces biden Decoction was established and 5 common peaks were calibrated. And the similarity is greater than 0.9. The quality evaluation method of polysaccharides established by this research has high precision and good repeatability, and the characteristic fingerprint has high similarity. It can be used for the quality evaluation of polygonatum pieces decoction and other polysaccharides containing polysaccharides.

Key words: polygonatum odoratum, standard decoction, quality standard, fingerprint, polysaccharide

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